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Everything posted by stali79

  1. If you take a look at the Pack that we have updated, look in the 'a_fuselage" folder. in it you will see a file labelled kCockpit_EMM.png by the looks of it that is the texture for the lights turned on. My guess would be to make those other parts light up you would need to make those textures yourself but I have no idea how you would make the part then use the animation.
  2. Not unless you have the zips for versions prior to 1.6, thats as far back as I was able to find. @Gryphorim - Interestingly enough, the latest version of IFS is complaining that I am using the wrong version of KSP and that I should use 1.1.1, funnily enough its updated to 1.1.1. EDIT 1: @Gryphorim - seems ksp WON'T update from 1.1.0 to either 1.1.1 OR 1.1.2... That explains my IFS issues I am guessing. Did a delete and reinstall of KSP and it still only installed 1.1.0, that was a waste of an hour. EDIT 2: Ok. so if you want to update to 1.1.2, you MUST opt OUT of the beta and the game will update to 1.1.2... EDIT 3: Updated IFS, KSP and still can't fuel my tanks.
  3. It used to have some damn nice complete IVA's but K.Yeon decided to scrap them...
  4. Just reinstalled IFS and no change. I THINK its a custom animation/texture and not a model change.
  5. Is anyone having an issue with the J docking port only allowing connections on one side? I can connect it to a part on one of the nodes, but then the 2nd node won't allow anything to connect to it. Also for some unknown reason IFS doesn't seem to be working so I can't fuel my tanks
  6. I have no idea, you should do your part as a separate engine to the original, would be handy having both
  7. And who doesn't love the fact it is inspired by Thunderbird 2!!!!
  8. I have 3 potentially unrelating issues that some advice would be appreciated on. The first 2 you will see in the IMGUR album. Attach nodes being in screwy places all of a sudden but ONLY for some parts, and the A cockpit having rcs on in the SPH, the third issue is how the hell do I remove a quote box from here that won't go away? PS I don't know how to actually share the imgur album the way everyone else does. Imgur album with odd issues. Forum hell
  9. No need to thank me mate, I tried to do what @Winchester is doing and failed miserably, my only real contribution is hunting down the old 1.6 and 1.6.9 releases. Winchester is the real hero in this story.
  10. He is overseas for work and wont be back for a few months. We are just working to maintain his mod and consolidate some of his scrapped parts into a single package.
  11. Coming along really well @Winchester, so we now have the old K parts alongside the new ones in addition to the humpback parts. I would suggest naming the old K parts to A parts (the shuttle from avatar did inspire him for the cockpit after all). Then we just need to get the new J parts working alongside the old ones. I might look into writing some descriptions to flesh out the parts somewhat. EDIT 1: On a side note, we MAY want to consider altering the IFS patches somewhat. One thing that has bugged me for a while now is the differences in LF only and LFO capacities when you switch parts. As an example the NEW 6m K tank has a weight of 4.7t and no fuel. The first option then has 3510LF and 22t, second option has 2340LF 2860LFO and 30.7t weight. For me the LF only capacity for parts seems to be less than they should be, I could be completely wrong though in thinking this seems odd. EDIT 2: We may also want to completely remove the old K Cargo bay tail as it never opened anyway and essentially did nothing.
  12. Its possible but I am not 100% sure. Go to sleep mate, plenty of time to work on this tomorrow! OPT 1.6.9 OPT 1.6
  13. Awesome. I just tried to do something similar with little success. I think the Stock Plugins mod covers the mechjeb issue.
  14. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! I THINK my install was a culmination of 1.5 + 1.6 + 1.7 +1.8 (tests + legacy)
  15. @Winchester If you can let me know exactly how to do this I am happy to give you a hand with the work and share the load. As for the multiple styles of K Parts, it might be possible to run both, I think most people will now have the K parts from 4.01 so we could rename the humpback k parts to H parts. I believe there is also 2 sets of J Parts (they may not be in the stuff we currently have and if that is the case then we don't need to worry). I want to help but I just don't know how to go about doing it properly. U;timately, if it means we get MORE ship parts to play with then renaming one of the K sets is a price we may be willing to pay. Call the taller K parts the H for humpback parts Its truly a shame that @K.Yeon Kept scrapping his part designs, some of them have been truly amazing parts, this is why I hope we can get ALL of them working!
  16. I thought i changed the paths, i will have to check in the morning too late for me to do it now lol. try taking my install and adding the old parts to it perhaps?
  17. Ok trialled the V5 test, it overwrote the newer J and K parts completely, wiping out some of my ships in the process. I am currently trying to rename a part and its associated files to see if its possible to have both new and old parts. EDIT: Kinda worked, kinda failed. I got a phantom part to appear, no texture and it SEEMS to have renamed in game. Tried it a different way and neither part appeared in game. I think this is beyond my abilities
  18. Originally I tried to have both generations of his landing gear (his original ones looked sexy) but the 2nd generation ones seemed to overwrite the original ones after they had been placed on the ship. Thanks for your work mate. Currently ALG does NOT work which sucks.
  19. 1.8 Test 1.8 Test v2 1.8 Test V4.01 Will upload my version later, I think my version has the old J parts overwritten by the new ones. And finally my current installed version
  20. The previous one you saw was probably mine. If i knew how to do the editing i would have made it so the old J parts and the new J parts could both be used but that is beyond my ability. Old ones should be edited to be a new set so they can be used in addition to the new ones.
  21. I have the 1.0 test, 2.0 test and 4.01 test. Am uploading all 3 to dropbox now as well as my combined version. Will give links when done.
  22. I will take a look at it for you. All mine fly great without tweaked engines if you tell the game to ignore max temps lol
  23. I know this has probably ask but is it possible to change your landing speed. 400mm/s is really too slow
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