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Everything posted by BlackHat

  1. Heads up, the CKAN links to the forum for the HGR 1.875 parts and the HGR Props mods are incorrect. When I follow them I get the AJE thread, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70008 I think "HGR 1.875 parts mod" should be: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60974 I dont know where the HGR Props mod should link too.
  2. Hmm Might be time to update the video, unless there are no significant changes between 0.6 and 1.2.1
  3. Talking about why a terrible rocket doesn't work well is kinda pointless, don't you think? His "poor" design identified a real problem, What is probably a bug that needs to be fixed. And improved design will not fix the problem, only hide it.
  4. Yeah matching the orbit, was never too much of a problem for me, but I found the time period annoying. I had 2 contracts that wanted me to wait a VERY long time. The first was for 90 days. But the second wanted me to leave the probe in orbit for 180 days. Ok sure I could just go to Tracking station and fast forward for 6 months game time, but I dont play that way. I want to keep on doing other missions and not fast forward for months just to complete contracts, so Now I have 2 contracts slots that were complete in a few days game time (Scan 95% of planet) but wont be complete for much longer due to the arbitrary time period to maintain orbit.
  5. Checkout: Kerbal Feels Mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114096-WIP-0-90-KerbalFeels-0-0-1-plugin-for-inter-kerbal-relationships-%283-26-2015%29
  6. From a quick read, it looks like they are using 'CelestialBody.atmosphereDepth' instead of 'CelestialBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude'
  7. The upgrade of the program to 1.0 breaks most mods. (Except part mods which are usually not affected by upgrades) Every upgrade of the program breaks most mods. This is expected. Now the Mod creators (or someone who has taken over the mods) will need to work on them to make them compliant with KSP 1.0. Expect this to take anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks for most mods. Just keep watching the forums to see when your favorite mods are upgraded from .90 to 1.0, or get CKAN.
  8. How has it killed it? Do you mean that its broken by 1.0? or that its features are included in 1.0 so that ASE is no longer needed?
  9. Technicaly the game does not know which contract your working on. And by reaching orbit you have completed parts of both contracts. (It perfectly acceptable to complete multiple contracts with the same ship.) So you could launch a kerbal into orbit, complete the first mission, and then send him to the mun to complete the second. Since the game does not know which contract your working on, as you complete a step in all the contracts you have accepted the game will record that you have completed that step in each of them waiting for the rest of the steps to get triggered. For example you could have 6 different contracts to take a part to orbit for testing. (Engine, battery, de-couppler, etc.) But you only send 1 of the parts to orbit on your current ship. THAT contract will complete, but the rest will also show that you have completed the reached orbit segment, but wont be finished because you don't have the part to be tested on the ship I am not sure, but I dont think the contracts can be set to ONLY check other steps if a "main goal" step is completed first. You certainly would not want a contract to take a part and land it on the moon, that did not trigger the check other steps until you finished landing on the moon. (You land and then it shows that you did not have the part on the ship.)
  10. If I may ask, how is this different/better than "Realistic RTGs" plugin by Gribbleschnibit8, (Although it does look like he has stopped working on it about 4+ months ago)
  11. Deleting all "other" mods that have dependencies is impractical when the AD mod is ModuleManager. AFAIK just about every mod will have dependencies on it. And Starting with a vanilla install and adding all the mods again would not be so difficult if CKAN at least had the ability to "Remember" which mods had been previously installed so I dont have to page through about 600 mods checking each one to see if its on my modded install thats bugged cause I dont have the option to force an update of a AD mod.
  12. One thing I find annoying is trying to read the Ribbon description tool tip text. due to its white text on top of other ribbons. Is it possible to change the text color or better yet give it a non transparent background color? Thanks,
  13. EDIT: I meant when I try to manually remove the mod, (Delete the folder) CKAN gives me errors when I refresh the list of mods. SO there is no way that I can see to update these mods through CKAN. (It wont update them, It Cant remove them, I cant remove them. I DONT want to have to update them manually from now on. CAN we get the ability to Force an update of a Autodetected Mod?
  14. Is there a way to force CKAN to update a Autodetected dll? I manually installed a couple Mods that were not originally on CKAN in my first KSP game folder. Later when they were I tried using CKAN to update them. CKAN says Nope not gonna do it. So I tried to use CKAN to uninstall the mod, Ok, it tries then says there are to many dependencies with other mods and wont do it. SO how am I going to update this mod. I dont want to have to do it manualy from now on. CAN we get the ability to Force an update of a Autodetected Mod?
