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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. I know ages ago that someone did a retexture to remove the flat yellow texturing, but it seems to have been lost to the depths. Anyone have a copy handy?
  2. Try the Aviation Lights plugin, or having some landing lights shining across the sides of your craft if you prefer stock.
  3. Ok, double-posting since I completed this challenged Meet the Eristophanes: (the only plugin that makes any gameplay difference here are Aviation Lights, and functionally all they do is add some dead mass and power draw to the aircraft) Takeoff was surprisingly smooth --- three intakes, one turbojet, four fueltanks. Settled into cruising at a nominal altitude of 23.5km. Of course I bounced around a bit, but only really got nervous if I went above 24km. Cruising speed started out at arount 1,500m/s, but rose to over 18,00m/s as fuel drained. Reentry effects make superjets significantly more... exciting. KSC in view, with fuel right about where I'm comfortable with Planting a flag at the end of the runway is a good navigational aid. Stuck the landing! The CoG was incredibly stable over the course of the flight. I call that good design. And proof of a valid submission: MET 46:41, Max Altitude 24,721m, 8.5% fuel remaining, and Jennie Kerman is a badass. Whoo!
  4. Currently, parts don't get damaged. They're either 100% fine, or exploded.
  5. Does "no takeoff assist devices" include Seperatrons that aren't jettisoned? Never mind, those are something other than jet engines. Not allowed I do t I'll try this. Aviation Lights should have no effect on my attempt other than a tiny extra weight penalty (even though they are a plugin).
  6. I am betting it's using the docking washers from Magic Smoke Industries.
  7. ^Seconded. There's an especially nice archipelago at about longitude -170 that has incredible mountains and bays, all with Jool hanging low on the horizon.
  8. Fairly sure someone here has done an ion-powered SSTO to Laythe and back.
  9. 0.08. Whippersnapers, with your "struts" and "Mun" and "planes". (In all seriousness, I love how the community has grown over the last several years And new features rock!)
  10. You could try installing deadly reentry then removing the plugin file.
  11. I would love double-buffered quicksave files... or even better, like 5x buffered.
  12. I stuck a flag at the end of the KSC runway so I can find it in the dark: "KSC Jebidiah says: LAND HERE DAMMIT"
  13. Using IPA, I pronounce it "mjun". The vowel is sort of clipped and shortened. this might be helpful for people trying to describe how they pronounce things: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key
  14. I stuck a flag at the end of the runway. Not exactly the same as full lighting, but it works.
  15. I built an SSTO (on my first try, been on vacation for several versions!) Only mod used is Aviation Lights. Then I deployed a six-satellite communications network 1Mm above Kerbin. Ran out of dV after dropping the last probe, so I had to run a rescue mission... which ended up taking two different launches, since 1Mm circular orbits are significantly more expensive than my LKO crew shuttle could do.
  16. I used 7zip to decompress the folder. Re-downloading didn't fix things.
  17. Looks awesome, but according to 7zip most of the files are broken. Can you try re-compressing and re-uploading?
  18. iirc, the hexcans mod has dense half-full ballast tanks.
  19. TAC Fuel Balancer allows for dumping as well. That was the main reason I picked it up actually...
  20. ...I like this mod. Also, got SSTO on my very first try this version --- first plane, first launch, whoo!
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