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Everything posted by Carlo

  1. Hi all! I'm experiencing the same thing happened to Tg626. When I attach something to a vassel via KIS: 1-everything explodes and/or 2-the game crashs. Is a known bug? there is something that I can do myself before the new release? Thank you!
  2. Carlo


    Grazie mille! molto chiaro, sono riuscito a usare il programma alla perfezione. A questo punto l'unico vero impiccio è il fatto che KSP non ti permetta di visualizzare i nodi oltre un tot di cambiamenti di SOI, rendendo i fly-by multipli molto molto difficili da eseguire, anche avendo giàdelle date pronte T_T
  3. it's not a bug. Now there are parts called "avionics control" (in the pods page). They allow you to control a certain weight, and they cumulate their power with each other. So if u have a 900 tons craft, you will need 3 big(early) avionics controllers to be able to control it. If u don't put them in your craft (or if their cumulative power is under the actual weight of your craft) your ship will not be controllable. Sorry for my english, I hope you understood.
  4. Hi all! I'm having quite a lot of troubles in the first part of the carrier, the turbojet engines that I have to use just blow up everything they are attached to, and there are no radiators et similia to use, to keep everything cool. It is supposed to be so? is a bug? I have done something wrong? THank you!
  5. Hi all, the dark side of the planets is pitch black, and the illuminated side is too bright, i tried a mod that change the luminosity, but it seems to work only on the illuminated side of the planets. There is a way that you guys know to fix this? I also would like to eliminate the city texture on the ground (I already deleted the lights), and the first clouds layer (it appears to be very buggy and memory using), is this possible? Thank you! edit: oh and the Sun appears very very big, covering half of my view if i have it on the screen, even in map mode, any fix for that?
  6. Hi all! Is possible ATM to download this mod? if yes, where do I get this? TY! EDIT: found^^
  7. Sorry for my poor english ^^ I did not explain myself clearly, it is not an actual physical wall, I tried multiple times with different approaches to dive deeper than 500km, and at that altitude "limit" my probes just explode. It can be a bug possibly related with a lot of different things, or it can be somekind of "wall" intended to be there to stop people from diving deeper.
  8. hi all! I'm having this problem: when i open the action groups page and try to modify the parameters for the chutes all goess fine, but when i push the buttons for the planets (duna, eve etc) what happens is that the dedicated window just become unintellegible, all the text run out of the window and the only thing that i can read is the total mass and total case part costs. I'm using RSS-RO, maybe is some other mod that is conflicting? Thank you for your efforts here!
  9. Carlo


    Grazie mille delle dritte! ma i valori per search period e earliest search date da cosa li deduci? a cosa corrispondono? pensavo fossero rispettivamente la prima data impostata per la ricerca e la durata della ricerca stessa espressa in giorni, non è così?
  10. Ok, Ty! I'll try that .dll right now with the original Rss.cfg (i have a backup copy since I'm not a programmer and I don't thrust my abilities in modding ^^) P.S. on the Venus-Jupiter difference, i didn't knew that Jupiter's atmosphere was so light on the upper levels, seen that, your curve make much more sense. P.S.2 i found somekind of "wall" standing at about 500km from the "surface" of Jupiter (any ship that can get there just explode, even if the temperatures and the pressure are not that high), is this intended to prevent people from diving to deep? it is intended in general?
  11. I started putting "strage datas" because my probes were exploding, they started exploding before i had ever touched them. I may be wrong, but the values for Venus's atmosphere are much higher then the jupiter's ones, i think this is not very plausible in RL (but I'm absolutly not a scientist, i could perfectly be wrong)
  12. I changed a few things in the .cfg file for Jupiter and his moons, I lowered a bit the temperature indicated for the highest part of the atmosphere (ok, could be radio-action, but not to 800-900 degrees) and I changed drastically the datas for the atmospheric pressure (I think they are just wrong, Jupiter low atmosphere can't have a lower pressure than the one of Venus). Now it seems possible to dive into Jupiter's atmosphere for something like 300 km before beeing crushed. Other than this i noticed that Jupiter is not reconnaised as a Gas Giant in the .cfg files, there is a specific file into the compatibility directory called Real Heat, where it is said: "/This is used to differentiate gas giants from rocky bodies" and Jupiter is not listed, just Saturn and Uranus. And even in the general .cfg is defined as earth mars and venus, not as saturn and uranus (not as a gas giant). None of the Moons of Jupiter have an atmosphere in game it seems, so I'll try to add one to those ones that have one in RL
  13. It s possible to aerobrake on a Gas-Giant? I'm trying to orbitate Jupiter and I need an aerobrake (12km/s Dv needed to circularize). The problem is that all my probes just explode as they enter Jupiter's atmosphere (800km circa), because of the extreme high temperatures (those probes segnalate "ambient temperature" over 900 degrees). Do I have to aerobrake on one of the moons? wich one is the best? Or there is a way to aerobrake on the Giant himself? Ty! EDIT: is a bug maybe? or just my install bugged?
  14. I tried with exagerated numbers also, but nothing, it seems to find only flybys for venus as the 1st encounter, if i choose any other celestial body, or a 3rd encounter, it shows no results
  15. Man! I feel that your tool is amazing, and could be resolutive for my problem! But even reading the instruction I'm not able to use it LOL (yes i feel very dumb for this) PS. it seems that the neptune patch do not work neither (no new planets, and event he textures for old ones get busted)
  16. Awesome tool in theory, in practice i wasn't able to have any kind of response T_T i tried multiple times with multiple celestial bodies... nothing at all, just blank pages T_T.
  17. Carlo


