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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Nice. I went to a Dallas airshow a few years ago and they had the Blue Angels, an F-22, and some other stuff like this: Now this is Kerbal.
  2. Create a space shuttle, satellites, space stations. Orbital Rendez-vous Rovers Just a few ideas
  3. OP create a new post for the next phase of the project: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/19785-0-16-Kermageddon-0-1-Community-Feedback-Alpha
  4. Last few pages have been cleaned up. Usual reminder that official info about the game should only be trusted from posts by the Devs on this forum. Asking for release dates is against the rules and could result in an infraction against your forum account. For now, best to avoid speculation and just be patient for the Dev's to contribute with their posts or blogs whenever they wish.
  5. tsakal - Hold "shift" key while pressing the WASDEQ keys in the VAB to move parts at different angles. Hope this helps That lunar space station shot is awesome, good job managing to make it happen so close.
  6. Those look like Jeb's sunglasses in that middle sphere, maybe it's the window he was looking out from. Explains a lot.
  7. I think it was a lot harder before. No way to quicksave, no orbit maps, and apparently people had to do actual calculations to determine if they made it to orbit. Not to mention, the patched conics is another step to make this game be less of random attempts and more controlled flights.
  8. LOL. That is awesome. I like how there's a passed out Kerbal that the others seem to show little concern for.
  9. Like Czman007 - Docking is not part of this update. I have added a link and information to the official 0.17 Update in the original post so it is easier to find for newcomers to General Discussion
  10. Any landing you can walk away from is a.. good landing? That's what kerbals think anyways.
  11. Nicely done. You should install some flood lights similar to the ones the ISS uses during night-time docking sessions
  12. How about the fact that the Death Star is real? And in our own solar system. That's no moon. Well.. maybe it is.. Mimas
  13. http://www.sparkworkz.com/fc2/ This game is quite challenging but fun. Feels great when building a Curiosity-style rocker-bogey suspension works flawlessly lol.
  14. Sad news. True legend of our time.
  15. I think Eve's mun is supposed to be similar to an asteroid. Very small and irregular shaped, similar to Mars' Phobos.
  16. That mun (is it?) screenshot is awesome. I like that the old ground texture is back, but with Mu's smooth terrain system. Even with new planets, going to be a new adventure to land on Mun again.
  17. Agreed about the pictures, would be nice to see a preview. This plugin would be very useful for interplanetary flights so you can refuel to return home.
  18. Please use the existing topic http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17239-Liked-Total-Annihilation-Then-you-ll-love-this
  19. Excited to get all the new planets of course, but I'm definitely most excited for the Mars-like planet. Can't wait to pull off Curiosity-style missions and manned return missions.
  20. Please use the existing KSP Curiosity topic: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17479-Curiosity-in-KSP
  21. Awesome work. I was making some transfer calculations on Excel but this makes it a lot user-friendly lol. It'd be nice if there was a plugin that showed you the current phase angle between two bodies. and your current "ejection" angle ingame.
  22. Most of the flight controls are binded to my joystick and throttle stick. The extra hat switches make it very convenient for fine RCS controls, including translation for Rendez-Vous operations. I use the keyboard for EVA movement since it seems more intuitive that way. If Kerbals can rotate during spacewalks, I will probably start using the joystick for spacewalk EVA's.
  23. Does seem really cool. I wouldn't say it's specifically related to Minecraft, it can relate to many RTS fans. As an old fan of the Age of Empires series, I'm looking forward to how this game turns out.
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