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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. I\'m surprised there was no one on the plan to observe the rocket as it flied away, but it probably went so fast it disappeared from view in seconds. Amazing how achieving orbit went from a monumental task in the 50\'s to just launching a rocket from a regular airliner.
  2. KSP logo with a picture of Jeb saying 'MOAR BOOSTARS!!!' on a Dragon capsule? Priceless. Anyways, for any papercraft fans, here\'s a link to an MK1 pod paper model you can build at home, or make for someone who\'s a fan of the game: http://misterxman.deviantart.com/#/d4w5z67
  3. Washing machine driving a motorcycle on the moon. *Head explodes* Pretty cool though, I\'ll give this a shot. Time to speed really fast up the Mun arch with this rig
  4. I have used the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro for a few years without issues. Works fine with games like FSX, KSP, Orbiter, and a bunch of WWII dogfight games. Good price for what you get. It\'s widely available in Best Buy stores. I will probably upgrade to one with more buttons in the future, but for now it works great.
  5. Very interesting, I never knew about this feature. I suppose nowadays, during an extended Moon mission, it could be possible to fit a guidance computer on one of those lawnchair escape pods.
  6. Coming in for a landing on the Mun\'s north pole:
  7. Driver\'s view of my Mun rover: This mod is awesome, great job!
  8. Got to see a bit of it before clouds showed up and covered up the sun until sunset. Was pretty awesome though, reminded me of the scene from the movie Sunshine when the crew watches Mercury
  9. Welcome! Questions: How much of a factor is air resistence, and do things like nose caps actually improve flight performance? Currently, the shape and structure of the ship does not really affect aerodynamics. Winglet parts help with lift, but are not true wings yet (future update planned) A nose cap with no stats would just add weight to your rocket, and not help reduce drag. Why do engines near the centerline burn fuel more quickly than engines on the same stage that are situated farther out? If the engines are the same type - this sounds like a bug, now I\'m curious and may look into it ingame What causes a ship to flex along its length from a ) shape to a ( shape and back again, and what\'s the best way to prevent it? I\'ve seen that it\'s more of a problem with longer ships, but once it happens, neither SAS, fins, nor gimballed engines do much to reduce it, and I seem to just have to change the layout of the ship. Struts help a lot, the more the better and they don\'t affect the ship\'s performance negatively. Ships flex due to the loose physics currently in the game, I think HarvesteR recently stated he\'s been working on this item Is there a way to delete my old ship designs? I\'ve tried clearing out the ships folder, but not all of them are listed there. Not sure about this one - are there less craft files than ship names that show up on the VAB list ingame?
  10. Nice video and use of the Apollo 13 soundtrack.
  11. Cool picture of the Saturn V. I remember I kept drawing that rocket after watching Apollo 13. I was intrigued by how many stages it took to get to the Moon as a kid.
  12. deadshot462


    As a long time Halo fan, I\'ve only been interesting in MS\'s demo of Halo 4. Looks interesting, kind of reminds me of Halo 2 which was awesome.
  13. Good luck, but you could give it a shot and tell this to your teacher: 'I don\'t need to take this test, I have done rocket science and landed on the mun!'
  14. I\'ve made a thread in my old forums and multiple people have posted 'Wow I bought this game it\'s that fun' kind of replies. Always great to show off fun games like that. SQUAD should seriously consider contacting NASA, they would love the fact that there is a game that encourages rocket science, engineering, and problem solving like KSP. If NASA posts an Angry Birds Space game, I\'m sure they\'d promote a game like kSP lol.
  15. Hi and welcome to the forums! I\'m assuming this is an actual KSP craft, which would mean that you\'d want to post your rocket descrption in this forum: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?board=15.0 However, please include pictures and a download of your craft file in your post next time so it can be shared and be allowed to be posted in the Ship Exchange Forum.
  16. This topic has been moved to Fan Fiction http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2062.0
  17. This topic has been moved to Roleplay http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13703.0
  18. To answer your question - it\'s old news, but still thankfully a surprise to most KSP players who don\'t expect it as a new easter egg Please use the previous topic for now: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12715.15 As a forum tip, always check with the Forum Search feature to see if something you encounter has been previously posted
  19. Did the same thing, the parachutes helped on the short landing strip. Reminds me of landing planes in FSX on those small deserted islands in the middle of the oceans.
  20. [li]Kerbin-synchronous orbit satellite that is directly above KSC[/li] [li]Observation bases of the Mun arches and Munoliths[/li] [li]Polar landers of kerbin and muns[/li]
  21. Hola todo el mundo, vivo en Texas y hablo espanol entonces voy a visitar esta parte del forum con mas frequencia
  22. Welcome, nice screenshot there
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