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Everything posted by ColKlonk

  1. Well.. I'm fairly happy with this accuracy. Automated launch to orbit, locks onto a target inclination. An accuracy of 0.007 degrees give me about 830m at 400Km.
  2. For Testing (and play ?) purposes, would it be possible for someone to make 2 fictitious bases, one on the Equator and one at either North or South Pole.
  3. A question on the RO/Mechjeb relationship. Is there any way to get consistent Dv's that don't rely on the staging setup.. something that can work it out It's a hassle when you trying to pinpoint exact Dv's, and it becomes a drag with trial and error - launch, adjust, launch, adjust.... In this image this rocket is pushing a payload of 52.6 tons 'just' into orbit from Kourou (90 degree heading).. but as I move things around MJs Dv readings goes bananas.
  4. Here's a funny thing... I removed StockBugFixes and lost control (no control) of my ships. I can put up with a slight change in physics, but certainly cannot lose control.. so I reinstalled StockBugFixes and all is OK again. Anyway my ship weight is coming down to what I expect it to be.. so no worries there.
  5. Thanks It seems that the Stockbug fix produced 'heavier' physics, and I'd built my craft with this installed, whereas RSS/RO physics is 'lighter'. It did bug me that I wasn't getting a 20:1 rocket/payload ratio.. was getting 26:1, but I ignored that thinking it was just KSP.
  6. Physics question... after updating same mods.. etc Would it be ok to leave the RO physics config file in the RO folder (my default before and after) or must one replace the root folder physics file. Wondering as I could barely get a payload into orbit (planned Dv), now with the same rocket I could literally hit the moon direct ? Mods
  7. Thanks.. I was going a bit bananas thinking I'd left something out
  8. A quickie.. I have half a fuel tank of gas MMH/NTO and I'm getting vapour locks. The engines and tank are both pressurised.. is this a real problem (my problem) or a bug - I thought the pressurised tank was a bladder type, with helium pressure outside of bladder = No RCS needed ? Maybe I'll have to program a bit of RCS thrust, prior to ignition, into the KOS program ! It does work with a bit of RCS, which makes me think maybe, the engine is not aware of the pressure tank.
  9. Would it be possible to get a breakdown of kRISC('assembler') instructions per 'script' instruction. I would like to determine how many instructions I can insert into a 'Tick' on average. Thanks
  10. Maybe I'm blind.. but I haven't seen a way to abort a program once running. IOW.. stop program, but keep ship going without KOS control ? I thought something like keystrokes Ctl+Esc...etc
  11. Well... I be dammed... Hyper-'ventilated' a satellite into orbit as a target.. at an Inclination=55 and LAN=330. Launch from KSC at the right time and try get the LAN and INC right... How easy it is to make math mistakes, not to mention programming yourself up the creek. Butttt... a moment of brilliance ..tap tap tap.. and.. what can I Say :-) (Edt - Ignore the ship heading as it's programmed to Prograde at this moment - I just haven't updated the screen parameter.)
  12. This example is also true but for simple designs.. not for complex designs Well.. this is why I said.. ... .But now I see the disease is more entrenched..
  13. Of course.. but it works better, saving on costly mistakes :-) The old sayings:- 'Cheaper is invariably more expensive' 'A stitch in time saves nine' 'You get what you pay for' (except for the F22 and F35 of course) I've worked many moons in the technical and design fields and without a doubt, Taking 25% longer to ensure a proper product, saves you 50-100% repair time ! Accountants and CEO's have no clue about this concept.. they're taught funny economic maths at MBA classes. :-) Edt: (Come to think of it.. maybe squad can learn something) Back to Topic:- SpaceX, I think, will be a 'flash in the pan'. Elon will run out of money, or qualified staff. Either way Spacex will die, mainly due to Elon himself. SpaceX is of course the new breed in a quest to go where no being has gone before.. which is good for our future. But there will be a field, littered with the debris of 'start up' attempts, of this new adventure.
