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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. I know this is an older thread but I wanted to say that Comanche looks great. The download is no longer available and I was curious if you have tinkered with the project, with some of the later versions of KSP after .24? And also if you'd be willing to post it up for download again.
  2. Great work guys, I love the fact that when assigning parts to an action group you no longer need to toggle a direction on and then off again. That caused a lot of issues with some of my torture devi.... I mean machines. Also I'm having some issues getting the rotor to lock. It will turn past its adjusted preset minimum and maximum every time. Also the 180 degree Pivitron I believe it was, would not accept a new "center" position it would default to its original preset regardless of what I enter and save. I wound up using the old deprecated Pivitron with a default center position of 90 degrees and that worked like a charm. But those two minor issues aside you all did an amazing job on the rework.
  3. The rotors are a bit of a trick. They're Firespitter helicopter rotors with a Firespitter drop tanks for the nose cones. I built one nacelle and then mirrored. The trick is place a rotor (surface attach only unfortunately) and then center using the offset tool and have the snap angle tool turned on. As soon as you touch a direction to nudge it in, it will snap the part to center. That's how I got the rotor to fit perfectly inside the drop tank without looking all cattywompous. Then attach the drop tank to the top of the rotor, flip it around till its aligned, and then use the same offset angle snap trick. I have some better pictures of it in my forum post here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114508-Advanced-aircraft-Screenshots-and-building-techniques
  4. Wow that A-10 looks great. This should save me a lot of effort next time I build one. I had to use two MK3's back to back and offset, then stacked on top of a third MK3 to accomplish my build
  5. I believe to add fuel to a part all you need is to paste this right under the part parameters in a part's .cfg file. Change the value for amount and maxamount to a value you believe will work for you. Now don't copy and paste the whole thing, just "RESOURCE" and everything under it. let me know if that doesn't work. // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.25 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 6 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 maxTemp = 2900 ---------------Everything under this line / You can remove oxidizer if you wish-------------- RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 180 maxAmount = 180 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 220 maxAmount = 220 } }
  6. First of I'm still pretty green and I got really lucky with a lot of the shots in my videos. That being said a trick that seemed to work for me was setup the angle you want when landed and sitting still. Press home to enter camera mode then end to revert back. Take off and when you are where you want to film press home. Depending on if flyby is selected or not. Your angle will now be set. I hope this helps.
  7. Only because you asked. The v-22 osprey has a rather pronounced shroud protruding from the nose of the cockpit on the left side of the craft. Also there are stabilizing fins just above and behind the windows. Any chance of adding either of those? Another thought is by adding them it may limit the models usability for other aircraft. Any one else care to chime in on this one?
  8. The Osprey cockpit is looking great! And the nice thing about using the existing fuselage is other building possibilities. Might also look good for helicopters and such. Great work.
  9. No problem, and hey if we all knew everything. Then we wouldn't be here swapping info. Glad I could help.
  10. I love these engines! I cut my part count in half switching to these engines over using sas and rcs to keep a shuttle on course. And the main tank keeps everything nice and stable as well.
  11. Freddyfantom, Thanks for looking into the osprey cockpit To implement Tweakscale into any part: download "notepad plus plus" its free open the .cfg file for the part you wish to edit in notepad++. Remember it will work with a parent part but if you "revert to launch" it will revert that parent part to its default size. So often times it can be messy when used for a cockpit. Paste this in between any two existing module lines in the .cfg file of the part you wish to add tweakscale to: MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } - - - Updated - - - Also for those interested. Two MK2 cockpits back to back and offset by a few degrees makes a great A-10 cockpit.
  12. Welcome back. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say, we can't wait to see what's next
  13. well I personally have not seen very many f-16 parts especially for .90 but quiztek is working on some very promising parts [removed link to defunct website] also try nazari1382's mod. Its outdated but may work for you http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29932-Mysterious-Projects-Falcon-IVA-HUD And I saw a comment about Tweakscale in another forum post. If you didn't figure out how to add Tweakscale to any part. Just paste the fallowing module in between two existing modules using "notepad plus plus" (its free) in the .cfg file for the part you want to rescale. MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free }
  14. The Kanadarm parts are perfect! I used your mod in a recent cinematic I made.
  15. I put together a few cinematic videos over the weekend that are fairly mod intensive. A shuttle launch, an A-10 flight demo, B-2 flight demo and an Osprey flight demo. let me know what you guys think
  16. BahamutoD I want to say that camera tools is awesome, and thank you. I am a newbie when it comes to videos, camera tools did the majority of the work. Here's a video I made with 3 of your mods in it.
  17. Yes, and the bomb rack is built from RKE Kanadarm parts and IR rework.
  18. Bully056: What mod is that Rotating Weapon Rack from? It's IR rework, BDarmory and RKE Kanadarm for the central tube. Connect A controlled rotator at one end, and the other with an uncontrolled IR rotator and struts
  19. BahamutoD Thank you for all your hard work. Your mod was one of the main reason I started playing KSP in the first place. Since your update with the cruise missiles. I updated my B-2 bomber to accommodate 6 of them inside a MK2 Cargo bay. I thought I'd provide some food for thought. just as many other people have done for me on these forums More B-2 Pics http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/v8jester1/slideshow/B2%20Bomber
  20. I want to say thanks to all you guys that make IR a possibility. It's the primary reason I started playing KSP. I saw a Youtube video with a crane inside of a VTOL lander on Duna and I was hooked. So in the interests of sharing ideas and also to fallow up to my earlier comment of using IR parts inside a craft and have it phase through another part here is an example of what I meant. under the belly of this V-22 Osprey is a pan and tilt camera with all the IR pan and tilt parameters mirrored on a gun turret right behind it. you use a Hullcam to view and (JKIL) to move the camera along with the turret. And the whole thing can be retracted Please forgive the really Shotty cell phone pics (I'll work on swapping them out tonight) More Osprey Pics http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/v8jester1/library/Osprey
  21. Thanks, I've learned a lot from the forum back in the shadows, figured it was about time I participated
  22. Ha, Ha. Jester's Thread This is my multipurpose thread. Screenshots, pointers, downloads and general discussion for advanced building techniques. Using things like Infernal Robotics, part clipping and stabilizing. This is to post my ideas as well as allow you guys to show off your own creations. Basically anything you feel was a complex mess to get flying, driving or floating. The whole idea here is to pass ideas and info around so everyone can build some great stuff. Don't just post a picture and run, This thread is more about "look what I built, and here's how I did it" There's already a thread for Screenshots One of my favorite helicopter of all time the RAH-66 Comanche - More under "Projects" One of my Favorite videos so far. My Protolift lander going to Duna Projects 100+ Mods And Running Strong! 1.3 Mod List 1.0.5 Mod List How To Hit 60-100 FPS (Very old) 64bit - AVP - EVE Help - KSP 1.0.5
  23. I asked about this on the KAX thread but I figure ask a couple of people and someone is bound to answer. Before I get too far that c-130 cockpit looks amazing (Shameless butting up to get what I want) I've been working on a v-22 osprey and there is a lack of cockpits that fit the bill. I wanted to see if someone can model one. I am just a light .cfg basher and a Photoshop dabbler so I lack the necessary skills. But here is what I have so far http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w475/v8jester1/Osprey/screenshot6_zps3ercsm9x.png~original' alt='screenshot6_zps3ercsm9x.png~original'>
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