    Prima di tutto, grazie per la risposta ^^ cominciavo a pensare che il sottoforum italiano fosse completamente deserto. Ho aperto un Thread nella senzione in inglese apposta per la mia ultima domanda (relativa a Plutone http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112427-Pluto-and-Back! ), e a quanto pare è possibile ridurre sia il Dv necessaro, sia i tempi di percorrenza in maniera massiccia, usando altri corpi celesti come "fiode" o "freni". Per ora ci sono 2 idee che sembrano essere valide: 1- un lancio che vada a prendere energia da Venere per poi passare dalla bassa orbita solare, Giove e infine Plutone. Dovrebbe essere la scelta meno costosa in termini di Dv, ma richiede un perfetto posizionamento di 3 pianeti rispetto alla terra al momento del lancio (pochissime finestre di lancio). 2- un lancio che vada direttamente verso Giove, e poi da li a Plutone, per questo lancio ci sono un buon numero di finestre temporali (circa 1 l'anno, anche se la migliore sarebbe quella in modo da arrivare a intersecare la SOI di Plutone quando quest'ultimo interseca l'ellittica solare), e il Dv necesario in totale non dovrebbe essere di molto superiore a quello necessario per un lancio diretto verso Urano "Next I searched Earth-Jupiter-Pluto. The Pluto-Jupiter synodic period is 4554 days, Earth-Jupiter is 398 days. It turns out that every 4554 days (~12.5 years) there are 4 or five windows (spaced about 400 days apart) for going E-J-P. I feel the best one before 1990 is to leave Earth Jul 16, 1976-Jupiter flyby Aug 26, 1978-Pluto arrival Aug 13, 1996. This is 7333 days for 6495+4803=11299m/s. This saves 9.5 years over direct!" cit. @PLAD Mi hanno anche consigliato questo tool, per calcolare i fly-by http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110106-WIN-Flyby-Finder-for-Real-Solar-System-Mod-V0-70?p=1773813#post1773813 ma non sono assolutamente in grado di usarlo... scaricato, installato, ma non sono riuscito a cavarci fuori assolutamente nulla (noob T_T), solo pagine bianche, manco un dato T_T
  18. yes, that's a part of the problem, I have to get there quite fast (to be possible for a human being to get there and come back during his lifetime) but if i get there too fast i cannot orbit there, cause it requires too much Dv ^^ is a big problem
  19. Hi all! I need some help to solve this problem: I want a flag on Pluto! I'm using Real solar system+Realism Overhaul and all the consequent mods. 1- A very fast fly-by is possible within 10-14 years with reasonable Dv, one way, no return, so no crew on-board ^^ (New-Horizon style) 2- An orbit is achievable with a reasonable amount of Dv "only" taking like 50 to 70 years, one way... to come back you can aerobrake on Earth so maybe it could take like 10-15 years.... total 65 to 85 years... not realistic with a crew on-board (I hope I'm wrong on that "only", and that someone will tell me another way ^^) 3- It is probably possible to calculate the departure to be in a time window when another celestial body (let's say Uranus) can help you to gravity-aero brake and then redirect yourself to Pluto, but I'm not good enough with math to do that ^^, if someone have a tip for me to do that in an easy way, you are welcome! 4- It is quite hard to Bring there enough Dv to come back, but this is just about planning a good ship. Any tip/advise is very welcome! This is my obsession today ^^ P.s. Excuse me for my poor english, I hope you all understood what I need
  20. do you mean gravity assist to lose speed? (the problem is not to get there but to stop there) can u bring me an example?
  21. Hi All! Gameplay question: How do i get to Pluto's orbit in human-possible times? I managed to orbit pluto with a "test" mission, that took nearly 60 years, not possible for humans. I tried to reduce the travel time to 15-25 years (it is still not possible, for humans, to return from a trip like that but, anyway, is better than 60 years) choosing a more expansive transfer window, but then the Dv required to transform the fly-by into an actual orbit is HUGE and I'm not able to bring there enough fuel (even cause the very long trip deny the possibility to use lqd fuels, and the dwarf-planet don't have an atmosphere as I understood, so no aerobrake). So I'm asking to more experienced people, what do I have to do?^^ How do you accomplish a mission like that? anticipated thanks for your tips! ps. excuse me for my english, I'm still studying ^^
  22. Carlo


