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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Wouldn't any prepaid credit card work with the KSP store? just go to a walmart or a 7-11 or whatever you guys have where you are and buy a vanilla mastercard or visa O.o
  2. I dont see this being an issue you can get some really stupid things to fly even with FAR/NEAR so there new aerodynamics cant really be all that difficult.
  3. Kerbals are not needed for what the game really is there just a nice bonus, they could be cinderblocks wearing spacesuits and it wouldnt change anything for me.
  4. they said there leaving beta with 1.0 that means 1.0 is going to be the "full game" that is what reviewers would look at I'd assume and with no real "beta" testing done it could go really badly for squad.
  5. The only thing worth paying extra for in this game would be a optimized and bug free 64bit windows version until they can do that I'll never give squad another dime towards KSP.
  6. I would assume if they are adding a new aerodynamic model to the game stock fairings(procedural or not) is kind of a must.
  7. I have tried with both of them and FAR makes the game way to easy RSS/RO never really added anything I would deem "fun" or "worth wasting my time on" the game doesn't lend it self to simulation well at all in my opinion and should be played as a game rather then a sim.
  8. Id suggest using the winch system in KAS to "drop" the c4 on the target during a flyby o.o
  9. FAR is kind of meh altho I think anyone going for any kind of realism in this game is wasting there time, little green men launching rockets to space is not suppose to be a simulation(and even with FAR the aerodynamics are a joke)
  10. I have a similar problem with the .90 version of Interstellar altho removing that mod fixed the issue it made me sad that I couldnt play with interstellar
  11. Hello, I'm currently running into a bug with this mod anytime I try and use any Air intake the game bugs out and refuses to let me place said intake, the game then fails to read vessel info(cant launch anything tells me I have no weight or other vessel info) and then I have to reload from an older save any idea why the intakes dont work?
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