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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Yes there is already an existing thread in Off Topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28361-Gravity-%28Movie%29 Depending if more duplicates show up on this board, I may move the original topic here.
  2. I would like the ground tracking map to be a plugin for KSP.
  3. I wonder if they manage to get back in the wrecked Shuttle, use its engines to do a plane change maneuver to get to the ISS, then try to use the SAFER for the remaining trip to the ISS. Unlikely to be possible in real life in those conditions. While untethered EVA's are no longer in use, IRL every astronaut is still fitted with a SAFER for worst case scenarios. I guess only having one astronaut with a SAFER makes the movie more exciting. Like others said, there's some things here and there that are farfetched but you can tell the director tried to make it as realistic as possible. Last thing - they definitely are dramatizing how astronauts would react. I doubt in real life they'd keep yelling "WHAT DO I DO??" and "YOU NEED TO FOCUS!!"
  4. Nice, I'll have to do more IVA-only missions. Definitely get more immersion out of those constrained spaces.
  5. Pretty incredible they survived the giant cataclysm.
  6. iDan - thanks for the info, it looked like that. The new clips below show the ISS in a deteriorating/abandoned state, which goes along with the de-orbit plot. The CGI is incredible, it looks quite realistic. So much for that Hubble. Apparently the movie will be like this, without sound in space, the marketing guys added sounds to the original trailer. I hope that one day Kerbals can "grapple" onto other kerbals in case one runs out of RCS fuel. That would be cool way to rescue them.
  7. I played Orbiter first so that was not fun to learn docking with. Watched a bunch of YouTube videos (had to pause and rewind a lot to understand). A lot of trial and error, where I'd zoom by my target at 500 m/s, there's no collisions on Orbiter so I went through the ISS multiple times without destroying it. I'd imagine if I had learned docking in KSP first, I would have blown the target and my own ship when "approaching" for the first time.
  8. It happened. Looks like website's back up.
  9. It had a small engine. Also cool fact - the fuel was picked in a manner than no "sparkplug" was required, the simple combination of two chemicals would instantly ignite the fuel, to avoid engine ignition failure.
  10. Wow. Got to try this. Would be for a cool "Mars Rover" simulator where you have to traverse rough terrain without getting stuck Also, obvious question: When will rockets be available?
  11. Pieces: Rocket Rover Space plane Lander Jail: Eve.
  12. I would use the sale as an opportunity to buy KSP as a gift for a friend who can't afford the full game.
  13. Merged two similar threads into this one. On topic, I'm designing a good rover that would be able to traverse the new Mun's terrain.
  14. Their goal becomes more believable with each progression of these tests.
  15. Clouds will be static in VAB only, apparently sort of a small test for when clouds are implemented in the real game.
  16. My hope is that as China progresses with their space program, the US will decide to properly set goals and fund NASA to "win the race" again. It's kind of frustrating to hear the US administration brag about how we are the "leading nation in space" when we don't have the capability to send our own astronauts to space.
  17. Quite the difference between the Buran and Space Shuttle.
  18. Yes, I made a big ship which decouples / breaks in many pieces to simulate a meteor shower with reentry effects.
  19. The big issue with NASA is that its budget gets reviewed on a yearly basis by Congress, this makes it VERY difficult to maintain long term goals. Right now, the SLS's main goal is to keep jobs for people who used to work for the Space Shuttle. The celestial target can be changed all the time since NASA has jobs for its employees building a generic rocket that has no firm goal.
  20. Max mentioned that the poly count of the building models was reduced to 1/3rd what it used to be so it should actually increase performance.
  21. NASA's objectives keep getting changed by Congress almost on a yearly basis. Mars, Asteroid, Moon get interchanged as targets at every budget review. In my opinion the most likely thing will be a Moon orbiting mission (similar to Apollo 8) with the Orion capsule.
  22. Max mentioned in the stream that the new button is associated with the new crew loading system. Not much details explained though, but he said there will be the ability to pick the amount of crew members for each pod in the ship.
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