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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Well 0.14 is a ton of fun to play, I built a few landers but none very efficient until the LanderX3, my current design for a stock Mun Lander with fuel to spare: Download: http://www./?7xy3f1exr7t9rkh It\'s very fuel efficient, so you will not be close to running out of fuel in any of the stages. Just launch at full throttle and jettison the 2 sets of boosters as they run out of fuel to get yourself above 70 km, then burn to set yourself on an 80 x 80 km parking orbit around Kerbin. The main stage has plenty of fuel to burn to the moon, and the lander has plenty of fuel to insert itself into Mun orbit and land accurately on your target. Screenshots of the trip to the Mun: Taking off with 2 sets of booster stages to get you out of the atmosphere quickly: Completing our parking orbit burn with the main stage: The ship currently in an 80 x 80 parking orbit, with more than enough fuel to fire for the Mun: Strong Lunar Insertion burn, with plenty of fuel to spare for plan alignment if needed: Course is set for the Mun, time to jettison the main stage for our Lunar lander: Course correction burn ensures my lander is ready for Lunar Orbit Insertion wile my main stage crashes on its surface to prevent space junk: After an orbit insertion burn, I align my orbit and do an initial pass over my landing target: Our landing burn: Precision landing with still full landing fuel tank left: View from a previous mission lander: Going home: Jettisoning the service module, which still had 1/4 fuel left in the tank: Success! Old LanderX2 (inefficient and heavy): Download: http://www./?p2exp1vhof2v3k9Lots of boosters FTW The fuel is circulated in a manner that efficiently separates boosters so you don\'t carry empty tanks on your ascent to a parking orbit, just dump each stage as engines run out of fuel and keep the throttle up the whole time - aim for a 80 x 80 km parking orbit You should then have enough fuel in your last booster to transfer to Munar orbit: The lander has plenty of fuel, RCS, and SAS control to make an accurate landing, even on this highly polar landing site (and now you know why it\'s the LanderX2 and not X1) Heading home: Cool view of the landing site (and failed landing): Jettisoning the service module for reentry: Parachute deployed successfully: Kerbals are back safe! Enjoy! Great job SQUAD on making an awesome game.
  2. You can also make your legs wider by putting them on stationary struts like this: Just make sure the struts are on your capsule stage so they do not separate your legs from your craft.
  3. Landed an unmanned probe, then TRIED to land a lander, and then successfully landed Kerbals safely at the site: Heading back home, leaving our signature descent stage behind: Sent my own version of a Munar Reconnaissance Orbiter: After some orbit alignment, made a pass by the landing site, but Kerbals forgot to put a zoom feature in the orbiter: Switched to the failed craft on the landing site to catch a glimpse of the orbiter, but the Kraken knocked my probe down:
  4. I actually just did this challenge for myself to re-enact what NASA did with the LRO: Landed an unmanned probe, then TRIED to land a lander, and then successfully landed Kerbals safely at the site Heading back home, leaving our signature descent stage behind: Sent my own version of a Munar Reconnaissance Orbiter: After some orbit alignment, made a pass by the landing site, but Kerbals forgot to put a zoom feature in the orbiter: Switched to the failed craft on the landing site to catch a glimpse of the orbiter, but the Kraken knocked my probe down: 0.14 is a blast.
  5. New design for an extended mission Mun Rover: Compared to my old rover, this new one has 4 fuel tanks and as you can see, I barely used the first tank to move away enough that you can barely see the lander module. I will use this rover to explore the highest mountains of the Mun. Possibly, I will aim to drive from one side of a crater to the other side. This new design is a big improvement over the old one: -Extra fuel to land on the Mun with spare fuel -RCS tanks for each stage for precise landing, extra rover maneuverability, and more accurate return home -4 fuel tanks for the rover to trek across the Mun for miles (possibly across an entire crater)
  6. New design for an extended mission Mun Rover: Compared to my old rover, this new one has 4 fuel tanks and as you can see, I barely used the first tank to move away enough that you can barely see the lander module. I will use this rover to explore the highest mountains of the Mun. Possibly, I will aim to drive from one side of a crater to the other side.
  7. It\'s actually pretty Kerbal.. Equipment malfunctioning, pencil calculations, wrist watch timing, that\'s pretty much what we do nowadays with KSP lol.
  8. Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.
  9. The Dev that launched a thousand probes. :probe:
  10. Great guide. This will be very useful for people trying to catch up to satellites and space stations. The difficult part is aligning orbit planes due to lack of orbit inclination indicator atm, but I\'m sure people will still manage just fine with the bigger challenge.
  11. Congratz and welcome! Video quality was a bit low, but did I read 43 G\'s at the end of the mission? I\'m thinking that happened due to the steep re-entry angle, I suggest next time you burn to make your re-entry orbit remain elliptical but with a Periapsis (PE) of 30 - 35 km, this shallower angle will let you go back home with less painful G\'s (3-4 G\'s) Keep up the good work!
  12. Found KSP at the Off Topic thread in the Orbiter forums. Best discovery yet.
  13. Here\'s my rover I\'ve used in many missions successfully. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5896.0 -can travel great distances -can climb mountains as steep as 30 deg slopes -capsule to return kerbals home
  14. Building a space station by taking parts into space? That\'s not kerbal.. Boosting the entire space station in a single launch into space? Now THAT\'s kerbal!
  15. I like this idea. Satellites should be able to 'map' ground elevations so you can get a more accurate readout on the altimeter for a future landing. Satellites can also be used for communication. Once crew members can be 'told' what to do, a satellite would be needed to bounce back radio signals efficiently.
  16. Awesome! Glad it worked out for ya Can\'t wait until other planets get added, it\'ll add a new challenge for sure.
  17. 'One does not simply land into Mun..' Good luck next time :$ This is a hard craft to pilot due to lack of SAS module on the lander, but it compensates with extra landing fuel. To anyone trying this craft, practice in Kearth orbit all the stages to become familiar because the difficulty of landing this ship is hard. But the reward of roving the Mun makes it all worth the mission (and adds the realistic difficulty of landing a rover on another planet)
  18. I installed your mod, it\'s great, but only half the fairing cover shows up when I try to use the symmetry, did i miss something?
  19. Thanks for the comments, glad you guys liked this one! Here is the craft file: http://www./?ti9ei6ya92i7e00 Enjoy!
  20. Yep. With some parts from the 'landing legs' pack. It all fit really nicely. I\'ll post the craft file here if interested: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5896.0
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