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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Namrog that B/W picture turned out great. Besides the grass textures, it almost looks real from the 60's like some secret spy photo during the space race.
  2. Zool, just a heads up, no need to double post, it's better to just edit your latest post with a new comment if no new replies have been posted yet. I've played with this a bit, seems like it is a working second command pod, but it only allows its single stage (no extra rocket stages or parachutes). Good plugin start so far though, definitely makes it possible to create new types of missions.
  3. Can the "escape" capsule have multiple stages? Such as an escape capsule attached to a lander that has an ascent and descent stage?
  4. These could be stargates. Whenever I send a kerbal through the arch he dies/disappears. Perhaps to another dimension.
  5. That view of the parachute deploying then seeing half of your plane rolling away was classic. Update looks great, liking those little changes like the sky view.
  6. Awesome. I think it would be fun to submit Jeb, Bob, and Bill Kerman's names to the next capsule that has a space-bound chip with people's names on it, like the one on Curiosity.
  7. Looks good. This looks like what Spore should have been in the civ/space age. Like KSP, indie games do it best nowadays when it comes to innovative concepts.
  8. Please use the existing topic in EleSigman's link
  9. Curiosity's pictures have been kind of blurry so I touched up one of them on Photoshop to clear up some details:
  10. Here's a video of a Kerbol eclipse from Kerbin: The area does not go dark, but the sun does get obscured temporarily.
  11. Post above has good link, also Nova has been posting some pictures in his profile: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/album.php?albumid=5 Locked since question is answered
  12. National Geographic aired a documentary called "Mega Martian Rover" which shows some of the challenges that came about in making Curiosity happen. Pretty interesting problems that came up, the show has some cool new animations also.
  13. By lava planet do you mean the purple one? I think you can land on the "land" area of it, but I'm sure the liquid sections will destroy your ship. You will not be able to land on the gas giant, the pressure and temperature will destroy your craft when you get near the ground. Should be interesting to try to enter its atmosphere temporarily and attempt to leave alive.
  14. Been practicing interplanetary missions, it's surprising how little fuel it takes to come back from a higher Kerbaol orbit. Most of the fuel will be spent takeing off from Kerbin's atmosphere, and landing a big ship that can take off from an atmosphere filled planet.
  15. Been a while since I read up on Bungie news, I'll have to catch up. Nice catch though, I can see them attempting to replicate Sabres ingame.
  16. This is a very useful thread for when Planets come out. Like others said, looks like putting a protractor on your screen is the way to go for now
  17. Jeb gets scared when things go too well according to plans.
  18. I am surprised that NASA did not test Curiosity's Skycrane rockets at all. Even if it's a different atmosphere, I'm sure it would have been nice to try a prototype. But, NASA did pull it off, so I guess they know which systems need more testing, like this one lol.
  19. Locked for spam. If you have a serious question or concern about part of the game, please define it exactly so the Dev team can know exactly what you are talking about.
  20. Should be interesting if any of those 4 moons are in retrograde orbit.
  21. The devs may not have posted on the 0.17 update topic but if you check it now you will see that HarvesteR/Devs have been finishing up some of the saving/scenario systems.
  22. This would be an awesome feature/add on A) Different types of triggers for events: -Time event -Location/altitude/pressure/speed Ability to snap screenshots or pictures using the photo add-on, based on triggers stated above Attempting to program a Curiosity style controlled landing would be awesome in KSP
  23. He could also be on vacation. With each update, the update discussions have become more restricted. Eventually update discussion topics may not be allowed since people keep asking/speculating update release schedules.
  24. ^ I did not create this but I thought it was hilarious.
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