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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Cool mod and awesome title scene on that video
  2. What model is it? You may have to go to it\'s manufacturer website to download a driver so it can better communicate with your computer.
  3. Good job The cool thing about your first landing is that it\'s persistent, so you will be able to keep that descent stage as your 'Apollo 11' site, which you could choose to revisit with a future mission.
  4. Found KSP when 0.13 had just come out while browsing the Orbiter forum. Congratz SQUAD
  5. Is Mechjeb required to control this pod, or can I switch focus to it and control it like a regular ship with crew?
  6. If you are using a rental gun, chances are it is too inaccurate to snipe any far distance. Trigger happy usually is never a bad way to go. Just don\'t be the first one to run out when everyone took cover. Best to let them come to you and shoot them as they switch from different hiding spots.
  7. Cool video. Liking the inception music lol. Can\'t wait until August to see this rover land.
  8. Good you had a good time. What kind of field was it? Flat, forest, forts, barrels, something else? The most fun I had was in a true forest field that had a central fort one team protected while the other attempted to infiltrate without getting shot or sniped.
  9. Nice. You could simulate an Apollo mission if you put a mechjeb on the 'fake' mk pod
  10. Traverius - nice dock logo\'s, they would make awesome mouse pads I like that 'When we left Kerbin' parody with the rocket falling down lol
  11. Yeah if you can, aim to play with only your own friends so you can avoid the 'hardcore pwnage' paintball crowd. I thought about buying a cool gun but I only paintball once or twice a year with some friends so I wouldn\'t use a good gun much. Some places let you rent fairly decent guns rather than the very basic.
  12. Wear clothing that will cover up from your neck down to your hands (wear gloves). Paintball hits can cut your skin, leave bruises, or plain hurt, if they hit at the right angle. Maybe even wear a hat to cover the back of your head since most rental masks only cover up the front of your face, not your neck or back of your head. Rental guns aren\'t accurate longrange so you\'ll have to move in close to hit anyone. If you do have your own good paintball gun, then you have an advantage and can pick off most noobs from far away while they fail to hit you. Don\'t hesitate to use ammo - it\'s easy to be conservative at the beginning but let\'em have it every round. You\'ll have the most fun if you have to reload a full clip after each 'round' It\'s crazy fun. Best time of year to play is in spring and fall because the weather is cooler and you can wear a good layer of protection.
  13. I made a paper Apollo LEM module, turned out really cool but was pretty tough with some small details: http://udonfactory.the-ninja.jp/paper/down/lmdown.html Also, here\'s a Kerbal MK1 pod papercraft for KSP fans: http://paperkraft.blogspot.com/2012/04/kerbal-space-program-papercraft-mk1-pod.html
  14. Awesome video and ship. Lol I like how it starts with a 'bang' when it takes off
  15. Has anyone here tried 'Imagine Earth'? It\'s a new indie game similar to SimEarth, I have thought about getting it recently.
  16. Hi, welcome to the forums! There\'s an existing thread that details people\'s findings throughout the various KSP updates, I suggest you only visit it if you don\'t mind being spoiled about them http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9585.345 Also, please use the Search feature as it will bring up many previous topics about easter eggs.
  17. Well good to hear both the Chinese launch and American X37B landing went well. Hopefully the X37C becomes a reality and can help with the American manned program.
  18. Commercialization of space travel at its finest. Should be interesting to land one of these on each of the moons and planet
  19. I love how things like that engine bell will just roll down the hills in a classic comical style like it\'s the trace of a horrible crash. Congratz on your first Mun landing.
  20. I use something between the 1st and 2nd paths. Once I clear the lower atmosphere levels, I only use 50-70% throttle while i tilt forward so energy isn\'t wasted so fast as I 'move' my pro grade vector towards the horizon on the gimbal. Once my prograde nears the horizon, I\'ll speed up the throttle and finish circularizing my orbit
  21. Someone already made a thread just for that, including livestream, so please use this one: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14289.msg218553#msg218553
  22. Like someone else mentioned, a zoom feature would be really cool (if it\'s even possible by the game\'s limitations) Been great to play with so far though
  23. Made this way when 0.13 was the latest version: Will probably wait until 0.16 comes out with the cool new features before making another one
  24. [mod]Please keep new suggestions out of the official development thread[/mod]
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