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Everything posted by TheAurora

  1. I also considered the possibility that the Kerbals do assimilate into Human society. The nations of the world, eager to have some of the Kerbals come to their country, offer the Kerbals pieces of territory for them to govern. Such as the USA giving the Kerbals a small state in essence, a territory maybe known as the Kerbal States of America. All of this in an effort for the Humans to get the benefits of Kerbals. The Kerbal territories become like colonies, in which the mother state gains from the Kerbal's incredible hard work and ability to do immense projects without issue. The Kerbal race begins to become divided from this, with places such as the Russian Federation of Kerbals or Kerbal's Republic of China. As the Kerbals fall into the jaws of Nationalism, they feel divided and competitive with one another, eventually feeling the drive to go back into space racing each other in the process. The nations of Earth just watch and gain as the Kerbals become reflections of themselves. I think it would be an interesting way to play. One day launching from Russia as the Russian Federation of Kerbals, and the next from Florida as the Kerbal States of America. This premise also goes well with some really neat flags I found!
  2. Cool project! I hope to hear how this goes. I have been getting into RSS myself lately. How is your RAM situation? That's a lot of mods. Mine would crash with that many. Are you running 64 bit Linux?
  3. That's actually a pretty good idea. Never really thought about that. That explains basically everything.
  4. Hello everybody! The Aurora here. I have just recently started an RSS install, but need some help. As one of those people that has to have some logical explanation for things, and lacks the ability to relax without one, I'm stuck. I can't get past the fact that Kerbals don't belong in our solar system. I have tried to come up with a few theories to satisfy my self. Tell me what you think of the ones below, and suggest any you think are better. I just need a premise in order to be able to play. Idea 1: There are no Humans on Earth any more. The remnants of civilization have almost vanished completely some how. The Kerbals have voyaged for years through interstellar space. Their small colonial transporter (Pod with small crew, cloning machine, DNA) arrives at Earth to set up a new Kerbal civilization. They come upon the remnants of human society and question what happened, much like how we do about the dinosaurs. They are intrigued by our rocket technology we left behind, as most of the Kerbals' knowledge was lost in the attempt to flee the Kerbol system (Details need to be worked out:D). The Kerbals begin using our technology to build there own rockets in order to explore and colonize our solar system, ultimately hoping to discover what happened to the only other known intelligent species in existence, Humans! Idea 2: The Kerbals arrive from their interstellar voyage, but find the Earth still inhabited. The Kerbals find it difficult to assimilate with Humans, and eventually end up separated in their own territory on Earth, while the rest of the world tries to decide what to do with Kerbals. The Kerbals are rather disgusted with Humans, as they see genocide, war, corruption, greed and other sinful things they never even thought about doing. The Kerbals eventually make the decision that Earth is not for them, and decide to make an effort to leave Earth for good. The Humans, wanting to get rid of the Kerbals to prevent future conflict and regain lost territory, aid in this effort. The Kerbals are allowed to use Cape Canaveral and Human technologies to develop what they need to travel to space. This explains why their tech is near future, or modern. The downside to the Kerbal migration movement is that nations start to question the ability to colonize space for themselves, as the Kerbals can claim territory in space, yet Mankind cannot because of the space treaty. Plot element! These are not for a writing or series, I just like to have a story in my head when I play KSP. Please tell me what you think and suggest any ideas. I am just trying to eliminate my inspiration burn out, and thought the wonderful community could help! If this thread is in the wrong place, I'm sorry. I debated the Science Labs, but decided it wasn't directly science content related.
  5. I have had similar feelings of exhaustion. I have tried to leave it before, but KSP is a drug! It keeps bringing you back. I can't watch a space movie without withdrawals and thinking " Hey, I can build that in KSP!". I can't imagine what my life would be without it. Good luck on your future endeavors, but if you come back don't be surprised .
  6. Never mind guys! I got it to work. I wasn't typing in the correct code for the download. My bad , and great work by the way!
  7. If you just add the .dll from reshade, and only add the sweet effects file and the cfg files from this pack, it should work. You apparently don't need the reshade folder at all. That caused a similar issue for me. I may not have explained it well, so try this and if you have any questions, tell me.
  8. Is the download broken? I think I am using the correct download ( Trying to avoid the spam/virus stuff). Nothing happens though. May have picked the wrong one .
  9. Yes. I think I can do that. Don't have anything going on in the save. How do I do it?
  10. I love this mod, but is there a way to use the regular Kerbin texture? I am not really a fan of the current texture. If this has been discussed before, sincere apologies. I must not have seen it in the thread. Thank you!
