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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Please do not bump year old topics with a two word reply.
  2. Try to get into orbit around Duna, and send another ship from Kerbin to Duna to meet Bill in orbit around Duna. Transfer Bill from your orbiting lander to your "return ship" which should have enough fuel to go back to Kerbin
  3. Nice job! Must have been quite the challenge. If you are continuing to make more of these, I would suggest making a lander cockpit that you can place on top of a lander but has a horizontal view (LEM-style), but this is only a suggestion/challenge
  4. I've posted this before, but with the new update, this mod is even more awesome. The ability to see how close you are from hitting a planet's SOI is very useful. Not sure how possible it is, but a suggestion for a future big update would be to make the protractor tell you in which direction on navball you should burn to hit a planet's SOI when you are close, but that is not needed now since it's just a few trial and error turns. Keep up the good work
  5. 0.17 Stock 1-kerbal interplanetary lander: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22388-0-17-Stock-1-Kerbal-Interplanetary-Lander-Explorer-X1
  6. Hello! Here is a lander that is capable of traveling from Kerbin to any of the current 0.17 planets and moons. I have landed this ship on every planet and moon except Jool itself to avoid the Kraken. Features: -Multiple boosters to get into high Kerbin parking orbit -Three nuclear engines powering a cruise stage to get you anywhere on the Kerbol system -Main parachutes for more fuel efficient landings on atmospheric systems like Duna and Laythe -Six wide landing legs to provide a stable contact in most rough landing situations -Jeb-certified command pod ejection system with emergency parachute for some sense of security Disclaimer: -This lander does not have enough fuel to return to Kerbin, rescue mission not included
  7. Great mod indeed. Not an autopilot, and it's useful for adjusting mid-course trajectories in case SOI is not hit right away.
  8. So far I have 0.13 through 0.17. I should open up 0.13 again to get a feel for how much the game has really changed.
  9. Elladril - Try pressing "B" to set parking brake, an indicator should show up on the staging list. This was on the last version I played so not sure if it's still the case.
  10. Cart plugin and related mods Protractor plugin MapSat mod
  11. I remember Hale Bopp as a kid, it's pretty exciting that this bright comet came as a surprise and we will all be able to witness it clearly soon.
  12. Nicely done, pretty impressive trip. I like how the capsule has a decoupler, as if to give hope to the kerbals that they could parachute home one day.. somehow..
  13. Nice, good luck with this mod. My only suggestion is to include a working rocker-bogie suspension system so that it can remain stable on uneven grounds (and for safer landings)
  14. Here's my rover, been pretty useful for Duna exploration:
  15. Pretty sure devs have said docking won't be coming soon, and we do have some good mods that are being improved for now. My guesses for 0.18, not suggestions or fact: -More flight planning items like the pached conics, for orbital RV and interplanetary travel. -More detailed IVA's and the rest of cockpits -Rest of solar system
  16. Downloaded it, pretty nice. Two suggestions: -Make the part smaller and side mounted, like the radial munolith detector (and make it weigh around 0.01 instead of its current 0.5) -Like others said, an option to collapse the menu
  17. Landed on Moho with no cheats and stock only! ^Even when the engine is OFF, it was still overheating! Recorded video of the Moho landing (during a livestream - skip to 11:37:52): http://www.twitch.tv/deadshot462/b/333111375
  18. Really nice mod. Like others said, my only recommendation is to make the rover be a command pod
  19. Hello and welcome to the forums! I think this mod may be related to what you are talking about: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/9283-0-16-0-Plugin-Orbital-Planetary-Construction-V9-3
  20. This is very impressive work. Can't wait to try it out when it becomes available, should be exciting to do a classic Apollo mission to the moon.
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