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Everything posted by stali79

  1. hmmm well I have encountered something interesting. let me just show you guys what is happening. any idea how to fix this issue with the texture problem.
  2. The current plan of attack is to add Normal Maps to all parts with the simpler colliders and no moving parts or emissive maps, namely because I am doing this with minimal knowledge of Maya/Blender and Unity. As I do these I am putting them into the new folder structure with the new part names. Once I have done that I will tackle things like cockpits etc. @Stone Blue has been an amazing source of help with this and I don't think I could be doing this stage without his advice.
  3. Flies perfectly fine with FAR. As for specific FAR support is concerned i have no idea but my testing install flies the parts in game perfectly fine and i have FAR installed
  4. And we have success! Rotated the part 180Y in Unity, ensured ALL coordinates were zeroed, Shifted the model -0.15X and the result is this sexy normal mapped OPT Pylon A
  5. ok I have made SOME progress woohoo. I ended up importing the .mu into blender, deleted the colliders and then exported to Unity. Once in unity I told it to generate a mesh collider, I also changed all of the 'coordinates' to bring the model to the centre (I THINK this is what is causing my current issue) Once I made sure everything was correct I did the things that @Stone Blue suggested and exported. I have the parts in the game buuuuuuut a slight issue in placement lol. EDIT: seems I didn't reset ALL of the coordinates to 0, retrying now.
  6. At this stage not sure. I am fairly certain that as it currently stands there is redundant files in the mod, mismatched texture formats. I cant put anything on the OP which is why i posted it here. I have successfully modified one part, and here is just a teaser for you all. The new and improved OPT Pylon A
  7. There will be a while between this release and the next one as i am rebuilding the whole mod, adding normal maps etc. The next update WILL break all existing ships (sorry but i need to do it). All parts will have their game names changed but the names you see in the sph will remain the same. I will reorganise the folder structure also. The delay between updates is because of the work i need to get done on it in addition to working out how to use unity etc.
  8. By menu popup you mean the lil info box for the part in the game? Will give your suggestions a go later today.
  9. Yeah i think i got that. I was able to import the .mu into blender then export it as a .fbx to import into unity but suddenly when i write the part there is a cube appearing and i cant attach the part in ksp.
  10. i am happy to fix the nodes, if someone can tell me how to do it. EDIT: a work around is to turn on the non strict part alignment checks.
  11. That is actually a cool idea! Now if only I knew how to make textures lol
  12. Yeah a lot of that was my butchery in my attempts to get it working. I have just installed blender and unity and still trying to make heads or tails of those. The _EM textures should be his emissives. Was either the stock rapier or the mk4 scimitar i used. I really appreciate your help. EDIT1: Actually I think I used the Hangar mod's Radial Sabre as my guide. EDIT2: copied your config over the top of mine, interestingly it didn't show as an engine per se which I found odd. Couldn't right click it and when I loaded onto the runway I had massive flames coming out the back but they did nothing beyond that. Also when placed in the SPH they were glowing white hot.
  13. OPT uploading to Spacedock. Please delete your existing OPT folder before installing the new version.
  14. Thanks for the reply, @Nils277 Gave suggested an atm curve to me that I incorporated, and it had a high fuel usage. He suggested the following, it DID drop my fuel usage down a bit but not to something reasonable. Will add a dropbox link to the original model/cfg's for the engine, the spoiler is what I have edited in my attempts to make this engine usable. The model has an intake at the front so I have also unsuccessfully tried to add atmosphereCurve { key = 0 300 key = 1 270 key = 7 0.001 } Original engine nacelles.
  15. Here is fine mate. I have written CLS patches for most of the parts that need them but it is worth considering your suggestions. The primary downside to renaming files/parts is that it will break every craft anyone has made to date but it is still worth considering. Thank you for your suggestions. I may implement your suggestions down the line.
  16. Gave it a play everything seems to work ok, the gui works nicely, the wheels deploy etc, only 1 problem, my plane's wheels sink into the ground causing my belly to be on the tarmac, retracting then deploying them again causes biiiig bada boom.
  17. I have tried a few variations between 0.9/1 all the way to 0.9/15 (LF/Air) and the lowest I can get it is about 53LF/s
  18. Hi guys. I am maintaining the OPT Spaceplane mod and i would like to ask how to import the mod into unity. I dont have access to any of the blender files etc, all i have is what K.Yeon has publicly released. Is there a way for me to do this?
  19. Hi folks, if this is posted in the wrong place then please feel free to move it. I am one of the people that @K.Yeon has given the greenlight to maintain his mod and I am hitting a major snag when it comes to incorporating some of his older parts that he has ditched. He made a couple of nice nacelle style engines that I am trying to balance and then roll into my next update, but they are proving to be more of an issue than I expected. With the help of @Nils277 I have been able to make some adjustments to drop them to something more realistic but in the process I have noticed their fuel consumption is off the scale (150LF/s for a 900kn engine that I am TRYING to turn into a dual mode engine). I implemented Nils' suggestions on changing the Atm and Vel curves, but that only partially fixed the issues. I am not a modder by the way and am stumbling my way through adjusting the cfg files so any further help would be appreciated.
  20. One of them was never completed by the mod author. Will be removed in next maintennance release
  21. Already working on it. I dont have the software or knowhow to do modding though which is difficult
  22. Yeah i am working to keep everything up to date and functional. Do you have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed?
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