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Everything posted by ColKlonk

  1. Not your quote though...... So much is said in one line
  2. There's sumting not so right.. as I lose control at staging - tried various other methods but no solution yet.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68089-1-0-4-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-v0-17-3-2015-6-27?p=2142922&viewfull=1#post2142922
  3. Just playing around a bit.. but having a problem after the first stage event. Transfer proggy to rocket (Unit 1.) run it... Everything works perfectly until it stages.. then control is lost ?? I've tried various methods of the same idea.. but the first stage event bombs.. With RSS+Real Fuels I had to add a pre-ignition sequence to the stage events to get the engine to start. In either case control is lost after 'staging'.
  4. Well done on the placement.. Write to /pop along to some(all) aero/aerospace companies, asking them if you could do vocational work - you find a lot of interesting branches within the aero industry.. with a year or two you should be able to spot which specialisation route to take. Good luck..
  5. Anybody else having problems with the gimbals going bananas ..
  6. As soon as you start deviating from the RSS list of 'accepted' mods, you will most likely encounter problems.. Best is to trial and error..
  7. Movie was recommended to me.. then I saw the cast.... Hollywood trying to make it 'attractive'.... NEXT !! I might watch it one day... if I'm really.. really bored.. but that would be a rare occasion..
  8. Install just the Dependencies mods and then start adding mods from the Recommendations and then Suggestions.. sections, one by one, or in groups, until something goes wrong. If you've installed all, I'd say you're running out of memory.... the mods eat memory, and KSP doesn't manage memory that well.... so you have to monitor your memory usage. Get a proggy called Process Explorer, which gives a fairly detailed usage of all things on your pc.
  9. Doesn't matter if you live outside the US.. an excellent information site.. in fact the only one. You'll find an aviation career is not just about flying... there's a library load of procedures and regulations in general.. AND for every aircraft you fly. Be prepared to study you rear-end off, continiously... the volumes of information to wade through, makes Uni studies look pale in comparison... And there's no drinking, smoking.. or partying till the sun comes up - you do this and your career ends then and there. I hope you have diligence, application and dedication..... this is a hard career.. but the most rewarding of all careers. Go for it.. and good luck
  10. I know .. life is just not fair... but... It's probably better not to have any media hype around you... life can be nice and peaceful without the cr.p
  11. I'm of the opinion that Squad cannot solve this problem cos they don't know how too.. without breaking it. I suspect they're going full tilt for the 64 bit hoping this will get around the problem... but it won't.. and only will delay the impending fiasco.. By that time they will have moved on.. and say that you must buy a new KSP product... based on Win10..etc... but the problem won't go away... Ultimately KSP will be dropped.
  12. The work around I think (I'm afraid we've all have learned the hard way) is to have an extra battery pack on board which is disabled/disconnected, especially for these occasions. When you come out of warp.. you 'connect' the backup battery and spend a few hours recharging your systems.
  13. The problem with KSP is that you must READ/follow the mod recommendations to the T.. any deviation from that.. nutting works. WELCOME TO KSP !! You have a RSS non-friendly mix of mods.. Start here and read slowly....http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99966-0-25-0-Realism-Overhaul-6-1-2c The funny thing is that with all the mods indicated.. Nathan has forgotten to include Realism Overhaul in the list, as this can be easily missed by the newbie Both Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul must be installed
  14. You might want to show your ascent profile... and size payload you're pushing into space. Also don't forget to get rid any any unwanted weight - that escape pod rocket on top of the rocket can be got rid of a a few 1000m up.
  15. There seems to be a conflict with RO (V10.2) and Procedural Parts (v1.1.7.0)... Loading stops at the Procedural parts SRB tanks.. ModuleManager used is V2.6.6.. (as V2.6.7 just doesn't get off the ground) With either one of these two mods removed, loading is OK Solution and/or WorkAround :- The problem looks to lie between the files:- ..\GameData\ProceduralParts\Parts\ZOtherMods\RFSRB.CFG and ...\GameData\RealismOverhaul\RO_RecommendedMods\Procedurals\RO_ProceduralParts.cfg What I've done is just delete the RFSRB file and all works fine so far... as I can do without Procedural SRBs for the time being. Maybe Nathan can speak to the Procedural Parts modder.
  16. PSU units have a 'Power Good' (PG) sensor.. if this trips, down everything goes. Try not running your PSU at greater than 75% it's rating. Above this puts you in the ballpark for random shutdowns from the PG. PSUs are more 'intelligent' nowdays also sensing the input power check that it's within spec. Even a glitch of one AC power cycle will put you in the red zone, if you're max'ing your PSU. If you have $$$ to spare get a small 'on-line' APU backup (inverter) unit which will help eliminate the input side problem, if it exists.
  17. Other than the commentators swearing like troopers.. not much.
  18. FAR is so far wrong compared to reality.. it's just not funny.. Flight sims.. I find DCS (Prop aircraft)give a decent presentation of aircraft procedures and feel. FSX for more up to date systems and procedures. The biggest complaint (back then) from instructors about flight sim students, is the lack of outside observation and fixation on instruments. This is why I mentioned DCS or any similar 'combat sim' - with these you 'will' be doing a lot of looking outside or IOW, developing your situational awareness
  19. You have a 'stack corruption' error.. probably introduced by a mod. Stack corruption occurs usualy when procedure parameters are not 'cleaned' off the stack before a procedure/object returns. The funny thing is that this should automatically handled by Dev packages during compilation... else it's a problem wrt mod development system differing from Squads dev kit. Start with mod ellimination.
  20. Here's a good place to start asking for info - www.pprune.org I suggest going for your pilot medical first, as without this you're not flying anywhere. Pop along to your local flying school, they should have the study manuals that you need - buy these and read through them in the meantime. The manuals are expensive.. anything aviation is $$$. Talking about $$$, try do your license in one 'stretch'... it saves $$$. Good luck
  21. Well, this explains what they all about... maybe they should go get real life partners instead of contributing to global pollution. I've stopped watching all that psuedo nonsense, thought up by some hollywood directors.. moons ago.
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