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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Why do posts get removed randomly? Most of the time, they don't seem to be rule-breaking, and in my most recent OP, the post that got deleted didn't really cause any problems. I wonder why. Can you guys at least explain why so it's just not so random?
  2. You don't. A bitter pill to swallow if we ever have so many people we can bring on a ship.
  3. Orion. It's not just a constellation anymore.
  4. In Evacuate Earth it proposes that a Neutron Star snuck past our detection and managed to get within 75 years of Earth without us seeing it. Interstellar has a more realistic scenario when the blight struck, caused a global famine and war, and the survivors have to deal with either starving or suffocating. But yeah, this is more of a what if question, not a if when.
  5. Very possible. Why risk exploring what could be a dangerous planet when you can get limitless resources out of asteroid belt?
  6. Never heard of that. What an interesting way to travel space. I could see a futuristic Earth use this to send people out to new solar systems slowly.
  7. To answer you, I think it's the OP, not sure (Actual reason is that he posted the OP 3 times and either automatically or an admin hid the first two) Back to topic, I feel like cities would just cause more issues are they are useless and require time coding, stuff that would rather be used on more important things.
  8. Goteem. @Red Iron Crown the British man? Or maybe American?
  9. Is there any way to see who is viewing and/or replying to your thread without going through ever single user?
  10. BF1 takes place at the end of WWI, where trenches were fading away to new types of warfare. Tanks and automatic handheld weapons were becoming norms. Technology moved forward like the frontlines, instead of constant stalemate and attrition. BF1 is meant to explore the end of "The Great War" and show how warfare truly changed, on a personal and frontlines level.
  11. No, I'm talking to him on Steam @legoclone09 now!
  12. Makes sense. Just sounds weird that you have to orient a station, do what you want.
  13. We are a very harmful species. We have basically ruined this planet the way we've been treating it. Unless we fix something fast, we most certainly will have to leave it, without turning back. But what if it's more than Earth that we have to leave? What if it was the Solar System, and we would have to find a new system to call our home? I have thought about it for a while, and I truly wonder what we would do. Would we unite to save the species? Would we just fade out, the world dying forever due to a final conflict or just us not willing to save ourselves? I feel like it's a question to be asked. For example, Evacuate Earth, a Nat Geo docudrama, explores the possibility of us leaving the solar system during a present day time. Conventional fuels such as Plasma or LH2+LO would not work, as the target (one that probably does not exist mind you) is over 8 light years away. The proposed unorthodox methods of travel, such as a Solar Sail, one that would not work in interstellar space as it requires solar particles pushing on the sail. Finally, the Orion project comes up. Nuclear weapons blasting on a spring shield, pushing the ship forward. They claim they can reach 7-8% the speed of light, making the trip faster than any other type of propulsion. The habitation for the 1/4th of a million people chosen to leave live in an O'Neill cylinder, a 20 mile long tube with it's own ecosystem, almost like a planet itself. Amazingly, the global powers unite to harvest the nuclear fuel and resources to peacefully save the human race. Sure there are terrorist attacks and protests but it does not disrupt the project enough for it to fail. Watch to find out the rest (sorry if I spoiled it, most docudramas have happy endings anyways). Most of you know Interstellar, and how the Now they use the Hybrid Variable-impulse Chemical/Plasma Engines (12) (http://interstellarfilm.wikia.com/wiki/Endurance) to power the ship towards Saturn and later the solar (more like black hole) system. After 25-ish years, they find the planet where some person is, and they realize it's not what they wanted. To get to the final one, they sling around that black hole. Not saying anything else for the sake of spoiling. Now these are two scenarios about us needing to leave the solar system (Interstellar is really just leaving Earth, although they leave the solar system). Two questions. Will we ever have to leave Earth? Secondly, will it ever happen like Evacuate Earth or Interstellar, or will it happen differently than the two I mentioned?
  14. You shouldn't be orienting your stations in my opinion, unless the station is the thing docking. The docking craft should be the one that orients.
  15. It took me about 50-75 hours myself, I forget how long. I self taught myself and watched some Scott Manley videos.
  16. He's asking you to fly down the whole river with a plane. I for one found it very easy to see what the challenge was.
  17. Agreed. Broken link+only 24 hours to get each thing (the link being broken for much of that 24 hours) kinda made this event a not very good one.
  18. Rip in pieces tilt.
  19. NO ONE WILL COME THEY WERE NOT NOTIFIED :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111#!@%#(!@#%)! @legoclone09
  20. Because I wanted to change my name again and then I got reminded of that special rule.
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