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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. "Astronauts float in space because they're on strings." "Isn't Apollo 11 the mission that went to Pluto?" I have stupid friends...
  2. Going somewhere you have already been is boring in this game. I've been everywhere, I want exploration, not addition.
  3. Where is Gas Giant 2?! When we get that you can fix the bugged features.
  4. Alright I believe you. You're hilarious! You can get a sub too.
  5. I'd love to see your attempt, or a video to show it's possible.
  6. 90% of you will see the title and go, "Too easy, check the forum rules." Did I say I was done? No, keep reading. I MEAN Jool and back. Go to the surface, and fly back into orbit and maybe even home. Now by surface, I mean get close. Don't land, you get attacked by the Kraken (for those who don't know) Example to show it isn't impossible: Now the judging "Weightless"(Lightest lander) 1 2 3 4 5 I make it rain (Cheapest Lander) 1 2 3 4 5 We are the champions! (Cheapest to go home) 1 2 3 4 5 WOW! (Land on a moon of Jool) 1 2 3 4 5 Now the rules. You can use info and visual mods to the brink of the RAM limit, but no part mods! Planes are allowed as long as they reach the requirements (Ascends to orbit) Have to be under 3.5km over the surface. Docking is allowed so you can assemble the lander in orbit. You better have fun Happy flying! Kaboom! P.S: I will try to get my attempt but since I'm going to Florida for spring break I have no time. I will be able to check and score your attempts in Florida, so submit as much as possible.
  7. I'm saying this for anywhere, hence why I didn't state a specific place.
  8. What do you prefer? A slingshot or a Direct Burn? Me? Direct burns.
  9. 0.23.5 and 0.17. New places to explore and new parts. My two favorite things in the game.
  10. Pods blowing up from re-entry heat and ships tumbling out of control from the aerodynamics.
  11. I can attach an SRB to a probe and complete this challenge easily.
  12. Venus has 93x the pressure of Earth, and is the hottest place in the solar system not counting the Sun. It rains Sulfuric Acid, and has a Co2 atmosphere. As much as Venus has it's pro's, we will not have the technology and money to colonize Venus, yet.
  13. I would say bombs. Send them up, collect debris, and ignite the bomb. What kind of bomb you may ask? Hydrogen bombs. Since they have a HUGE explosion radius, and the fact that the US has tons of 'em, I think it would be practical.
  14. Alright, I use precise node editor, Kerbal Engineer, Raster Prop Manager, and Tantares. Every time I go back to the space center, it isn't there, like I all I see is bright blue at the bottom. One of the mods, or KSP?
  15. Faster timewarp, more planets and rocket parts, and Kerbal Engineer.
  16. Sir, please be more polite. You were extremely rude.- - - Updated - - - Is it gravity? I didn't think about that.
  17. "See that rocket, Bill? We call it the Hydrogen bomb. Now get in there and fly."
  18. Alright, before you call me an idiot, let me explain. So it's in the future. Someone is trying to land on the Moon. They have retro-thrusters, and as they get close to the surface, they deploy these...parachutes. The dust kicked up from the surface get caught in the parachutes and help in the landing. The guy lands, and tucks them back in the lander. So, what do you think? I think it would be a great idea if possible.
  19. Definetly. 99% of my rockets work on launch uno. I can land and return from anywhere with a 93% success rate. Don't take me on my Apollo replica though, it sucks beyond anything known.
  20. This mod is beyond buggy. Clipping in the ground, texture issues, drifting away from manevor nodes...Fix this mod! The bugs make this mod unplayable and hated by me. Thanks, Kaboom!
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