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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Anything 1.0 is adding mods already fill those slots so I dont see the point in getting "hyped" for an update that a list of mods can give you already.
  2. April fools was old years ago none of the "pranks" have been well thought out or fooled anyone your thread and this one are just forum spam.
  3. put them on the bottom of the lander or you can put 2 on either side of the lander or just one on one side and an offset weight on the other.
  4. I dont see the point in wasting time slingshotting around when its needlessly easy to get the delta v to go anywhere into LKO.
  5. Fix 64 bit for windows and i'll consider this game complete.
  6. yes you can, you will just end up orbiting the sun.
  7. my first flag said "I dont see a god up here......" the rest just say the biome.
  8. Monoprop RCS all the way, i dont want to waste my LFO on such things.
  9. Everything 1.0 will add I can do with mods so I dont see why I need 1.0 at all.
  10. I wouldn't say the person who just "eyeballed" it was keeping to anything close to the spirit of the game space agency's wont just "eyeball" it they would do the math to get a rough idea of how much dV they need/ life support they need to drag with them.
  11. Theres a fix for that somewhere on the forums pretty sure its in KJR thread
  12. My game doesn't seem to have a graphics issue when offsetting pieces or I just dont care enough to see it? either way if that makes you hate the game wait until you run into the kraken or the memory leak crashs your game~
  13. Sandbox mode is useful if you want to test out a rocket/space plane but outside that theres no reason to use it.
  14. The only big issue is the memory leak that will eventually cause the game to crash on long play times.
  15. that isn't instant it just takes care of starting and stopping the time warp process. tho I dont have the same issues with time warp some people are having :\ its plenty fast enough as is.
  16. nope i dont want to see more memorials to dead people in a game about green space men.
  17. How is this SAS's issue? you made a fairing out of wings of course it crashed...
  18. its much faster (with or without mods) to just set up a small refueling station around the mun and send a lander to ever biome.(hell with some mods you dont even need a refuling station the mun can be used to get fuel.)
  19. That wont stop people from saying its slow just because your driving at 100km/h doesn't mean its not going to take you 2-3 hours to get across the planet or moon that you are driving on and that makes it feel much to "slow" when compared to just landing at the target locations with manned missions.
  20. like what waste my time driving a slow(in comparison) rover for hours on end to get the same results I'd get with a planned manned mission with multiple landings?
  21. Mods are not part of the game at stock so it only matters to people who are going to play with that mod, I mean if you want to add realism to a game that doesnt hand it self to realism that well go for it but it still doesn't matter to stock gameplay.
  22. I dont see the need for them to get all sciencey with the fuels it really doesn't matter at all from a gameplay standpoint it could be grinded up grass mixed with water for all I care.
  23. Graphics dont make the game, dont be like those The Order 1886 people with there crappy gameplay and decent graphics.
  24. I didn't install KSP my brother bought it and installed it while I was at work for my birthday, so you are wrong. first thing I did was launch a SRB into the VAB.
  25. Why waste time with rovers when you can get more science for your buck with a just as easily planned manned mission.
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