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Everything posted by T.A.P.O.R.

  1. Study accounting for a couple of months then play Kerbal. It'll get you spacing again.
  2. I often go interplanetary, but rarely make it back. And have never returned from a gravity well greater than Ike. Usually due to version changes and starting from scratch each time, or some sort of irreversible save file corruption. I do have the 4 Orange suits in orbit of dres awaiting a refuel ship to help them come home or maybe head out.
  3. I had this problem in the astronaut centre. it was caused by a corrupt save resulting from a corrupt craft where all 3 kerbals were showing up in the portraits even though one of the pods had exploded. when it came to recovery, the kerbal was dead and my problems began.
  4. My c2d's have stopped. I think updating some mods did wonders.
  5. T.A.P.O.R. the awesome power of rockets
  6. Usually play with the sound off. Not everyone in my household has an appreciation for the sound of fiery exhaust and the occasional explosion.
  7. I guess I got used to not having it (.23.5) early on and never noticed the feature becoming enabled/existing.
  8. Its always been done on the actual vessel command part in flight and not the tracking station as far as I know. Maybe you had a mod? Tracking station renaming would be super useful though.
  9. I'm using loads of mods, but is anyone in stock having an issue where they can't exit the astronaut complex? I've had this happen twice this morning. Once from the space centre and another when hiring from the VAB. ----------------------------------- Just tested without mods. Doesn't happen. Oh man, where to begin the witch hunt? --------------------------------- Turns out its a corrupt ship in my career. Had a corrupt ship prior to 1.1.2 so this was just a coincidence I guess.
  10. It was totally stock. And the craft from the Mun Orbit scenario.
  11. I had this happen in the pre-release on a return from Mun. There was no fuel left and was going through a series of highly elliptical aerobrake manuvers. About 20km into the atmosphere and my apoapsis rose to escape velocity in seconds. I didn't' have the wherewithal to take a screen cap as I was busily F9ing.
  12. Same here. Have not seen it in 1.1 yet, but I'm plagued with other issues.
  13. Ok, weeks are off the hook. Moving house isn't my favourite, but at an upgrade in abode is good!
  14. Uh not sure what's going on, but I've played an hour of 1.1 and encountered more bugs than in the prerelease. Worst are 1. Acceleration to escape velocity with no fuel on aerobrake from Mun. 2. KSC menus flash up and disappear. Can't get into any buildings. To the bug tracker? On a positive note, no floppy rockets
  15. @Camacha re: cooling & overclocking. I came to the same conclusion and saved $100 I figured that since I don't have a high end board, the likelihood of having a stable oc greater than 4.5ghz seems remote. My new build is quiet, fast and runs at low temps. Summer is gone, but I doubt that it will struggle to cool it next time around.
  16. I'd not bother changing coolers when you change the CPU. The EVO is pretty good and nice & quiet (very similar to the Cryorig H7 in mine). I originally considered a liquid cooler, but the H7 I put in my build is so quiet and efficient that I am glad that I saved the $100. At the very least, I'd try the 212 and see how well it performs. If all good then you've saved some cash, if not up to snuff you can always add it in later
  17. I think it was Eve. Never got back home though. But that's true of every one of my missions outside Kerbin's SOI. Pre .90 I did almost manage a deep space high speed re entry >4000m/s but once it's engines touched the water the chutes disappeared and the thing exploded when it fell over.... All hands lost.
  18. Seriously happy with the upgrade. KSP runs beautifully, though COH2 doesn't rate my GPU highly (no surprises there). i turned off the 4.1ghz overclock as I haven't managed to build anything that's requires it. My imagination tends to run out at around 200 parts. I guess that's a habit left over from the slow pc days
  19. Impressive, most impressive. I've never managed to even build more than 300 parts. Almost all my large ships don't do that orbit reachy thing that the games are intended to do. I must say that this upgrade I great, none of the cores are anywhere near max usage and I've got a lot of things open and I'm still getting excellent frames. Also, my refrigerator is now louder than my compute. I can even hear the buzzing of my monitor (not a feature I like, but hey... can't afford to replace it for a while).
  20. Cheese Louise, that's far far away! Now I understand the postage issue.
  21. oh right. My first sentence was directed at the gpu. I can't imagine that the 960 would be that much better for ksp. You sound like you're in Australia too (distance and postage sounds like it anyway) pccasegear have a few bundles at the moment with good parts. My upgrade was only $650.
  22. I'd say so. According to this review it should over clock to 4.5ghz easily
  23. Yup, it's pretty good. Very quiet, very fast and I didn't even have to reinstall windows. ksp is in the green almost all the time. Barely dipped into yellow on the 1.1 Jool aerobrake scenario, mostly was 70-80 fps with the gtx650 and in the ~30 on the built in graphics. I've set it to 4.1ghz on the auto settings and temps are less than stock on the e8500
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