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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. From a 150k circular orbit, I burned retrograde about 45 degrees before KSC so my PE would be about 5km above KSC, this shuttle lets me turn around if I overshoot or I can glide forward if I undershoot the landing area.
  2. Looks much nicer for sure from orbit. Hopefully the dev team keeps improving the textures of the current celestial bodies with each update
  3. The RoverX1 - This is a rocket system that allows you to land the Cart mod on either the Mun or Minmus with fuel to spare: Features: -Plenty of fuel for a trip to the Mun or Minmus -RCS fuel for precise landing and orbital burns -Wide base lander for stable cart deployment on highly inclined hills -Cart standard features like headlines, brakes, high speed roving Required: -Stock 0.15 Parts -Cart: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8431.0 Download: http://www./?9bvjyn6fk4y4pff Enjoy!
  4. Good thing Jeb wasn\'t programmed into the rocket\'s computer. 'High combustion pressure? We\'ll be fine..' - Jeb 5/19/12
  5. Submitting the following ship: Name: ShuttleX1 Version: Stock 0.15 Type: Medium Orbiter / Medium Shuttle Link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12540.0 Perhaps now that 0.15 has C7 parts, there should be a 'Stock shuttle' and 'stock spaceplane' category?
  6. The ShuttleX1 - A reusable shuttle orbiter that can perform unpowered landings (like the real shuttle) after an initial de-orbit burn. This craft is maneuverable as it\'s able to perform sharp turns, glide, and pitch as required in a stable manner. It is outfitted with two parachutes for quick braking, and has plenty of fuel for high orbit operations. Required: Stock 0.15 only Download: http://www./?a76bm5x1ccadivr Enjoy!
  7. That\'s a normal side effect. I\'m not sure what SQUAD plans to do about it but I figure it\'s not game breaking so low priority to 'optimize.' To make it go really crazy, use the 'precise' RCS mode to narrow down that 100m difference down to a few meters, lol
  8. My current land speed record on Minmus before crashing: Landed on a rough hill, I\'m sure I could go faster on a flat plateau.
  9. I believe Harv stated that 0.15 can only be downloaded fully again due to the game having had a ton of changes to the coding and patcher itself - but this time it downloads much smoother than during 0,14. I had no issues downloading the game a few hours after it came out
  10. The patched conics was surprisingly simple to understand, without having read any guides for it. I could mouse over the ship\'s icons and easily figure out what all the points and lines meant. Nice job Harv!
  11. Don\'t have numbers, but Minmus is tidally locked to Kerbin, so it always face the same way towards Kerbin.
  12. First view of both Kerbin and Mun from the surface of Minmus: As it turns out, Minmus is also tidally locked to Kerbin, it will always face the same way, which makes for some nice time acceleration viewing.
  13. Minmus kind of reminds me of the original moon/planet style of the 2005 Spore demo, and it\'s funny that KSP actually lets you land on such planets and moons now. Great update.
  14. Lakes of ice? More like lakes of quicksand, look how deep the lander\'s legs are in that stuff
  15. Are you telling me this sucker is nuclear?
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