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Everything posted by ryan234abc

  1. And though it is all about the journey, not the end point, I would like to point out that the idea of circumnavigation by land is mainly about circumnavigating by land; the landing essence, no matter how critical, is not useful to circumnavigation and if it was all about the arrival and landing then I would have launched a 700 Kerbal fleet towing Minmus behind it, powered by cans of Kerbal Fart. And landed by crashing Gilly into Minmus to slow our descent. You know, someone should really try this.
  2. Hey Starwhip! I know you are probably clogged up with requests right now, but mind adding this to the list? This is a Micro Two stage to orbit I built myself! 100% reusable! Here is the .craft file (and sorry for getting it wrong first time round, I haven't been thinking straight lately:P, I even got the wrong craft full stop! Have been posting about it though, so that's probably why it won't leave my head!) http://www./download/9j2td4tms9cuu3a/Micro+TSTO.craft
  3. I have just chatterer and hyperedit installed. I'd say however many you want until your game crashes at any point, more than once. I used to have amazing texture packs and Kerbinside, but my game crashed every 15 mins and upon loading/saving/exiting.
  4. Which is why I chose it. Being the smallest certainly doesn't make it easiest. The rules stated I had to stay on the ground for as much time as possible, which proved quite a challenge. If Gilly had a high density (making it heavier) then it would be less of a challenge. However, trying to keep your wheels on the ground takes more skill than Circumnavigating Vall, for example. Besides! If it's so easy, feel free to try it yourself! I'll be sure to have a look! Although I won't be keeping my hopes up. - - - Updated - - - Thank you for the kind-natured comment! It is a pleasure to see that some (*ahem look ahem* up *ahem) people appreciate the challenge Gilly brings. I see you have circumnavigated Kerbin. Bravo my friend!
  5. Here is my submission to the Elcano : Gilly challenge! Please have a look and if it is acceptable then PM me or +rep so I can know. Thanks! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130363-Gilly-Circumnavigation-Flying-without-wings%21?p=2114377#post2114377
  6. "One of the biggest problems of exploring Gilly is trying not to escape it" Where do I begin? I guess at the beginning; most stories start that way. So here I am, feeling like doing something BIG. To be honest, the biggest thing I've ever done was make a station in orbit of Jool, but that's another story. I'm usually one to use cheats, but I did this one 100% legit. The only cheats I used were to get my test vehicles and prototypes in orbit of Gilly. I then encountered Gilly and landed on it myself with the final version. The craft I used was the third iteration: the Gilly 3. Name: amazing. Mind: blown. Anyway, this vehicle involved no part clipping of any sort. It ran on Xenon, with a small Ion engine on the back to propel it up some of the larger cliffs. I also used it to keep my craft from flying away by pointing it at the ground. It ran mainly using PB-NUK generators, but had it's own solar panels to give it a boost. So, I present my attempt at the Elcano : Gilly Only 1 tyre breakage throughout the whole trip (I used the tire like an anchor to kill my speed so I didn't spend more than 10 seconds in the air!) 100% Stock (Note: Path isn't perfect due to having to cope with Gilly's rotation) Also please note this before saying anything like 'You need to get there legit first'. I have gotten it there legit, but I only have screenshots of the first and second version of the rover! They were both heavier then the mk3 you see in the album, and yet with an identical launcher, I still made it! So please don't hate, and if you really want, I'll see if I can replicate the launch for you. And for those of you who needed it, the transfer vehicle. These screenshots where taken after the mission to prove that there was indeed a capable transfer vehicle, and thus do not meet Eve, due to it being after the transfer window. However, please note that it would still connect with Eve SOI if Eve was in its correct place. Note it doesn't come with the final rover because that is a separate craft, a fairing was installed to cover up the 3rd stage and above, and all power generators are on the final rover. Also can I point out that the short time in the top left is measured from the pilots perspective, and thus is from when he entered the vehicle.
  7. A huge thanks to Hellblazer who spruced this up for me. Go Hellblazer! And one I took today with my little Munbug scout vehicle on Duna. My favourite planet is Jool, but this screenshot rivals it's beauty.
  8. Hey there! I know you're busy, so don't feel pressured, but I've got a screenshot that could use a bit of sprucing up. I took it not too long ago, when an SSTO got stuck on the surface of Eve. (Just a side note, that temperature bar is annoying, if you do do this screenshot, would you mind removing that? Thanks! Also the intake is green for some reason, so same applies there. And sorry I'm being so picky, but the time warp etc things around the edge are annoying, so if you wouldn't mind, could those go as well?) Sorry I'm being so picky about this! I appreciate your time and thank you in advance for anticipation of a great piece of work as always!
  9. Got myself a Beast - I've been wanting to circumnavigate Kerbin for a while now.
  10. Wow. Watched the video and loved it, as always. Do you have a craft file for it? Just I really like the plane, and I love the little monoprop scout even more. Great video anyhow, I love it when people land planes on non-atmospheric worlds.
