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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. This mod is awesome - not too easy that it takes away the fun and you still need to 'pinpoint' a landing area, and not too hard that it would take hours to be useful! Sending my sat/rover recon mission: Landed the rover near the pinpointed area, time to find the relic: Mission success! I\'m kind of glad I never found the Munolith before this, it was actually a fun mission to do with the limited radar capabilities! R4m0n - does this detector work on other KSP bases and anything else or only on Munoliths?
  2. The next challenge - Make a geostationary orbit that puts the satellite right above KSP
  3. Every big update will always get criticism, but glad you\'re (Mu) taking it positively. The Mun definitely looks better without the tile seems, and I\'m sure further adjustments can be made with player feedback. In one way, it\'s good that we do not have other planets yet, that way the Dev team can focus on making each planet/moon just right, and learn from them that way.
  4. I got another specification: Create the ability to join into multiple servers - that way, if timewarping isn\'t possible, you will always have something to do in different servers.
  5. Could you make inflatable airbags that bounce aircraft, then deflate when the ship is fully stopped on the ground? Is that even possible right now?
  6. I played Orbiter for over a year and found the KSP thread in the off topic forum. I migrated right away, I had pretty much everything I could on Orbiter.
  7. My very fuel efficient lander from 0.14.1 Stock Parts, this one does not come close to running out of fuel in ANY of the stages (besides the booster stages): Download: http://www./?7xy3f1exr7t9rkh Taking off with 2 sets of booster stages to get you out of the atmosphere quickly: Completing our parking orbit burn with the main stage: The ship currently in an 80 x 80 parking orbit, with more than enough fuel to fire for the Mun: Strong Lunar Insertion burn, with plenty of fuel to spare for plan alignment if needed: Course is set for the Mun, time to jettison the main stage for our Lunar lander: Course correction burn ensures my lander is ready for Lunar Orbit Insertion wile my main stage crashes on its surface to prevent space junk: After an orbit insertion burn, I align my orbit and do an initial pass over my landing target: Our landing burn: Precision landing with still full landing fuel tank left: View from a previous mission lander: Going home: Jettisoning the service module, which still had 1/4 fuel left in the tank: Success!
  8. Yep, always test your stages on Kerbin orbit before pushing for the a full mission lol. Very similar to how Apollo crafts were tested in Earth orbit.. 'Houston, we are 100m from landing on the Moon, we jettisoned the descent stage instead of extending the legs, is that supposed to happen?'
  9. Here is a Mun lander for 0.14 ONLY: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8096.0
  10. That camera is freaking awesome! That truly makes satellites'functional' Will there be a zoom feature?
  11. Despite all the games I\'ve played, I\'ve never made videos, until KSP changed that - this game was fun enough to make a YT account and make my first video:
  12. A ship with an manhattan-sized nuke heading for the sun? Sound very Kerbal to me.
  13. Here is a newer and better stock 0.14 lander I made: Download: http://www./?7xy3f1exr7t9rkh It\'s very fuel efficient, so you will not be close to running out of fuel in any of the stages. Just launch at full throttle and jettison the 2 sets of boosters as they run out of fuel to get yourself above 70 km, then burn to set yourself on an 80 x 80 km parking orbit around Kerbin. The main stage has plenty of fuel to burn to the moon, and the lander has plenty of fuel to insert itself into Mun orbit and land accurately on your target.
  14. Alright NASA, bring it down to 5 km now.
  15. Rendez-vous and docking practice with my Low Kerbin Orbit space station: More pics from the trip below:
  16. Awesome addon\'s. I suggest making a deployable antenna or radio dish
  17. My return burn put me at Mun\'s altitude with a PE of 30 km on Kerbin, I had about 1/4 tank left. So the return capsule has plenty of fuel to adjust your return trajectory. Tim_Barrett - While I agree it is a bit top heavy, I found that the key to a stable landing on a slope is to turn OFF the RCS a few meters before landing to prevent accidental topple due to trying to adjust the ship\'s attitude.
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