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Everything posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Being completely honest here: The textures don't seem very stockalike to me. Like in the slightest. Except for the pictures of the Apollo capsule, that looks pretty stockish, but you know. The models are good though. And I understand that it's hard to do textures but if you want it to go along with Tantares then maybe the textures should be in the same art style.
  2. I let my curiosity get the best of me and looked up what that meant. I wasn't disappointed x3
  3. Ohhh, I missed a lot. I've been gone. What's this wonderful looking... cylinder?
  4. Beale, have you ever played I Am Bread? I feel like you'd be bored because it's just a simulation of your every day life.
  5. When you're asking about the "SRB" presumably you're talking about the TKS escape tower? If so, you should keep is straight. It gives me more control over where the ejected capsule is flying, so I don't spin out of control like with the Soyuz LES. P.S. on that note you should make the Soyuz LES have an aligned centre of thrust... just saying.
  6. So... I see all of these amazing parts in the thread, and I see people playing with all of these parts, like the retrorockets (Seperatron 2?) And they all looks absolutely amazing, but when i download it and such, they're not there. Am I doing something wrong?
  7. Everyone remember to tune in at 4:10 ET! SpaceX is going to try to land the spent core of a Falcon 9 on a barge again. Third time's the charm, yeah?
  8. I just put some fins and vernier engines on it and called it a Molniya to be honest.
  9. Also! I notice you didn't have a picture for the L3 assembly, so maybe you could use this too?
  10. Yay! I think that my picture being included makes me more happy than it should, but I'm glad I could give you that update! (Did a loaf of bread just make my day? I think I need a life.)
  11. Have you ever considered making launch clamps? Like the Gagarin's Start kinda towers that wrap around the... well pretty much every R-7 ever.
  12. I would also really like to know this. That would be great to have the Soyuz style towers that wrap around the entire rocket.
  13. Yeah, I've been using the Waykeepers too, and they do look a little off now that I'm actually looking at one.
  14. The Antares looks amazing! I'm glad I could help I guess. Anyways, on the seemingly popular topic of self promotion, look what I made! Again, I can't believe that I just not got around to it, but I made a Vostok. Maybe this could be the picture for the Imgur album on the front page? Question mark?? Notice me. ;-;
  15. Also, maybe you should make the Castor 30 like the ones from the Explorer 1 in the FASA pack. Make them a solid rocket motor, unable to be throttled, but able to be shut down.
  16. So I'm confused, is this project dead? The Mercury was amazing and I'm waiting on more wonderful stuff!
  17. I don't know why I wanted this, but you should totally make a Delta II! I think 7000 series. Whichever one has the 9 GEMs on the side. I know that I could just get the Launcher Pack but those are too replica. I like the stock-alike thing you've got going on.
  18. That's pretty cool! Have you considered including the .CRAFT file for that? I could always use a mostly stock (From the looks of it) Buran!
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