Wear clothing that will cover up from your neck down to your hands (wear gloves). Paintball hits can cut your skin, leave bruises, or plain hurt, if they hit at the right angle. Maybe even wear a hat to cover the back of your head since most rental masks only cover up the front of your face, not your neck or back of your head. Rental guns aren\'t accurate longrange so you\'ll have to move in close to hit anyone. If you do have your own good paintball gun, then you have an advantage and can pick off most noobs from far away while they fail to hit you. Don\'t hesitate to use ammo - it\'s easy to be conservative at the beginning but let\'em have it every round. You\'ll have the most fun if you have to reload a full clip after each 'round' It\'s crazy fun. Best time of year to play is in spring and fall because the weather is cooler and you can wear a good layer of protection.