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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Yep, time flies while playing KSP. Congrats on your first Mun landing!
  2. I kind of got lucky this year. I have to get up early for work at 4:30 AM only tomorrow which coincides nicely with the peak time of Perseids.
  3. I searched this thread and I am not sure of this exists: Is there an 8k texture for Duna with clouds? I found an 8k without clouds, and the cloud texture one appears to use the default texture detail.
  4. I heard HSP is pretty boring, no time warps. Even for Moon missions you have to leave the game running for a whole week.
  5. No revert flights, quicksaves, or quickloads allowed.
  6. I'm OK with arbitrary values, but what would 0 degrees be? What does it represent? Freezing point of water?
  7. Those custom suits are freaking awesome. I want to make my own now.
  8. That IO texture for Tylo is awesome. Bien fait!
  9. Here's mine: Small central engine. Radially attached fuel tanks with fuel lines to engine.
  10. Just downloaded the mod, these cloud textures are really cool. I would definitely like a cloud plugin like you just described.
  11. I asked a similar question and could not find an answer. Could someone clarify this please?
  12. Very interesting mod. I've read the thread but don't fully understand the cloud mod. Does the cloud map draw white spots on the ground textures or do they only show up when you're out of the atmosphere?
  13. I heard about the backwards spanish, but would it be reversed sentences as well? "I own a house" = "casa una tengo yo"
  14. This won't be cancelled, no administration wants to be blamed for putting a ton of people out of work. Congress will just keep giving it a steady fund, a "goal" of going to an asteroid, more testing, and maybe a launch.
  15. Cool. Looks like the X-37B (which has been n Earth orbit right now since December)
  16. Topic exists already http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41764-Check-this-game-out-Take-on-Mars
  17. Exploration leads to innovation. Space exploration is an investment to ensure we continue to push our technology and knowledge beyond our current capabilities. A lot of space technology has been used on the ground in everyday life. Who's to say the cure for cancer isn't discovered in a micro-gravity environment? What if studying Mars' atmosphere gives us a better understanding of how Global Warming works?
  18. Lucky people, will download and check it out when I get home tonight. Looks like they used quite a bit of imagery from the real Mars Rovers, some of those craters look exactly the same (Victoria Crater, etc.)
  19. Curiosity landings are one of the most fun things to do on KSP.
  20. Moon Machines is a great show, learned a lot from it that I didn't know before about the Apollo missions.
  21. Cool stuff! Well made preview video.
  22. Gordon Cooper: Toward the end of the Faith 7 flight there were mission-threatening technical problems. During the 19th orbit, the capsule had a power failure. Carbon dioxide levels began rising, and the cabin temperature jumped to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38°C). Cooper fell back on his understanding of star patterns, took manual control of the tiny capsule and successfully estimated the correct pitch for re-entry into the atmosphere. Some precision was needed in the calculation, since if the capsule came in too steep, g-forces would be too large, and if its trajectory were too shallow, it would bounce off the atmosphere and be sent back into space. Cooper drew lines on the capsule window to help him check his orientation before firing the re-entry rockets. "So I used my wrist watch for time," he later recalled, "my eyeballs out the window for attitude. Then I fired my retrorockets at the right time and landed right by the carrier." Cooper's cool-headed performance and piloting skills led to a basic rethinking of design philosophy for later space missions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Cooper
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