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Everything posted by TheAurora

  1. I also have issues with my RSS stock parts save. It crashes upon entering the VAB or SPH. I have found that entering the VAB from the "edit craft" tab at the runway or launch pad is a safe method. It causes no crashes. Don't know if this is your issue, but I just thought I'd mention it. The discovery saved me lots of trouble and frustration and made my game playable.
  2. Very cool missions! I have gone all over the place with KSP. RSS and re-scaled stuff is all I do now. I have always loved to see people try and go places in RSS with stock parts. That's where a real challenge is. Godspeed on your journey! I wish you luck. I'll be watching this to see where it goes.
  3. I just tested the game. 1.1.3 with Kopernicus 1.1.2. Kopernicus 1.05 was not compatible with KSP 1.1.3. Using Hyperedit I found that the surface pressure is 6.2 times Kerbin at an altitude of 2.7km above sea level. It appears that the atmosphere is still what it should be, the tracking station just doesn't show it. Knowing this, I'll continue work on the challenge assuming Titanus' atmosphere is correct.
  4. Perfectly understood. I appreciate your help!
  5. I'll look into it on my end. I can try to confirm if #1 is correct. I'll play around with it.
  6. So you are saying that Titanus has a surface level pressure of .6 on your game too? If that is the case, then that helps things a bit. I'm over on the New Horizons thread trying to see if it was a deliberate change or a bug. If it is a deliberate change, that would help my efforts to get there and back on a 10x scale, with only stock parts.
  7. I have not actually gone to Titanus, I was just observing the surface pressure using the in game body info tab. It showed .6atm of pressure. All the other bodies seem to be okay. I think I am using Kopernicus 1.1.3. I'll have to check to make sure. Does it show the right value for you? (If you have the mod installed)
  8. I believe I am using the latest version. I'll link the document I made to drive and show you. I just copied and pasted the code you put on the first page and changed the variables. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5cgMsu9X-c5VTBsMU9jaC1TZHM/view?usp=sharing Above is the link to see the document.
  9. I have a quick question. Do the planet specific changes work for none stock planets? I believe I correctly followed the procedure, trying to change Titanus' atmosphere in New Horizons, but it did not seem to change anything.
  10. Hello everybody. I have been over at the Titanus mission challenge thread discussing the planet's atmoshperic pressure. Is Titanus supposed to have 9atm of pressure? My fresh install gives it .6atm of pressure. Is this intended or a bug?
  11. I just checked the mod on a fresh stock install and Titanus has .6atm of pressure. They must have changed it since you played. The mod's change log shows it being reduced too. I assume "Tidus" meant Titanus. Oh wait, Tidus is another body. Hmmm, guess I need to look some more.
  12. The surface gravity is fine, just not the atmosphere pressure. Just curious, where did you see that the pressure was 9atm? Is that what it reads in your game? I looked around and I can't find anything suggesting it has 9atm of pressure. Not that I don't believe you, it's just that I wanted to absolutely make sure that it's supposed to be 9atm before I go on a hunt to solve the problem. oh, and thanks for the tips! They will be very helpful.
  13. So Titanus is supposed to have an atmospheric pressure of 9 atmospheres? In my game, a re-scaled version, it has .7 atmospheres of pressure. For you guys is it still 9 atmospheres? If it isn't, I'll try to figure it out in other threads.
  14. Hmmm. This is an interesting mission idea. I haven't played KSP for months. Maybe this will get me back into it. I wonder how hard this would be on a 10x rescale with only stock parts...looks like I have a challenge. Never played with New Horizons though, so I'll have to learn the system.
  15. Looks very nice! Am I right to assume this was made in Blender? Oh, and was the planet shine on the Moon intentional? I see that it is partly lit up on its back side.
  16. Hey everyone! I just thought that I would share a little project I have been working on. Over the past few days I have designed a Kerbal papercraft. It's made out of card stock and glue, with some tape for the visor. Here is a link to the Google document with pics and details. Hope you guys like it! I'll try to post the plans once I refine them. This was designed by hand, like all my projects, since I don't have any software. There are a few components I need to adjust, then it will be ready. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17d60FzyTSmLOF6EicC6zIVlPmeQUfQC_3VbEBRB9UdQ/edit?usp=sharing Let me know if there are any problems with this link, or if you have any questions about the design or the process. Thanks!
  17. Any progress on the excessive brightness in the atmosphere? I posted about it a week or so ago. Previous post had screenshots.
  18. Perhaps, though I feel as if this kind of thing would be natural for intelligent life. If locusts had the knowledge on how to improve their survival, or if ants had the knowledge to know how to fight us directly for their survival, I feel as if they would do it. I think they would conquer and compete aggressively if they knew how. Intelligence perhaps just expands on the scale and the means of ensuring survival. Though I hope I am wrong, and I do hope humans can learn to overcome their desire to conquer others too.
  19. Humans have been doing this, but I think that over the Earth's history, many species have done it. Life is naturally conquering other life. Survival of the fittest. Just think of the Great Oxygenation Event. That was a massive extinction caused by other organisms changing the world, just like we sort of do right now. I think that life is naturally like locusts, and it is why locusts act the way they do. They want to survive and thrive. That's what life is, isn't it? A sort of organized process focused solely on survival?
  20. Yes. I was thinking the same thing. I do not know where this "100 Trillion" number for Earth came from. Our current growth seems to be declining, or it is at least predicted to start capping out. You don't necessarily need to do that. From current experience of population growth on Earth, as a nation develops its growth rates decline. The people themselves naturally seem to do other things instead of reproducing. Take Europe or Japan as an example. Since we are still talking about humans spreading through the universe, I believe this will still apply. As a planet or colony reaches it's fully developed stage, we will see the population cap, just like Earth now and all of its major nations.
  21. Your argument seems to be much like the idea of Thomas Malthus. He proposed that human population growth would outpace our ability to sustain ourselves. That was a long time ago, and his proposed catastrophe never happened. Our technological ability to gather resources and support ourselves developed tremendously. I bet he couldn't conceive of a system to support over 7 billion people (and yes, our system is not perfect. I acknowledge the fact that much of the population is short on resources, but they still survive somewhat. Our population is not rapidly declining like he proposed) but here we are today. It is hard for us to conceive of trillions of people, but it is possible. I agree with Bill Phil, more resources enables us to gather more resources. We will be able to sustain ourselves. A hundred trillion people is most likely possible.
  22. I am playing on a 10x scale Kerbin. This current save has another atmosphere mod, though it doesn't impact this problem. I have this strange visual effect on just a simple stock install with sigma too. Landscape is scaled by .2 in order to make it a bit more natural. Day is set to 4x the normal amount. Those are all the changes I have made.
  23. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Lf_Kj38R5Qd4vzbVFOWYV48nLb1EXsX7xy1tQPRTJpI Here is a link to a drive document with the screenshots. It is definitely not like regular Kerbin, or RSS. Ohh, and my game is on a 10x rescale. I forgot to mention that. Though it happens on the 6.4 scale too.
  24. I can try to get some screenshots. I can try to describe it better. When I launch, the higher I get, the surface seems to get very bright. Almost like a light shade of blue. Once the higher altitude texture comes in, Kerbin looks normal, but below that level the whole planet looks rather bright and off color.
  25. I have been messing around with this for a while, and find it a great piece of work. My only observation is that the planet seems excessively bright from higher up. I would like to ask if this is normal, and if there may be a way to tone it down a bit.
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