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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Make an RSS config that adds Halley's Comet, and a few moons of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto!
  2. It used to be my favorite with realism overhaul and other mods (I loved going to Titan), but in an instant, BAM! Bugs hit me like crazy! Textures disappeared, rockets blew up and I could not enter the VAB even if I tried to. Great mod, but it's sooooooooo bad with bugs. 7/10 Rating.
  3. I think inflatible habitats are a fantastic idea. Lightweight and compact! Perfect for tons of missions *cough* Mars One *cough*.
  4. For me, Parachutes of any kind. Here is why. 1. Not very heavy compared to rockets (of course they can't be used on Mars or bodies with no atmosphere) 2. Cheaper in the long run 3 Safer. What if the rockets fail and they don't have parachutes? The contents of said vessel would be killed and/or destroyed 4 Can be used in basically any weather.
  5. Alright, so I've got a few questions about this theory. 1. What does it mean by space "contracting", and time dialates? 2. How come the speed of light is always "c"? 3. How are space and time the same thing? 4. How come it affects everything BUT gravity? Thank you fellow smart people, Kaboom!
  6. Yup. You're allowed to use liquid fuel and/or soloid fuel till escape
  7. Very great idea. I love wheels that do this so I don't need to bring 30,000 RTGs
  8. Well, all I need is a cost and you get a place on the board.
  9. Question! Can you make a special category for RSS? Can we do this on "Venus"?
  10. Mun was the main mission. The other missions were options and you didn't have to go to the Mun. Also, it's still ok. You didn't have to use them for everything, just the requirments. Before you go on the scoreboard how much was the station?- - - Updated - - - Total cost?
  11. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/713031719278152448/6F508F4CE2BC92C50FE1A464865E5C335CDD1721/ 18km/s getting less then 1km over the surface at Mercury in RSS. When you fly by Mercury this fast call me.
  12. Dear Mr Inigma, Make an original and fun challenge, please. You basically took your lowest orbit challenge and changed 2 things. The 2 things are, it's a space station, and 2, it's anywhere. Make it more orignal please. Also, this is quite easy, just fly a space station around the Mun and make the orbit at 5km. That being said, I hope you have a wonderful day. Sincerely, Kaboom!
  13. As long as it didn't break the rules I don't care.
  14. You got it pretty well, but 90% of the KSP community gets stuck with the 6km slow down trajectory
  15. Thanks for the help. I'll fix this in an instant.- - - Updated - - - *coughs* 2kn thrust with a planet that takes anywhere from 2 to 8km a second to slow down? Hours of burning? Patience is a challenge itself.
  16. Story: After receiving extremly generous funding by Ionic, with the addition of running out of nuclear engines, the KSC has decided on using Ion engines as their main space propulsion. They want to fly out and explore, but the Ion engines aren't exactly essential. The thrist for electricity is difficult enough, but the low thrust is rage-inducing. MAIN MISSION: Land on the Mun and return. Bye Kerbin!:Flyby Duna and/or Eve Let's get Focused:Flyby Dres, Jool or Eeloo For the Veterans:Moho Orbit (Yes, ORBIT) For the person who is nuts: Land on Moho, Dres, or Eeloo For the Person who has infinite time on their hands: Fly-by of ALL Planets and Moons (YES, EVERYTHING) Side Missions Land on Minmus and return Land on Duna and Return (All Optional) Rules Visual and Info mods ONLY No modding configs and debug menu No Power-Genarator MODS (Stock Solars and RTGS) No Ion Engine mods (Stock Ions) Launch-stage must be stock(NO KW or NovaPunch etc.) Bye Kerbin!: 1 2 3 4 5 Let's Get Focused 1 2 3 4 5 For the Veterans 1 Maolagin, 1,925,000 funds 2 3 4 5 For the person who is Nuts 1 Camaron, Landed on Dres and Moho (unknown funds) 2 Purplevain, Landed on Dres and Moho (About 239,000 funds each) 3 Astrobound, Landed on Moho (88,691 Funds) 4 5 For the person who has infinite time on their hands 1 2 3 4 5 I am basing this on cost in-game. Happy Flying! Whoops. Forgot to add a scoreboard for the main mission. MAIN MISSION 1 purpleivan: 67,234 Funds 2 3 4 5 Shoutout to purpleivan for reviving this year old challenge. Also, Jetski did every category basically, so he gets to stay down here! IF only I had the cost. (cost is 311468 funds)
  17. Are you God or something?EDIT: Bug! Camera won''t work. It follows the kerbal but no 1st person view. Do I need Hullcam VDS?
  18. Your attempt? Also you said nothing about the debug menu, so I can use infinite fuel.
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