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Everything posted by Catto

  1. The hypetrains slowing down, thank nate it's not a huge delay.
  2. You're so negative, i think you're causing a singularity. Don't be like that. We get plenty of news, like once every two months. It's not much, but we know they're working hard.
  3. The steam community is a wasteland of toxic people. I expected them to throw tantrums. I'm not too saddened, as preorders will possibly come in around November/December, In time for Christmas, so more people can get the game. Which means i don't have to save all my money!
  4. Preorders might/possibly be in late 2022, which would be good for a bigger audience in order for them to be able to get the game for christmas. And i won't have to save my birthday money for it!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Great. Well, atleast i will have time to prepare. Let's hope this promise is kept. Just in time for christmas. Thankfully it's not a long delay. Like we are still going to wait 8-9 months till it comes out
  6. Fine, i'll have my kerbals teleport around like they're demigods.
  7. I'm playing it on the first day it releases. Hopefully preorders don't end before my birthday.
  8. I'd preorder it. My birthday is in less than two months, i hope it's preorderable after or before then. I want to play it on DAY ONE.
  9. I have this lego set, i'll give it a shot
  10. Milk runs? Are you saying my ships will leave and never come back?
  11. I can't wait for this to come out.
  12. I like sealaunches, they should add those for like, a budget friendly option
  13. Poggers Please give me a download to these flags. I need them in my game.
  14. I used to just clip an inflated heat shield inline between the nuclear and the habitat part, so it looks like a shield. I kinda still do.
  15. In a parallel universe, yes, it's there. Waiter? Why is a hadron collider inside of my soup?
  16. Yeah, Even if i hate the soundtrack (which i 99.99999% won't) i could maybe change the music back to the original
  17. Feels like the trailer released just yesterday... And now, i'll get to play this marvel of a game. This year.
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