  15. I believe its the "C" key to switch between crafts/eva characters who are close enough to each other. <2.5km
  16. There is a design limitation on the 32bit version. (Due to the underlying game engine "Unity 4"?) which caps the memory to about 3.5gig. So even if you have 200g memory on your computer. once the game reaches 3.5 gig of space used on the computer it crashes... ATM - The FIRST time you run ATM it will take a long time to load the game. (More mods installed increase the time) Thats because the ATM mod is compressing all the image files into a format that will use less memory. Once it has completed that the first time, future launches of the game will load the game just as fast as it ever did before. BUT now it will take less memory to do it. YES You want to get ATM if your crashing due to out of memory issues. And hopefully the 64bit version will be fixed soon. re: force-opengl add -force-opengl to your shortcut used to launch the game ie. go into properties, and edit the line that calls the game. and add -force-opengl so for example instead of the: "C:\Games\KSP .90.705\KSP.exe" it would now say: "C:\Games\KSP .90.705\KSP.exe -force-opengl"
  17. At this point I suspect that I have the wrong Science Lab, which is annoying... Personally I think Science Labs from other mods should also be counted.
  18. Creature Comforts.... Got a station in orbit with Zoology bay and Mobile Processing Lab (both fully manned & with Kibbals), I have docked a a ship with Creature Comforts to it. The Creature comforts Lab has started building up Bioproducts but no Eurekas. Does it need to fill up with Bioproducts before it starts generating Eurekas? or is something wrong?
  19. Yeah I probably did accidentally hit Alt-F10 instead of (or in addition to) Alt-F9. (I am using a Laptop and in dim lighting have a hard time reading the keys sometimes. Next Laptop will have backlit keyboard!)
  20. Ok upgraded, and my flag planting bug is done now. But twice not I have had another problem... (Probably not a bug, just my failure to know how to use CC) When I reload a quicksave, twice now I have had a large CC popup saying that it has reloaded xx Contracts, and it list them and has other buttons that can be used to (configure?) the contracts or display info about them. My problem is I cant figgure out how to close that window. I dont see a close button, or "x" box, and I am stuck with the window open. (I just had a thought that it might not be a CC window. But I have no clue what else it could be. It had about 5 buttons across the top, [going from memory] Reload contracts, Force _____ ?, Debug contracts?, Edit contracts?, Location)
  21. Wait, was CC causing that? I noticed a problem yesterday, I had just unlocked planting flags, and tried to plant one on Kerbin near the runway. (and in testing, other KSC locations) but after planting the flag, the Name flag popup never appear and the Kerbal was locked up. I could go to the space center and "recover him" sometimes. (the game usually crashed shortly after this) But I did NOT have any plant flag contracts, so did not think that was the cause.
  22. Unfortunately, this is an unmanned probe, KER is not available for this satellite. . And your right, I did forgot to include the Kerbin Radius, so it would be 950 & 703 like you indicated. AND when I do the ecc calculation for those numbers, it comes out to be 0.149..... Just under the 0.15 I needed. So I guess I just need to raise the AP a few more kilometers. Thanks, EDIT: Yes, raising the AP about 2-3 Km did complete the ecc requirement. Now I just need to wait 6 Kerbal Months to complete the contract.
  23. Contract problem. I got the: Long Term Magnetic Field Mission - Use one or more vessels equipped with a magnetometer and a radio plasma wave instrument to study a planet or moon's magnetic field environment. Enter an orbit that matches the specified parameters (monitor this mission in the contract window to see when these parameters have been met) and remain in orbit for the specified amount of time. For the planet Kerbin. I was able to meet all the parts of the Contract very quickly, EXCEPT for the eccentricity. Initially I thought it was Max eccentricity of 0.15 so I set up a virtually circular orbit. (AP:103km PE:102km) But the condition did not trigger and i read it more carefully. It says: "Orbit with at least 0.15 eccentricity" Ok, so I set raised my AP:350km & PE:103km (that should be a Ecc of >0.5) But the condition still did not trigger? (According to an orbit Calculator PE:102 AP:138 should be ecc 0.15) Any Idea whats wrong?
  24. Google is your friend..... (Google: ksp space 1999 eagle) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/8549-Space-1999-Eagle-**Version-1-2-16-hatch-Kerbonaut-Ready!** http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24677-(0-23)-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread-(new-parts) Now these crafts were made for older versions of KSP, so I dont know if they will still work. The 2nd KSP forum link is probably your best bet.
  25. Sounds like you want something like "Nexus Mod Manager", I used to use it for Skyrim and Fallout. I agree, something like that for KSP would be great. Made adding and removing mods VERY simple and Fast. CKAN is very close. But it "forgets" what mods I have downloaded before but am not currently using. So I have to search through 500 mods trying to remember the name of that mod I was using last week..... - - - Updated - - - Hmm. Had not thought about the conflicts with Saves if I am switching between different GameData folders frequently. In that case, I can see having multiple KSP installs instead of GameData folders.... Currently I am just wanting to test various mod combos and compressions to find what minimizes my crashes.
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