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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Oh yeah I murdered the hell out of that kerbal, and 32 others of her kind, and I'll throw the next 32 of them at the sun!
  2. copy and paste your .90 KSP from the steam directory to anywhere else on your computer o.o
  3. if you got it off steam then steam will update it.
  4. then they didnt have a big enough QA team or a long enough testing period to begin with
  5. Heat management will matter while using the rocket but while its sitting there mining? I'll just slap on timewarp and let it crawl life support isnt a thing so they can stay there for 20 years for all I care.
  6. who cares about efficiency when I can just timewarp and let them get .0001 fuel for 6 years?
  7. "I disagree with this feature so it must be cheating!" some people.....
  8. Once all the good mods are updated I'll be bothered to update to 1.0 and try the new career the .90 career is easy so I assume 1.0 will be just as easy.
  9. Not right away, currently everything I care about in 1.0 I already have with mods so I can wait a month or two.
  10. Yeah I wouldnt care if there was no clouds in battlefield or anyother game clouds dont effect the gameplay I dont interact with the clouds and frankly aesthetics will never be that important to me. give me a real gameplay feature not some white puffs in a skybox I dont care about.
  11. Clouds are not a in game feature they are an aesthetic you dont buy a game and on the box it says "in depth story, crafting system, Compete online with friends!", and the all important skybox Clouds!" if all Squad has to do is add clouds to please you they have the easiest job ever. They should add flowers at that point why stop at clouds? Hell adding collision mesh to the ground scatter would be more of a feature then clouds.
  12. Because if someone working on the game says its a long over due feature and all they give us are clouds it will make Squad look like a joke for a dev team, "Heres your long over due feature i've been working on some crappy unity engine clouds for you to look at for a few minutes every time you launch!"
  13. Clouds are not a feature of a game.....a feature is something like life support or something interactive not clouds or any graphics enhancement
  14. wait until all the mods i use are updated and then likely delete most of the stock parts like always.
  15. No its a medical condition you need to remove it with cream.
  16. why bother caring when your gonna install the mods that give you the fairings youve been using for x amount of time anyway? hell i delete most stockparts and replace them with what I want from mods.
  17. once you've landed on all the bodies, put space stations around all bodies, landed a spaceplane on all bodies and so forth your pretty much done.
  18. Couldnt you just mod the part to be like the old part? thus making this thread pointless?
  19. Sonic had games on the Nintendo GameCube.
  20. it works fine for a game, for a sim its lacking but its not a pure simulation game. sounds like your expectations were too high.
  21. Murder bus and its only job will be to send all the kerbals onboard to the surface of the sun.
  22. and when CKAN screws up you will have to spend that time fixing it anyway.
  23. Manually, CKAN and any mod manager is pointless.
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