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Everything posted by stali79

  1. @S1000RRHP4: I use FAR, TAC Fuel Balancer and Pilot Assistant. TFB is useful to minimize movement in your COM. Pilot Assistant is very useful, more useful than the MechJeb2 Spaceplane Guidance. Its defaults are for the stock Aeris SSTO and i know nothing about PID programming so i cant fine tune it for this plane. inboard control surfaces are flaps, middle are spolers and outboards are aelerons. the Su27 intakes i assume were based on the real world Su-27 Flanker. i only added them as i liked the look and it gave a good mounting spot for the forward facing engines which are only usable at low altitudes, think of them as thrust reversers. just gets wobbly under 200m/s at times.
  2. @S1000RRHP4: It uses the Intakes from the Mark IV system, Ther Verner's from SXT, The SU27 mk 2 'adapter' intake from SXT (or on of Lack's addons), Radial SABRE from Hangar, B9 Procedural Wings, I forget about the 2 larger airbrakes though. I really need to find out how to make it more stable but not sure how.
  3. Dude loving the parts, I wish you would bring back the JF parts, they were useful, would be nice to keep it all as 1 big package. Posting Some pics of a ship I made with your parts, plus others also lol. This one is stable at 300-350ms below 10km, 600ish m/s above 15km. VERY wobbly at low speeds. Some form of a VTOL engine would be really nice for the ship you based on the Shuttle from Avatar Yes I picked up on that haha.
  4. @The Mechanic - its really useful. No need to have your engines dead on the COM, place 3 engines like you would place landing gear and that mod takes care of the rest. With one of my planes I have 2 radial rapiers above the wings and another 2 below, with tca enabled it drops thrust on the upper engines and helps with pitching up and the reverse for pitching down. It also auto tunes per craft too which is helpful. You can also mismatch your engines also. If a 50kn engine is all you need to lift the nose and say you need 200kn to lift the tail then ALL thrust is balanced automatically to maintain stability. Just make sure you turn SAS on and then TCA on and you are good to go.
  5. @ The Mechanic you may want to give this mod a look at to assist in your stabilizing during vtol. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/510/Throttle%20Controlled%20Avionics%20-%20Continued
  6. Hey guys I am having a couple of issues, which I am sure there is an easy fix for but I have no idea what it is. First issue I am having is with the IVA MFD's. I did read that you need to install firespitter BEFORE installing B9 and overwriting everything, however, the version that comes with B9 is out of date and there is a newer version of firespitter available, so there is much confusion as what to do in order to get this working. Also what of the displays that do work are blurry as hell thanks to ATM and I can't figure out how to make ATM not screw up the MFD quality. Second issue I am having is relating to fuels. Tanks change texture happily, however no fuel gets applied to them whatsoever. I am certain that a mod may be overriding this, I know that the RCS tanks have no mono in them either. I did have Modular Fuel Tanks installed but it doesn't add LFO in the correct ratio and its a pain to manually add the fuel according to the correct LF/O ratio. So that is why I removed that mod, this is now where the tanks never have fuel in them now even though I selected. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9sxaidl2ba78meo/screenshot6.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/upv3j53lp0ooxkj/screenshot7.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6pha8mv8o2n0pi/screenshot8.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/581orbikcqf245a/screenshot9.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bevpdp2x5g1o00/screenshot10.png
  7. Loving the assistance this addon provides, however my plane has a huge turning circle and low roll angle during banking. What would I need to change to tighten up the turning circle?
  8. I can understand your frustrations. If its bad for us fans of your work then its worse for you the developer!
  9. @Lack I was wondering, I did notice that in your configs, The Bonny for an example, your use of commas in the texture line. What I am curious about is that the 2 .PNG files it references are 1kb each. Should they be this small or would they be unneccesary? I know I somehow managed to get the wings to gain textures at one point by deleting the wings.png file in their folder. I did just do a test also by renaming your folder to 1SXT and used notepad++ to update the folder references in all your cfg's in the hopes it may spoof KSP to load your mod BEFORE Squad gets loaded but alas it didn't work. "MODEL{ model = 1SXT/Parts/Command/Bonny/model texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/mk1InlineCockpit/CockpitDiffuse texture = model001_NRM , Squad/Parts/Command/mk1InlineCockpit/CockpitNRM2 scale = 1.055 , 1.055 , 1.055"
  10. Had a look, appears most cfg files have it set to false. ATM x86 Basic caused crashes, Agressive worked fine but your parts were still red and black (the munar excursion module has the main body's textures fine but no rcs textures)
  11. Just got in from work and had a thought. I have been using the x64 Agressive ATM. Maybe I should try both the x86 basic and agressive ones.. I always assumed x64 was for 64bit hence why I got it and there seems to be confusion on which version people should use.
  12. @Lack am on windows 7 x64 and I already disabled atm on the sxt folder with no joy.
  13. I am having issues with this in conjunction with Lack's SXT mod. ATM seems to kill a lot of the textures that SXT uses or references. any idea how this can be fixed?
  14. Hey Lack. Having some major issues with your pack, the same ones that everyone else is having. I have done the whole moving the Nasa folder, using alternate configs etc and I still get a LOT of black AND red textures. I figured I would give you the lists. I have abbreviated them but you should know what they are anyway. I hope this helps you identify what the hell is going on. Black List: (Parts that are black,or red, no matter what I do) JKSS LFO Barrel Bonny (cockpit and tail) Boconoc XM-600 XM-800 Red List: JKSS SC-XL10 LFO Barrel XX-32 Tiny Jed (engine) Saturn V (all engines) BA-2 BA-8 BBCV K-170 Kopo KX-405 LV Engines (all) The Munar modules Commodore Linear RCS Larger Airbrake The OMS (orbital maneuvering system) 6 Way adapter 90 degree turn Both hex and triangle structural panels XX-MTV (ALL) Conformal Rocket Cone Elvons (all) Wings (all) Duna Class Airbags Lacuga XM-600 XM-800
  15. i am having an issue with the latest release with a lot of missing textures.
  16. I am having an issue. I LOVE the wings, only just installed them, however I cannot get ANY B9 control surface to work, both the stock B9 and procedural ones. I removed the trailing edge to see if they would work then but no luck. any help would be appreciated.
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