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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Bonjour tous le monde. J\'es habite en France tres longtemps mais je parle Francais. Alors, vous pouvez m\'envoyez un PM si vous voulez de l\'aide avec les forums.
  2. This is the very definition of 'MOAR BOOSTERS!!' Interesting concept, I definitely want to try this out. Wonder if NASA ever thought of this for the space shuttle..
  3. That\'s actually one of the main reasons Minmus was added, HarvesteR stated it\'s less time consuming to travel from the Mun to Minmus. If you shoot for another planet and miss, you\'re stuck in that solar orbit for a long time.. At least in the Kerbin system, you can warp fast enough to not have to wait too long for an inter-moonar trip
  4. Building a mun lander that doesn\'t have a capsule decoupler so you have to reenter Kerbin with the entire ship and hope you survive the crash when the parachute isn\'t enough for the whole ship.
  5. Cool news to read, hope to help the community out with this great team!
  6. Using the Cart plugin, I made a rover lander, feel free to look to see if it helps you out with your rover: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12547.msg195051#msg195051 It\'s basically a normal lander with the rover that falls forward after decoupling from the lander
  7. Cool set of exploration crafts You should do an 'Apollo 12' style mission to re-visit your surveyor probe
  8. Kerbosynchronous Orbit altitude: 2868.4 km; Kerbostationary Orbit velocity: 1008.9 m/s Extra challenge: Set the kerbostationary orbit sattelite to 'hover' right above KSC
  9. Congratz, no doubt this is a win win for everyone.
  10. Cool link, also there is this one that shows all current NASA missions in our solar system at their live positions: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/eyes/
  11. This was all Jeb\'s idea. MOAR BOOSTERS!!
  12. The brake as stated above, but another good idea is to put parachutes on the back of your space plane to slow it down Shuttle-style
  13. Olsson - that\'s exactly the procedure you would do to return to Kerbin. Usually a 10 km Mun orbit is high enough to perform the return burn
  14. Reminds me of Brighton Beach Cool addon
  15. Congratz, what\'s awesome is that SpaceX also completed their first RV today with the ISS
  16. Great video. I highly recommend people to try the AMSO mod for Orbiter, it really gives you an idea of which procedures the Apollo crew used during landing.
  17. Thanks for that info! I\'ll try out the different modes, I like the one that shows a FRT
  18. Question - how do you switch between view modes?
  19. Sasquatch - awesome ship. You can modify the rotation speeds on the cfg files of the parts
  20. To answer your question - No. It\'s actually fairly closer than a moon would be for a planet like Kerbin. You can practice interplanetary flight by attempting different trajectories from the Mun to Minmus though.
  21. Personally I\'d recommend you try it without reading up guides since it\'s a new challenge to visit this new moon without knowing much about it. Still, I\'ll say that it takes about the same amount of fuel to go to Minmus as it does to the Mun since it has a much lower gravity
  22. deadshot462


    Kind of funny that the new moon Minmus looks like a planet from the 2005 Spore demo.
  23. There\'s another one west of that one you\'re on now.
  24. I think those two wing mounted engines may be your issue, they can easily tip your ship over and unbalance it quickly due to their torque on the whole system. Try removing those wing engines. Also, here\'s an example of a working space shuttle, perhaps it could help you out: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12540.0 I would say, remove the air breathing engines, and place your rockets to be side mounted rather than at the bottom of the shuttle.
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