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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. From the OP "Keep this in version 1.05 until 1.1 drops this week, then we will upgrade it. If you must try this with 1.1, make a note in your submission so 1.05 people don't try with a broken savegame." Man, I wish we could use 1.1. I'm not going back to 1.0.5.
  2. Been to all planets and back. As for mods I have been to Sentar in whatever planet pack that was and I've been to Urlum and all its moons in OPM.
  3. Glad the full update will drop while I have the PSSAs. Give me something other than essay writing!
  4. Use some wings. Also, Welcome!
  5. Canadian Strategy: Say "Sorry" after every negative comment. Makes people realize that you mad. Shut your mouth Strategy: Just keep your mouth shut. Do not utter a single word until you cool off and can handle a few annoying people agai. Drinking Water Strategy: Drink water until you forget what made you mad.
  6. Changed it from Kaboom! Kaboom! cam from me not knowing what to put and HoloYolo because I am a little bit of an anime fan.
  7. @GregroxMun Is the mod compatible for 1.1? I want to do hard mode. Also, revival!
  8. Ike. It's orbital velocity around Duna + Your Orbital Velocity + Duna's orbital velocity around the Sun adds up to a cheaper ejection burn.
  9. My account is 1 and 2 months old. Glad I decided to abandon the Steam KSP forums (it's honestly just a "when will x update come out" and "I'm a noob. How to do x?". This place is honestly great.
  10. @sdj64 A lot of low mass challenges and just albums in general lead me back to the first page? Why is that?
  11. Watched a lot of videos on YouTube. Scott Manley was the tipping point on buying this game. Almost a 1000 hours of KSP playtime later and it is still a long time favorite.
  12. Sun: Hey, Earth, did you hear the one about the faultlines? Earth: Oh yeah, that cracked me up.
  13. The Darkening (The Shining): A documentary that lasts from sunset to sunrise about how it gets so dark at night.
  14. I make the same mistakes all the time. You're not the only one, don't be embarrassed.
  15. I'm joking. The thread below me is where I based that off of. I know it's bad.
  16. @NathanKell do you think RO will get updated faster as you work at SQUAD now? Like, will you get a head start on the 1.1 update?
  17. Lol you plebs. Toting around meaningless numbers on the internet. And then you like them so much, you make a list! Well, I can make my own list too!
  18. Gotta go leave Brittany Alone @Red Iron Crown
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