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Everything posted by T.A.P.O.R.

  1. Got to space this morning , but I don't think my Duna lander is going to survive the trip to the surface. Someone forgot the heat shield.
  2. Yeah, it's in he steam update options(can't recall the exact name and I'm not at my compute right now). Just opt out of the beta program and you're all set. It'll re-download 1.2.2
  3. That's still the open beta isn't it? I've opted out of the beta program and I haven't had any broken mod alerts this evening.
  4. For me it's when I've cracked most of th me 300 science tech nodes. thats when I can get on with exploration and stop struggling to space.
  5. Ok, soon after this post, the new save commenced. at the Southern ice cap I now have a Lynx rover, 3 planetary base modules (hab mk2, greenhouse & science lab) and a Surface Experiment Package. All hauled in via 4 flights on mk4 plane parts mod. Took about 6 hours all up. Hadn't researched planetary base wheels yet, so I had to do a lot of ramming with the rover to get them into position. Finally connected everything wit KAS. Anyone know of an easy way to assemble a decent sized transport boat?
  6. I still go to space, but in my next save I'll be setting up a polar base to simulate life on Duna, before venturing forth beyond the edge of the Kerbin SOI. All modules air freighted in.
  7. All this + no motion sickness for me (looking at you, every fps ever) + safe content for developing minds + can wander off for a cup of tea, or taking out the recycling without needing to pause.
  8. In one mod with an added star system, I travelled at max warp for a couple hundred kerbal years. It still took most of a day in real time.
  9. Such nerdery. I love it! if only I was half as clever as the chart creator or refer.
  10. My space stations tend to expand by attaching used craft that can't land and have been superseded by improvements in the tech tree. Mostly it's just the crew cabin that makes it home. I might change this in my next save though.
  11. I'm onboard. This game continues to entertain me after 3+ years. More official content and squad keep the lights on. Yep I'll buy it for sure!
  12. I keep unintentionally landing within sight of the one up in the east crater northern rim. It's pretty flat in the crater itself at that point so a good early career landing site. Though this latest career see half my moon-base nearby just disappear when I came to deliver a new module. Such disappointment!
  13. I've got an i5 6600k and it's been stutter in a lot on 1.2.1 I'm using heaps of mods including the ones you mentioned. never happened in previous versions on this rig though.
  14. Yeah,deleted right away, but haven't played since. So much homework to do! Come on 31.10.16 and Freedom!
  15. I agree. Rather than random satellite orbit contracts, I'd like to see some proper career progression that includes utilisation of the new gameplay features. My past few career modes ended up with me cheating past the grind and just going sandbox rogue.
  16. I'll report back with the arrival date, once it actually arrives And we're at 212 years, only about 1/5th of the way to Antares(visually estimated). So I'm pretty sure KAC wasn't designed to deal with such a timescale.
  17. Hmm..... KAC says 233 years, but my maneuver node says 2933 years!
  18. Year 72 and not even half way. Better time warp will probably update to 1.1.3 before I get there.
  19. Have been warping at the KSC for 1/2 an hour and am at 32 years!
  20. I've expended over 30km/s in DV including a 4.1km/s plane change(using Near Future mod suite). Still have 50km/s on board. The burn times are looooooooong. My encounter is 233 years away. A significant improvement on the 4000 odd years plotted at lowest transfer of 5km/s! Oh look at that, I'm going to impact the star! And Max warp is too slow!
  21. I've found that the crash frequency on either method is entirely random. Both have good and bad days
  22. Nah, keep it. That's the lowest energy transfer that it predicted. I'd build a horribly inefficient and overpowered craft to get there. In fact, I'm going to make it my sole mission for the foreseeable future!
  23. Oh wow, it sure is far away! I just plotted a transfer with "Transfer Window Planner" and its got a respectable DV requirement of 5504 M/S Departure in year 3, day 44 with an arrival date of Year 4475 day 250! Guess I'll be needing FTL of some sort after all
  24. By jove, you've got it. Its those lousy crystal spheres! I'm looking forward to trying to get out there 1.1.3 will probably drop before then though and put me back to LKO.
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