  14. Ag!! sorry... Missed that one.. was thinking in pure hardcore arrays... ( I usually develop in asm) Thanks..
  15. 'Basic' would be fine... this is not rocket science.... so no problem !! Yes.. you can get a basic script, but you have to fine tune it to every custom rocket. There's a good one on KOS Github, which funny enough ended was similar to what I 'thumbsucked'. I only saw the example after my posting here :). A suggestion for the KOS developer... How about data arrays ?. an example use would be in averaging discrete differentials.. etc. I'm looking at taking running averages over 8 (or 16) samples as KSP calcs tend to go wild when close to 'critical points'.
  16. Sooo.. Elon did something a few weeks behind Blue Origin.. a few eons behind what was called a waste of energy, already known to NASA (not known to be the sharpest pencil in the box) who over decades of the shuttle, had worked out that it was cheaper to use dump-n-go rockets, and are moving in this direction. Yet.. somebody had to prove, what was known, could be done... what for ?? I'm happy I've invested my money elsewhere .... :-)
  17. (v1.05) Not sure whether this is RSS/RO or Mechjeb.. but I get what seems the wrong readings (MechJeb) for Dv in the VAB... I only get around 60% Dv of predicted (= estimated between SL and VAC wrt to approximate altitudes). It's not rocket science :-) Any clues ? Edt: Using RD-120s
  18. It's essentially a problem with Squad having no idea what Unity does.. and Unity clueless about cross platform interoperability (hence ever increasing versions). If Unity ever bothered to consult pass histories about cross platforms... they'd realise it was a dead end... but Squad are still blind to that.. So they're reduced to a basic 'C' platform... Wow!! for performance here... we'll wait for the next hyperventilating processor.. :-)
  19. Here's a 'complete' version for a polar orbit.. The Movie: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y161cjojfop9k40/PolarOrbitwithKOS.mp4?dl=0 (54MB) The Program: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ei7zzmi20b5p03p/PolarOrbit_KOS.zip?dl=0 (6KB)
  20. My calcs take 3 subtractions, 3 divisions, 1 multiplication plus 1 more subtraction or addition, to get the motor settings (no trig or vector operations involved). I must still clean it up as I'm sure there's room for optimisation.
  21. The height map resolution AFAIK is not that great... I don't think KSP can handle that much data, and your frame rate would probably come to a standstill. So I don't think there can be be fixing to do.... and I wouldn't know when, as I'm not involved with any KSP/RSS/RO development. Remember KSP, besides being nice for building things(minecraft like), is not really a high performance game... for better maps you should try Orbiter (free), but it's a different ball game and doesn't have as many toys... but it has a nicer developer kit.. where you can also make your own things.. from scratch though.
  22. Playing around with the KOS mod (I like to tinkle ) with automating launches, docking etc... Got as far as launch to orbit with RSS/RO, with some nice engine control using a Bit-Banging method on multiple small engine. (An example how to use non-throttleable engines for more precise control) Satellite (5 tons): https://www.dropbox.com/s/1df0y8076bplpx0/KosSat.mp4?dl=0 (95MB = 09:45) ISS bits (50 tons): https://www.dropbox.com/s/rz92i7lfvqje8e9/Kos_ISS.mp4?dl=0 (9MB = a few seconds)
  23. Here's a further development of the Bit_Banging control, applied to a big rocket. (It's not perfect yet, so I must clean it up first, before publishing.) It's based on matching the rate changes between ETA:PERIAPSIS and the difference between ALT:APOAPSIS and ALT:PERIAPSIS. This brings the two points together at the same time, and in doing so matches the Apo and Peri heights in an almost perfect circular orbit. At the moment you have to design your Delta-V to place the rocket, at last stage, approx 200 seconds behind Apoapsis, which is where this video begins. I'll relax these restrictions in an improved version later. The video is at 4x speed and KSP has noisy engine on/off sounds (I've turned the volume down). https://www.dropbox.com/s/rz92i7lfvqje8e9/Kos_ISS.mp4?dl=0 (9 MB)
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