  11. Is there a solution for Gilly's SOI being under its surface? I learned the hard way you can't get near it. The surface isn't solid for some reason. Is this a known issue?
  12. Okay. Thank you! I will look into this. RSS is stable for me now, so I'll get started.
  13. Okay. I will have to look into that. Your textures looked so much better. Is there a simple way I can do this? I don't have a great experience with complex procedures, but if it is in the realm of decent understanding I would love to do it.
  14. Good luck on your mission! Have you ever thought of using ion engines for the mother ship? You can easily surpass 10km/s of delta v. Just a lot of patience is required.
  15. Awesome mission Alexoff! Great production as well. Last part scared me a bit . I do have on question, was that in an older version of RSS? The terrain on Earth looked different.
  16. I just finished a mission to duna with ion engines in SKY. All four payloads were sent with ion tugs, and the crew rode in a Hermes like transfer vehicle. Each payload had about 16 to 20km/s Delta V. I didn't do it, but with my experience, you could do a 6km/s boost there to get there very fast and 6km/s to stop. You would need to dock with a fuel module for a similar quick trip back. With this though, the mission time is still limited by the window back, but there may be some funky maneuver to come back I don't know about. In conclusion, a ridiculously fast time there is plausible, just with patience and 4x warp. I couldn't do it without you 4x warp!
  17. Any landing you can walk away from. Success in my book!
  18. So today, I was beginning the first phase of a massive Duna colonization effort after the success of a manned landing. This was in SKY rescale, so it was a bit more of an achievement, especially since I used ion engines for each payload's tug. Took a while, but it worked. Well, any way I had created a nuclear Duna SSTO for the colony. Built a quick Energia like launch stack and sent Barfield, Dudwig, and Keruki up to test it's reentry stability. Flew like a dream on the way to orbit , very stable. Orbit was achieved and everything was good. Then things took a turn for the worst. I set course to land by the KSC in the Badlands (KSC is moved in the SKY rescale) and went into the atmosphere. My heart started racing as things got really hot fast. A few minutes in, the cockpit was about to blow, so Barfield commanded that everyone go to the crew cabin in the back for shelter. The SSTO can carry 10 passengers, and the heat hadn't gotten to the passenger parts. Right after they moved, the whole thing blew up. The camera got stuck and I thought everything was lost, then I noticed a debris cloud ahead of the stopped camera. I quickly raced to switch and found the crew alive in the remnants of the plane. With no control as the cockpit was gone, I decided the best bet for survival was to Danny it and bail each Kerbal out and go head first. Barfield went first, then Dudwig followed. Keruki stayed in the plane, as a flat spin had slowed the descent to 54m/s, allowing time to focus on the others. Barfield hit first, bounced, I screamed "HOORAY!", and the Kraken came and destroyed the universe. After quickly pulling KSP back up, the Kerbals were gone. Looking in the Astronaut complex showed Barfield was MIA and Dudwig and Keruki were dead. Since Barfield was MIA, and I knew he had survived, I brought him back. I then proceeded with my tradition of planting a flag by the Mk-1 pod memorial in honor of them, while playing Taps. They will be missed. I just went to low, perhaps expecting the heat I had been used to on Duna a few days earlier;.;.
  19. Been playing since .22, but never made it beyond a manned Duna mission. I like to take time and do very detailed missions, and start over a LOT. Currently did my biggest achievement yet though. Sent 3 Kerbals to Duna in the SKY rescale, only using Ion engines for the cargo transfer stages. TOOK FOR EVER to get the payloads there, but the efficiency is remarkable. Now, using this confidence to make my next biggest mission, a full scale colonization of Duna with a mining base and giant nuclear tugs! Ion tugs are so much lighter though . 140 tons compared to 20 tons.
  20. I have been going through an endless cycle that drives me insane. I will start out with stock, then get the urge to get mods that look cool, and eventually make an install that is unstable and have an urge to go back to stock. This along with my desire for logical progression ( Satellite, LEO, Moon, Station, Minmus etc.) is why I have never sent Kerbals anywhere except Duna even though I have played since .22. I always start over!
  21. Are my eyes betraying me? That mod list is insane! Nice videos though.
  22. I think Aurora Station sounds good! Saturn, Jupiter, or Kepler Station also sound good.
  23. A wonderful mod! I have been messing around with RSS and 64k, but this is my favorite. Really presents the challenges of space flight in our world, but still being able to explore the Kerbal system without excess mods. Currently have a fleet of ion ships out to Duna to put Kerbals there. Haven't had this much fun in a while!
  24. Welcome to the Forums! Nice Mun landing! That reminds me of my first landing in the demo. Malbus Kerman never made it back though...
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