  11. Okey doeky. Got myself the new 1.0.4 version. Many screenshots will entail. I'll miss the old BiaB; my first surface base EVER was with that, and I've never gotten rid of it. As I said, screenshots soon!
  12. I already have a main thread set up. You can visit it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129639-Ryan-s-Random-Craft-Store-%28SALE-100-OFF%29 Sorry, it's a force of habit. I refer to the one you are thinking of as KSC 2 or Inland KSC, while I call this the Old KSC / Old runway due to it's old, dilapidated nature. - - - Updated - - - It's quite discreet, but I have dual flaps on the back, next to the engine on either side, to provide extra yaw alongside ASAS. Did you mean for extra yaw? Because if not, with all due respect, I see no need for pitch and roll control unless I intend to take off, which really doesn't do the boat any good. Thanks for taking an interest in improvements in design!
  13. Now, I know what you THINK that says, but just stop before you say it! It's not that! Really! It actually means "Skyfaller" in some language I don't quite know. This is a 2 wave, 1 plane fighter. It means, that it is capable of delivering 2 types of attack on its own. The first set of missiles fire straight down for a bombing run. The second set of missiles go to either side (see screenshot) to attack multiple buildings and lets face it, your not going to be shooting much else than the buildings without Mods. Anyway, without further ado, I give you SKYFALLER! And your craft file! http://www./download/5a...5/Mahpee.craft Give it some +rep for more like it!
  14. Here we go! Something with REAL punch behind it! The Kinkajou is capable of heavy assault as well as personal light defence. Comes equipped with two CONTROLABLE "Rektssile" missiles and two, mini, "Stingray" missiles. Not much else to say on this one, besides put the brakes on when firing. Here you go! Naturally, a craft file! http://www./download/832c3wty03k43eo/Kinkajou+Missile+Launcher.craft Hope you like it! And please, leave it a generous +rep!
  15. Now, I know that's not an inventive name, but I ain't that good with naming. Either way, the Mk1 Boat people! It's a top quality boat, capable of several trips from KSC to the Old KSC. Comes with crew transport as standard. Feel free to strap on science! It's agile design is capable of up to 110m/s on water. Note: I would recommend you use unbreakable joints and possibly no crash dmg. Unbreakable joints because it uses a slight bit of clipping and part offsetting, while you may want no crash damage, simply because it's on water, and KSP ain't made for that. And would you like a craft file? http://www./download/7m...Mk1+Boat.craft Have fun! And please give it a +rep!
  16. For my first craft, I present to you, the Micro TSTO! This is a Two Stage To Orbit spaceplane, capable of an orbit around 100x100km! It's great for career mode, as it can transfer crew and fulfil rescue contracts, as well as being 100% reusable! It's now yours to own!*Please note that the two mini tanks next to the engine are for re-entry and are thus unlinked to the main engine. When you want to use them, transfer their fuel to the main tank by holding alt as you select both tanks. *warranty void if owned** ** warranty available from £10.98*** ***in any good 1/10th price store And the craft file, of course! http://www./download/9j...cro+TSTO.craft Enjoy it!
  17. I don't really know how to do craft files as of yet. I'll give it a go and get back to you.
  18. Banned for measuring their reputation against themselves (his rep is his name).
  19. A TSTO (two stage to orbit) that begins with an SRB on 45% thrust limiter. Stage decouples and, since it is powered by a probe core, can be parachuted down and reused. Shuttle uses a Terrier engine to achieve an orbit up to 100x100km. Used for crew transfers and, when another probe core added, for orbit rescue contracts. No docking capabilities as of yet. Also a boat I made that has a marine viewing area (upturned crew cabin ) and enough fuel to travel to and forth the old KSC island around 4-5 times. Don't forget to leave it some +rep down below!
  20. I hate not seeing things through to the end. Rune made an SSTO which I landed on Eve, but it wouldn't make orbit again. I got annoyed and eventually made THIS: The final design was different; in that it had more fuel. I'm starting to wonder if I shoulda just given up. It worked, but it's so unpractical that I doubt it would ever come to any good.
  21. Wow! Thank you so much! That looks amazing, really captures the essence of the scene! Keep up the great work man! And again, thanks so much!! Saved it, made it my background, the lot! That was fast work, exceptional quality and seamless captivity (that sounded bad didn't it? ) I couldn't have asked for better! True class right there my friend. I hope you find much fun in doing this - you certainly make OTHERS happy!!
  22. Wow! Nice work Hellblazer! Love your pictures! I took this a while back, and have been meaning to try sprucing it up myself, but to no avail. Alas, I decided to find someone with EXCEPTIONAL talent to complete what I began. I like this image because I took time adjusting the camera to find an 'on-board cam' style image. I figured it would come out better than others because the snowy white backdrop can be as valuable as the plane itself, as the subject of the image. I hate to bother you and take your time away, but I really think this image has potential. Mind if I drop it here and leave it up to you? Much obliged Ryan
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