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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. I mentioned that at the "I can't change it :(" and "but it's too late" part.
  2. Feels like it can be more than 4 sentences, a.k.a fleshed out.
  3. HoloYolo doesn't really fit me anymore, but I can't change it I try to keep all my accounts the same name, the last time I had HoloYolo as my name was over a year ago. Wish I could change it to MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフラン, but it's too late.
  4. Sorry, there is a problem The page you requested does not exist Error code: 1S160/2
  5. Didn't realize that. I'm pretty new to the whole rocket thing itself, thanks alot!
  6. Went to go download this and saw it was a foldable. I then realized that I did not have a printer.
  7. Your caller is not available. @legoclone09
  8. We're learning Physics in science right now, shame it's about work and power instead of N-body
  9. Not starting it at all just saying what I think. Also I prefer if we don't either.
  10. Hey man, think what you want, but RSS is needed.
  11. T H I S M U S T B E T H E W O R K O F A K O R E A N
  12. It says the first collectible page does not exist
  13. I got stuck between the Romanian Peak and Brussels, went with the latter. Good luck to everyone!
  14. Sale is over as of 10 AM today, time to wait to Christmas.
  15. Steam sale is over, we can either keep it alive 'till Christmas or I can get it closed and open it up at Christmas.
  16. The messages I got when someone reped me made me feel like I truly deserved it.
  17. Yes, agreed. If I ever need an amputation, don't bother to knock me out, just get a butcher knife and hold me tight.
  18. I feel like we should travel back to Mars now.
  19. Hey man, just a joke, take it easy. I mean, I am German, so I can always tell you about the 2ND World War and how they did then.
  20. I'm surprised that they didn't surrender yet/
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