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Everything posted by Ilya

  1. It isn't working for me. All it did is this: http://i.imgur.com/DocAaOt.jpg . Here's the output log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GvO2TTRyTlSGV4UjNFU005SXc/view?usp=sharing
  2. Are you guys sure about that? I just tested, and increasing it from 0.05 to 0.08 made me lose about 5fps on my station, while lowering it to 0.03 made me gain fps.
  3. I did that as well in RadeonPro (it didn't work at all in the AMD CCC), but then, for some reason, the game becomes literally unplayable. It displays 1 FPS, but it's clearly even slower. Not sure what's going on at all. I tried many things and couldn't fix it, so I just gave up.
  4. I did give it a shot, and the memory was amazingly lower, but the problem is that antialiasing didn't work at all in opengl, which makes it even worse-looking than if I just lower the texture resolution.
  5. This mod looks like it's going to be beautiful, but I worry about the memory usage. Can you give us an estimate on how much ram it will use? I only use 19 mods and I already have to use half-res textures due to crashes.
  6. How did you make this image? http://i.imgur.com/wlp5Fxv.jpg It's awesome.
  7. You guys were right. I changed it, and it was an immediate fix. In fact, you have to be much less specific with the orbit than I previously thought; I wasn't even aligned properly this time and it worked anyway. Thank you very much for those really quick and informative replies.
  8. It says that the ascending node is at 179.8 degrees. According to you, I would be backwards, but in my mission's notes, it says this: . I assumed it meant that my orbit was fine. Should I try reversing it?
  9. So, I'm doing a standard "orbit" mission around Minmus, in the career mode. I've already successfully done 2 or 3 of these before, but now it's not working, for whatever reason. This is probably the closest I've ever been to the blue line, too. In fact, I'm so close, that both lines just keep glitching together and jumping around. What should I do?
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