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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Congratz! Make sure to press F1 for your next screenshot opportunity I scroll through the different Twitch profiles to see the different approaches people take for the same goals, pretty interesting.
  2. They would look pretty scary on the Moon. That tiny rocket landing/crashing next to your LEM and little green kerbals come out flying everywhere with their tiny jetpacks.
  3. I wonder if Eeloo is associated with "Igloo" by common ice/snow theme.
  4. Last pic looks like he's standing on an asteroid about to hit Kerbin
  5. New update looks great. Just a few ideas: Ability to map different types of data (day/night areas, terrain color) Ability to draw on the map your orbit and "future" orbit, similar to how MapMFD for Orbiter does. No idea if the above is possible with plugins, but either way nice job so far
  6. Well done on this discovery. Even the darker patches are sort of in accordance with the eyes/nose/mouth of the lower picture.
  7. NASA video of the space shuttle with The Dark Knight soundtrack? Perfect.
  8. 1) You can use it for roleplaying, crew transfers, refueling, docking practice, reentry effect shows 2) You will run out of fuel eventually, so you'll have to dock new tanks to it and transfer fuel again to the station
  9. Depends what kind of pod you started with. If it's the unmanned pod, no kerbal portraits will show up. Launch tower was removed in 0.19 and demo on purpose due to too many rockets crashing into it when loading up.
  10. Waiting for resources system to plan return trips with smaller rockets, avoiding massive lag at launch pad
  11. Nice! Can you have a way to remove the EVA helmet for Kerbin and Laythe atmospheres? ..or brutal de-pressurization on the Mun?
  12. I first played Orbiter as well and it was brutal to start out with. KSP is more user friendly but still not easy to learn right away
  13. Could always attempt an RCS-powered return home May even survive that landing if you bounce off the ground
  14. I'm no expert in SSTO's, but I think a large part of your problem is your plane's size is too big. Start as small as possible with the plane size, then add fuel tanks/wings as needed. I've had the best success in SSTO's when the plane was smaller. Edit: Make sure you have an action group to do the following at the same time: -Close air intakes (reduces drag) -De-activate air engines -Activate rocket engines
  15. As far as I know, nothing has been confirmed for 0.20 yet. I am aware that the following features are currently being worked on (not sure which update for): -Clouds (long time away) -Resource mining/gathering/processing -New parts -New aerodynamic effects -Flag planting -New patcher Anyone is free to update/correct the list above.
  16. By the time I really got into it, it was in the last few missions. I agree that USA should have had a Soyuz-style capsule strictly for sending people to space. No need to use up a risky shuttle mission just to send astronauts to the ISS.
  17. Livestreaming makes the game more fun as others watch you fail live or suggest to you crazy new rocket ideas. Audiences get excited during those last seconds of landing and you're running low on fuel.
  18. Constellation. An actual goal of a moon landing was great, unfortunate it went over budget and behind schedule.
  19. Rover wheels and re-entry effects won't be in for a while, so let's let the Devs keep working on those..
  20. This is awesome. Downloading and landing on Duna immediately.
  21. Hi and welcome to the forums! To answer your question - the dev team has set up an entire board for users to post their ideas and suggestions here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/34-KSP-Development Please be sure to use the forum search function to check if your idea hasn't already been posted, hope that's what you are looking for
  22. I remember in high school physics class we had a goal of building a rocket that could send an egg and bring it back to the surface safely. The egg met a kerbal ending..
  23. Preliminary data indicates Felix achieved Mach 1.24, faster than the speed of sound. Congratz to him.
  24. I managed to screencap a few pics from today's Redbull space jump, for anyone who missed it:
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