    Ciao a tutti! Mi piacerebbe sapere se ci sono molti italiani che usano queste mod (Realism Overhaul, Real Solar System e tutte le mod annesse e connesse)! Io onestamente non posso più farne a meno. Mi piacerebbe anche scambiare quattro idee su alcuni argomenti, tipo: 1- Quanto Dv usate per entrare in orbita terrestre (io mi aggiro sui 10km/s)? 2- Siete riusciti a trovare un settaggio per Mechjeb che permetta di usare l'Ascent Guidance (io no, devo fare ogni lancio a mano, mechjeb non riesce a fare un "vero" gravity turn)? 3- Esiste un programma per calcolare le finestre di lancio per RSS? (con l'advanced transfer di mechjeb devi essere giàin orbita per poter calcolare il trasferimento, e le pagine internet per le finestre temporali non funzionano con il vero sistema solare) 4- Quali mod senza ombra di dubbio vanno in conflitto con le suddette? Io so per certo che con Interstellar non funziona più nulla (crash continui, esperienza personale), altre da cui stare alla larga? 5- Come fate per raggiungere Plutone? Io sono riuscito a fare una missione "simil New Horizon" e a fare un fly-by ad altissima velocità, ma orbitare il pianeta nano in tempi umani mi sembra abbastanza improbabile (il viaggio in modo da arrivare làad una velocitàper cui sia possibile orbitare dura 50-60 anni). Grazie a tutti per le eventuali risposte e suggerimenti!
  23. Another problem is with the RCS bug (RCS acting randomly without any input), it happens even with the vanilla game, but this mod seems to enhance this problem (let's say that 1 launch on 5 is affected). I'm not sure it is mod related, just guessing. p.s. if someone have a solution for this, or the "disappearing parts" problem, you are welcome ^^
  24. I'm using a fresh and new install as I said in the last post. no other tech trees. For the atm Intake i resolved the problem changing the .cfg file, the line "category" was "none". I changed it in "Aero" and now it works (it appears in VAB-SPH and i can actually use it). I'll try to understand if the others "not showing in VAB" parts have the same problem in the .cfg file ps. anyway great job with the Community tech tree integration ^^ that makes the whole thing much deeper
  25. Hi all guys, i already posted this in the KSPI extended thread, but i'm not sure what the problem is related to, so i'll post this here too. I'm having a lot of troubles with kspi parts... There are parts that are listed in the tech tree but are not in the VAB-SPH (atmo scooop, atm intake, maybe others that I've not seen yet). I tryed a sandbox run to see if it was a tech tree problem, but they are not usable neither in that mode. Tried to reinstall with a "just KSPI extended" version of ksp, but i had the same problem. I tried to watch out the files in the warpplugin directory, but i'm a total noob of modding and have no idea of what the problem here could be. Hope someone have a solution for this! Ciao a tutti!
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