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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. I feel so bad. How are you going to make frozen pizzas?! I feel for you and your frozen pizzas.
  2. It should take a few weeks at most. So maybe when 1.0 gets all the major bugs fixed. I have all 3 planets found on Space Engine. Doing config for black hole and Miller's Planet tonight. Tomorrow after school, Mann and Edmunds. I'll test it extensively and get it out after 1.0 release.
  3. Guys, I just wanted to say I'm making the Gargantua system to be used with this mod (you don't have to use this mod)! If you want to check it out here is the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115848-Gargantua-System-%28Lead-by-the-remarkable-Dr-Kaboom%21%29. Sorry if this is spam.
  4. Little late. I'm okay with this now. No need to ignite it again.
  5. [QUOTE=Hobbes Novakoff;1846113]Erm... Yes. You're the one trying to start a flamewar. Chiodo, that looks awesome. Very organic. As organic as you can get when your only color option is white [/QUOTE]I wasn't to. I thought ships need a purpose or being a replica to come on here. But I was corrected and we all became "friends".
  6. So I'm the antagonist? Wow. Don't say you didn't say it. I know you did. Thanks for the great title.
  7. LOL I thought you meant fuel tanks. You're right. LOL I'll put the flamethrower down. I expected a flame war, but I'll accept an unconditional surrender.
  8. Replica tanks? What the heck are those? Also, battleships are a tool for roleplay.
  9. If you're going to post in the exchange, make the craft a replica of an IRL one, or give it a purpose.
  10. Fresh vanilla experience, I will reinstall my game one day from launch. Then I'll test every new feature in the game. If nothing big needs to be fixed, I'll play vanilla till my mods are updated. If the features are buggy or really bad, I'll fix them with DRE and NEAR and other mods. That's my game plan.
  11. In my school, I'm writing a book called "Disappearances". It is about a boy, Jackson, as he goes through the event of every existing thing in the universe disappearing, and then the universe itself. Things disappear at random order, may it be a simple pen, to a neighbour down the street. As more and more things disappear, it becomes recognizable by Jackson. He tries to tell everyone about the inevitable, but no one believes him. At the point in between the whole universe disappearing, and the starting point, they finally realize. The event speeds up, and more things vanish as less things exist. Jackson wakes up to realize he's an orphan, as his parents no longer exist. The next day, he discovers that almost every planet in the solar system has disappeared. Jackson and his friends rush into a school gym, and when one of his friends look out the gym doors, he discovers that the gym is the only place still existing. As parts of the gym start disappearing, his friends follow, leaving only him and his best friend. They say their goodbyes, as the basics of the universe are the last things to vanish. And then, in a moment, Jackson and his friend disappear, following the universe. So, I came here to ask if I should continue in my writing, or not. I'd love to hear. Let's not be jerks with our negative opinions either.
  12. To answer the main question, I'm an advanced human in the fifth dimension setting up a tesseract to save you unevolved humans. A paradox, yes, but we'll fix it eventually.
  13. If Interstellar was in KSP "Strider 1 detach in 3" "Wait, Koop what are you doing?!?!?" "Newton's Third Law, forgot the line 2" "Please don't...1" "Detach" Amazing! Downloading and using!
  14. Thanks for the help. Do you like it?
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bqjdmrt070rnpz/Dawn.craft?dl=0 Download Link Remember Dawn in real life? Wanna a chance to fly it, and not needing mods? Well the solution is here! After about a half an hour, this thing is space ready to anywhere really. Features include: Fairings Ion drive that can be powered at full thrust for a looooong time The option to go anywhere in the system with fuel remaining The fact it looks like Dawn XD http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=427471674 Picture of full craft in VAB NOTE: The Ion drive will need to recharge when electricity is low Happy flying people!
  16. Lensing, no. Accretion Disk is a huge maybe. Got to get the black hole and everything else to work, then I plan to get the rings.
  17. Mann will most likely not have clouds, and Gargantua should be pretty easy, just a big black object with loads of gravity. Miller won't have the waves, I'm sure of that, but if editing from somebody makes tall waves that would be outstanding.
  18. If you actually make a C resort I'll be the first download.
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