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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. What were your symptoms? I do recall a single setting in my NVidia control panel reeking havoc with EVE at first. If I think of the setting, I will post what it was. Or someone else might beat me to it. But you shouldn't have any problems really. I'm running a raid array with 2 7200rpm drives so I'm not too far behind you.
  2. Something I have not seen yet is either a Tomahawk, Paveway or an air dropped torpedo. Now the torpedo would be really cool but that is a new direction. So I wouldn't have the first idea about what it would take.
  3. Oh that's right, Thanks! I forgot to mention that, turn off full screen and just set the resolution to your native resolution for the monitor when using -popupwindow
  4. He makes for us coding Gold, and we then ask for platinum? I'm just playing
  5. Ok, so pasting this at the end of the shortcut target field for your ksp, be sure you have ".exe space -" ( -forceopengl -popupwindow) -forceopengl will move more of the work load to a dedicated video card so you need to have one to get the most out of it. And OpenGL may not work with some video cards and most on board graphics. This will free up the processor which in turn frees up fps. -popupwindow allows for fast switching and not tearing ksp apart and in my case an additional FPS boost. FPS tricks are everything at max even render quality, but turn off frame clipping that's a big one. Set the "max physics delta time" in general settings all the way to the right. Also Converting textures to .dds helps bring down the memory footprint considerably as I am learning with 1.0 adding native support. I went from 60fps to bouncing off 160fps at the main menu just by turning off frame clipping, I was really surprise at this one. With EVE and Astronomers visual I run an unaltered version of EVE for .24 which runs fine and I converted the textures in Astronomers to .dds I also used unity explorer to add in the lens flairs and main menu logo from an older version of astronomers (before interstellar) into the new asset files for 1.0 (asset file tweaks are for visuals only not FPS, Different discussion if you are interested) Hopefully I didn't open a can of worms. And if I left you with more questions than answers one of us on the form will be happy to help you out. And for those who don't believe this all works, I love you guys Here is a 270 part Osprey Running above 30fps recorded with Fraps edit: Oh I neglected to mention I'm running win 7, the video is from .90 64bit but the results seam more stable in 1.0 32bit excluding the mod capacity of course. So far still hitting 100-120fps on small rocket launches.
  6. See now your just rubbing it in Can't wait to see the update man
  7. Oh cool! Thaks Albert VDS So does the alpha channel affect the transparency of a .dds? Or was I mistaken?
  8. HD 4000 is not a 'graphics card" per say. It's on board graphics fancy processor rendered graphics. A graphics card is a dedicated card separate from the processor which its only role is rendering and in some cases physics calculations (wish KSP used it). And a lot of these mods require a little more juice than a processor can pump out on its own. For instance I run a 4GB GTX 970 and an Intel I7 4790K and 16GB of ram- I can hit 121 FPS on a 100 part ship while running EVE with frame clipping turned off. What can you hit with the HD 4000, just out of curiosity? I don't intend to brag, and I hope you don't take it that way.
  9. To expand on that and not get everybody excited. There are a lot of people hovering on this thread. You mean KSP has released an update to 1.0.1 and we want to see if BD's update plays well with that
  10. I can second this. Not to put down ATM, but I have been running numerous mods without it for some time. -forceOpenGL and -popupwindow are your friends and with .dds textures I'm running a modified version of EVE and Astronomers visual and maybe another 10 mods on top of that (with .dds textures) in 1.0 and I'm hovering around 2.5 - 2.8GB and load time is less than a minute I love 1.0 I know this isn't really the place to talk about memory usage and textures but I figured I'd back up Ziw on this one
  11. This mod is not yet compatible with 1.0. BD is trying to get a 1.0 version out at some point today. Just be patient quality takes time.
  12. I have not used the nav cam yet in the 1.0 release but I suspect that the new .dds texture may have broken the transparency? I'm new to .dds so I still have a lot to learn but. As a temp fix / trial go to the hull cam mod folder navigate to the folder for the nav cam and there is a single .dds file named 0001.....something try pulling that file out of the mod and launch the game. It will remove the static overlay. And now the camera will be perfectly clear. This is not a permanent fix but it would get you up and going. another thing to try is finding the old .png file from the last release and putting that in there. This will give you a working static overlay for the nav cam. Albert VDS I hope I didn't overstep on this one. The only reason I mention an issue with the .dds is the telescope model textures appear to be shading funny now as well. Dark grey on half the telescope where it was all previously white. May be an issue with the way the .dds files where created. I've been fighting some issues learning how to play with .dds files and I had a couple failures with normal flags and yadda yadda no need to write you a book
  13. I converted the 3 small 256x256 textures to dds using the dds conversion tool. The thing that was holding me up was don't flag it as "normal" and it worked just fine. I cant convert the 8k textures though for some reason. Any suggestions?
  14. I cant believe we have finally arrived at the point where we will have air to air battles now! I'm stoked
  15. Yes that's what I used to get EVE and Astronomers running on my computer with .dds Will Scatter run with EVE installed? I'd like to try that later, Scatter is looking really, really good.
  16. EVE and even Astronomers Visual work on 1.0 (with a little tweaking) You want to convert all the textures you can to .dds and make sure you don't flag them as "normal" The first time I tried to load them up it crashed immediately. I then went back and found the larger textures in the mod and converted to .dds and it boots fine with 10+ mods and counting and I'm still under 2.8GB and it crawls back down as low as 2.5GB during game play. If you need a little more help, we're all here to help each other. edit: Proot I really hope you don't feel like I'm trying to take away from the renaissance pack in any way, I haven't used that one yet but. Lens flares and the menu logo also work as well but that takes playing around with the new 1.3 asset explorer. And pulling from the .25 version of Astronomers Visual pack. You can see the lens flares in any of my youtube videos. (I believe these flares can also be used in conjunction with Proot's Renaissance Pack
  17. Well as far as "selecting all guns" that is something that has been in BD armory all along. Assign an action group to toggle all the guns. Then just press that button to toggle them all on or off. If you get some guns turned on and others turned off just cycle the WM till it says "none" and the toggle will work as it should. This way you can select just one group of guns or all of them in flight and at will. There are already ball turrets in Spanners Boomstick which LORDPrometheus has kindly volunteered to update in the near future and as he has the time (a couple posts up) besides that, the rest is at BD's discretions
  18. Unfortunately its all of them. They worked fine in .90 but they would never return to there home position when deactivated. I believe this may be something in the Blender end of things. I tried .cfg bashing my way through and I couldn't get them working properly. Also the bullet textures are different so spanners shows up as white squares due to a missing or misnamed texture. I'm more than happy to help any way that I can, but my skills are unfortunately limited.
  19. Thanks for taking up the torch on Spanners. When you do get around to Spanners Boomstick. Can you have a look at the deploy animations? They work fine when you activate a turret but they wont return to a home position like the BD turrets do when you deactivate them.
  20. Oh cool, thanks. I didn't know about that in the debug menu. Honestly the only thing I've used it for us hacking gravity and unlimited fuel to test ideas.
  21. It's great to hear you haven't disappeared. Count me among the people obsessed with the props and rotors. Couldn't have built my osprey without your parts. And now that 1.0 is upon us we are left rotor-less once again.
  22. Albert VDS: I'm trying to fix a mod that has been abandoned or a little while for my own use. I have it working in game but none of the attachment nodes are working. Could you tell me how you repaired the nodes on your cameras so I can possibly fix this mod?
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