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Everything posted by BlackHat

  1. I have not had one quite that bad, but your right, a little better grouping would be nice.. By the time I got the multi biome/situation contracts, I had already unlocked the Mission Control so had no limits on contracts, and just kept it and accepted that it would take multiple launches to complete the contract.
  2. Another crazy contract... I have "Solar Science" mod installed. and I am being asked to preform the "HMI Doppler Images" experiment in high Kerbin Orbit. (High is space above Kerbin) However this experiment is only supposed to be used in Solar Orbit (Kerbol High and Low) On the other Hand "Science Alert", and "[X] Science" Mods both think its available for completion in orbit around every celestial body. So I suspect its a "Solar Science" mod bug. from my amaturish look at the codes, I dont see a way to limit the experiment to only around the sun, and the mod uses a later check if its used anywhere besides the sun to say "Can only be used around the sun"
  3. Great, glad to hear the exclusion worked... I have had to create a couple of exclusions for my game. (which was copy another config and edit it and hope it was right.) IF you get bad toolbar icons, ATM is the cause and you need to make exclusions for those icons..
  4. It does not crash on my install. Check to be sure your "Squad/Spaces/LargeCrewedLabInternals/Glass" file is not corrupted. I don't know how you did your install, (I have an original download game folder which I copy and used the copied game to play with.) but either get another copy of that file from Steam, or your back up copy of the game and try again. Or add Squad/Spaces/LargeCrewedLabInternals/Glass to the ATM Configs file for Squad. (I don't know what I am doing in the configs or I would just do up the lines you need to add, Maybe someone who knows what they are doing can post the lines to add to the Squad.cfg file to exclude the glass.png from being compressed by ATM.
  5. Ok, also noticed that all my bases were black squares. (ATM strikes again) Got the ATM configs and installed it, and now Kerbin-Side is working correctly. (KSC and a few other bases now show as an Open bases) Not sure why adding ATM configs fixed the problem.
  6. Strange bug.... Been using Kerbin Side since .90 But noticed I never saw any base Icons in 1.0.+ Went to Tracking station and made sure I had "Show open bases" and "Show Rocket Pads" enabled. (Green Dot) Still Nothing. It wasn't until I enabled Closed Bases they all appeared. EVEN KSC. Why does the the mod think KSC is closed?
  7. I had not popped open the the spoiler notes in the OP, and based on that I had no clue what Plus was doing. As its description was minimal. It was not until I went to Github and saw the expanded notes that I realised what Plus was doing. I was just suggesting that you include a blurb/note/message under the StockPlus section of the OP that what it does is explained in the spoiler notes of the bug fix modules.
  8. The OP is a little sparse, What is StockPlus? What features is it activating? [EDIT] NVM, followed your GitHub link and saw that (Plus) modifier in the descriptions was what StockPlus was doing. Mist want to include something in the OP that shows that also.
  9. CTT looks very interesting, but I am surprised how few part mods are incorporated into it. I mean taking a look at the all the Part mods listed on "Community Mods and Plugins Library" its shocking that only a few authors have mods included in CTT.
  10. Another Suggestion for a feature for CKAN. The ability to mark a mod/or add a mod to a watch list. ex. There is a mod I like, but is not currently up to date. I can click it to add it (for example to a watch filter) so I can easily find it later to see if its updated. OR, There is a mod I am interested in, but currently has a bug so I dont want to install, I can add it to my watch list so I can check back from time to time to see if it gets update. If there was only 20-30, or 40 mods for KSP, this sort of feature would not be necessary, But for KSP1.0.2 there are currently over 700 mods?, and I think this would be a perfect feature to add.
  11. One of the things I have used for years is a "C:Games" folder. I install all games that give me an option in that folder. So in my case KSP is in "C:Games/KSP1.0.2"
  12. As far as appearances.... There are plenty of Head mods for texture replacer. If you want your kerbals to look different just use Texture Replacer and use one of those mods.
  13. Found the problem. Reverted to and earlier save before Launch. Ran the same orbit, and was in Suborbital (Green) until I neared the south pole. about 150km from pole I went below 70k and Suborbital went off, (White) I reoriented the ship, and blasted straight up to get above 70K, and got 70k just before I reached the way point. It went green and a few seconds later I reached the way point. Complete. (Now I just got to land) So for Suborbital missions. you have to be Above 70k at the waypoint but not in a stable orbit. EDIT: So the contract sees any orbit where your AP is above 70 and the PE below 70 as an unstable orbit and the part above 70k is the Suborbital portion. Thanks, BlackHat P.S. I have another Tourist contract 3 kerbals to suborbtal to South pole this time and will play around with it to be sure that my edit info above is correct.
  14. Ok, I had a tourist contract to take 4 Kerbals on a suborbital flight to the South Pole. First I assumed I did not need to land them there. Second, I got on an sub-orbit (90x60) [requirement met(turned green)] But about 200km from the waypoint the suborbital requirement reverted back to white. [not met] and flew over the waypoint (15k from it) I was at 66km and decending when I past it. [south Pole requirement met] But suborbital never came back. I have no clue why it said I was not suborbital anymore.
  15. I'm making a list, and checking it twice..... I think its safe to say your probably on the nice list. Will be getting this one too. (Although I will also probably wait a couple days) Hmm Suggestion, I have not looked at the contents, but from seeing your other mods, you might want to switch from .pngs to .dds images.
  16. Well after playing around trying to fix the Agent Logos, (and another Mod's Icon that came up blank in the stock toolbar) but nothing was working. I went ahead and copied a simple ATM config from another Mod, and modified it to fix bad toolbar icon. [Critical temperature gauge MOD] and it worked. So I did the same with the CP:Tourism mod, and I now have 2 good Agency logos. I have no clue what I am doing with the configs, and hope I got it right. But in any case it worked. ContractPacks.cfg ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG{ folder = ContractPacks enabled = true OVERRIDES { ContractPacks\Tourism\Agencies\KST_scaled { compress = true mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 } ContractPacks\Tourism\Agencies\KST { compress = true mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } }
  17. Yep I have that default too. Not sure why the image comes up blank. Doing more checking
  18. Just noticed I had a blank image for the Agent logo on the Contract selection screen. (And the Agent Icon looked rough) I assume ATM got to them. Does anyone have a ATM config to fix this. Thanks,
  19. Stumped me... What are you talking about. (R&D Group Agent, and [New Agent?) [EDIT:] NVM, Saw it in the game. The "Company" that is sponsoring the Contract. Hmm, If I recall correctly, isn't there a mod that added a bunch of agents and or tweeked their "strategies" as to the type of contracts they offered? (ie, pays generously, cheapskate, favors R&D, Favors exploration. etc)
  20. Does CKAN play nice with KSP-AVC? By that I mean, if I install mods with CKAN, and when I launch KSP, KSP-AVC checks and finds a new version and I install it... Will CKAN declare its an AD mod and not longer do updates for it?
  21. Is there a way to cause CKAN to initiate a "Refresh" on launch? 99 times out of a 100 when I start CKAN the first thing I do is "Refresh" to check for new mods or updates. [Thanks for fixing the "new in repository"] (The 1% is if I am launching CKAN to remove a mod) It would be nice if there was a setting in the Options to do a refresh on launch.
  22. I think I agree with the OP, this is a nice idea. I liked how Squad fixed the starting altitude contracts so you dont miss them if your first rocket goes all the way to space. Doing the same for the flyby/Orbit/Explore missions to all planets and moons would be great. and having a tabs where you can see these uncompleted/completed milestones would be icing on the cake
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