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Everything posted by stali79

  1. Tweakscale is one of those mods where i would say is a big help to opt. The ability to rescale things like your wings etc is vital for larger craft. Without logs there is nothing we can do to help.
  2. The legacy page on spacedock is the one i originally made, maybe the name just needs updating
  3. I just checked. Spacedock must automatically add to ckan whether you want it to or not which annoys me as i had decided Legacy would not be available on ckan. Its also possible that Legacy being on ckan is causing issues for OPT Main with regards to ckan listing.
  4. I cant attest to the ckan status of OPT Main but Legacy shouldnt be on ckan... What version is on ckan?
  5. I dont know about the main pack but the legacy pack will only ever be on spacedock
  6. Cool. I have a specific way of darkening them so that they are all uniform.
  7. which parts have you added to your mod? I am still in progress of converting ALL the OPT textures to have black variants
  8. They are, except for the cockpit on the left which was never released
  9. The mod has no vtol engines, closest to what I THINK you need is the J Deployment bay.
  10. Your english is fine mate. When in doubt make sure the mod is installed correctly. From memory just extract the entire archive into your main ksp folder. Do you see other OPT parts?
  11. Stock is pea soup with drag cubes, FAR is voxel based so its the one that takes shape into account
  12. Yeah nobody likes the stock KSP soupmosphere. The parts all perform beautifully with FAR, it just takes forever to get updated lately.
  13. Hey guys just wondering who uses the mk2 parts from Airline Kuisine on their planes? Am trying to convince the author of that mod that he needs to make some OPT textures for the mk2 parts.
  14. To eliminate the Mechjeb part issues completely, use this in addition to mechjeb.
  15. Did some debugging and found the issue. Its the game itself. The screenshots are my hammerhead relaunching from sph and had lots of drag. Built a test plane with the same setup for the d.bay and discovered no drag.it LOOKS like ksp doesnt update part data for premade ships such as my hammerhead. Whiiiiiiiich means i have to pull her apart EDIT: I honestly thought that part updates would carry through to exising ships rather than the part having to be readded EDIT2: All we need now is a Ventral/Drop bay and some TB2 wings and the mod will be perfect
  16. Rejigged my VTOL setup, I am still getting drag on the contents of the deployment bay. Perhaps the lookupradius is too low? EDIT: changed the Deployment Bay's LookupRadius to 2.75 and retested with several configurations, still getting massive drag inside those bas.
  17. Ok here is all the aero data. Displaying a centre deployment bay and a wing one and its internal engine, added some extra parts so you can compare aero data. EDIT: in one of the images I decided to check the aero data for the J and K cargo bays and a life support can inside them. I got SOME drag on the life support containers but nowhere near as much as in the deployment bay.
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