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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Nice videos. Epic use of Pilot Wings music.
  2. You win. That is all. Seriously tho, that\'s amazing. Looking forward to future kerbal print outs!
  3. Are the RCS thrusters functional on the front and back of the shuttle like the real one, or will you have to add extra RCS parts that need to be attached at those locations? Looks awesome either way
  4. Instead of wheels, add a Cart, it\'s more tolerable, and you can use brakes as you slow your plane on the runway. You can even then steer the plane for taxiing using the Cart\'s controls
  5. Awesome pictures! Some of those cockpit close-ups are just asking for someone to photoshop a kerbal peaking through those windows.
  6. Playing KSP, then watching a live rocket launch? Priceless.
  7. First screenshot = Explosion with dead kerbals. Seems legit.
  8. It is fun to land a spaceplane from a 100km orbit. Your next goals should be to land on the runway and then on the runway from a full orbit
  9. NASA - take note of this - keep it kerbal and go back to the moon.
  10. Any chance of adding an option to set the speed to rotations? Mostly a request to make parts move faster
  11. If you have a smartphone, download the Skyview app so it guides you on the sky!
  12. Someone actually made a mod for a Death Star, it can be found here http://www.kspyard.com/mods/packages/Death+Star/#.T5x_Squm8sI
  13. I thought those flashes were from failed kerbal launches.
  14. I just downloaded it again but it\'s a V10, is it supposed to be named the same version? I\'ll give it a try tonight! Edit: I have not downloaded any save files, only the part/plugins themselves, are these updated? If they are I\'ll test them and post results
  15. Cool video, and it\'s awesome that you had KSP running so people could try to land on their own.
  16. So far I have only set up the little mun on a high kerbin orbit (beyond the real Mun), and experienced a lot of lag when my ship approached within 2.5km of the little mun.
  17. The next update (0.15) will precisely bring new navigation to the game so you can plot orbits and launches much better now, it should be released within a few weeks if all goes well
  18. Is it possible to create a 2 km object with gravity similar to the Jupiter that was released a while ago? Is there a limit to the size of a part?
  19. Nice! And cool to read about the other games - the dinosaur one looks like a lot of fun.. Dinosaurs + guns + KSP = DINORIDERS IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE
  20. I agree it\'s a very crude walker, it was a good exercise to learn the plugins and plan out more efficient and cooler walkers Video Link is being fixed
  21. Video of my walker in action: (Fixed link) I\'ll keep working on making faster, more agile walkers
  22. Here\'s my first attempt at a walker mech for KSP: Requires: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7178.0 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0 Craft file: http://www./?19jtrpvc9la66s7 I\'ll keep tweaking my design to make better walkers, which will be posted here
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