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Posts posted by LEGIONBOSS

  1. 51 minutes ago, Alshain said:

    You just click the app launcher button again.  Maintaining the separate button caused a lot of inefficiencies in the old Unity system because it had to constantly check to keep the two buttons in sync.  With only one button, it knows when it has been pressed so no need to run checks every frame.

    Interesting! Thank you for the response.

  2. Btw, do we still post bugs and such in the dev topic?

    Because the airlock of the PPD-24 "Panorama" is at different sides when viewed IVA. And did you remove the stack attachment node from the top of the PXL-9 "Vista" or was there none at the first place?

    Apart from these, the IVA-s are flawless, and I especially love the hologram kerbin, and the discount lenovo thinkpads.

  3. Hi!

    I was wondering if there's a way (or an existing mod already) that makes it possible for Engineer kerbals on EVA to change some settings on parts that only can be set in the editor for now. For example: Thrust level on SRBs, your engineer walks up to it, and is able to set the thrust level slider.

    Is there any way of accomplishing this? A smart MM patch perhaps? Any idea or addition is welcome!

    Cheers :D



    If anyone's interested, I've made a few MM patches for some mod support.

    First, just as itself, convert every crewed part into a survey station

    //Add survey capability to all manned parts
    		name = ExSurveyStation


    Second, some sweet Community Category Kit support (that doubles up for EL too)

    // Place these parts into EVA category
    	tags = cck-eva-items
    	tags = cck-eva-items


    Cheers :D

  5. 7 hours ago, DMagic said:

    @LEGIONBOSS Those same fields (and all of the others for ModuleDockingNode) exist for this mod.

    Setting those values just makes it so that both docking ports need to be rotationally aligned, which can be a little tricky since there are no visual indicators on the docking ports. So you could set the same values for the FlexoTube module and it should work, though I've never actually tested it. 

    I did a few tests to determine which modification does it:

    • Weird, I added a :FINAL modifier to this cfg, so that it changes the flexing ones too, and still nothing.
    • I also tested the possibility that they can only dock in a specific rotation (tried docking in space while one of the craft was slowly rotating), and that didn't work either.
    • I started commenting out lines in the cfg, and determined that changing snapRotation to true is what disables the thing. The captureMinRollDot line is fine.

    Does this help?

  6. 6 hours ago, DMagic said:

    @LEGIONBOSS It should work fine, the docking port mechanics of the flexible ports are basically the same as the stock ports.

    What does the flexible port say when you right click on it? There should be a status field with information about whether the docking port is in Acquire mode. You can also check if the magnets are turned off, but that wouldn't stop the flexible port from reaching out for the target port.

    Here's what is says when in close proximity to a stock docking port...


    And here it is in working order near another flexible one (after a little misshap)...


    I also tried this experiment with a clean install (only this and MM in there),  and it works, so I'm gonna troubleshoot which one messes it up.

  7. Hi!

    Just for redundancy, I'm here to post about a bug, and the solution that Mr. @domassimo had found.

    When players have the Simple Construction mod installed, but not the full Extraplanetary Launchpads, the resource definitions for MetalOre and ScrapMetal are missing (since SC doesn't use them). Problem is, when you install Simple Construction, it creates just a few files in a rudamentary EL directory to work. Then SSPX picks up that directory (or something like that), and thinks that EL is installed, so those 4 MM patches will kick in, but then the game will freak out, since those 2 resources are missing.

    2 files (SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg and SSPXR-Containers-Switches.cfg) need 2 - 2 lines changed in order to work properly, I'll paste these modified lines below.


    This is from line 365  in SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg

    	name = SSPXMetalOre
    	tankMass = 0.0000
    	tankCost = 0.0
    		name = MetalOre
    		unitsPerVolume = 1
    	name = SSPXScrapMetal
    	tankMass = 0.0000
    	tankCost = 0.0
    		name = ScrapMetal
    		unitsPerVolume = 1

    And this is from line 238 in SSPXR-Containers-Switches.cfg

    	name = MetalOre
    	tankType = SSPXMetalOre
    	title = #LOC_SSPX_Switcher_Cargo_MetalOre
    	transform = MetallicOreDecal
    	name = ScrapMetal
    	tankType = SSPXScrapMetal
    	title = #LOC_SSPX_Switcher_Cargo_ScrapMetal
    	transform = ScrapMetalDecal


    Keep on doing awesome stuff! Cheers

  8. 18 hours ago, Nertea said:

    You should probably post things like this in the dev thread, but glad you like.

    I don't really understand the install structure here though, so SC doesn't need EPL, but needs EPL files? That will certainly cause a problem. It would be good to have someone who uses SC inspect the patches for compatibility.

    Sorry, didn't know there's a newer one.

    16 hours ago, domassimo said:

    SimpleConstruction is basically Extraplanetary Launchpads with a less complex resource chain and uses only stock parts, so the mod adds no parts of its own. It does use the EL plugin though and keeps this in the original folder, adding only a different set of recipes and MM patches. Because it omits MetalOre and ScrapMetal as new resources, problems arise when other mods expect these.

    A solution would involve separate patches for regular EL and when SimpleConstruction is also present. I'm not sure how easy it is to remove a resource from a tank with MM after the EL patch runs... A simpler solution would be to add those resource definitions (even if unused), but that's probably up to the SC dev (who dropped support last week, no new takers yet if I'm not mistaken).

    edit: I had a look at the SSPXR-Containers-Switches.cfg. Perhaps a :NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads,!SimpleConstruction] for ScrapMetal and MetalOre would work near the end of the file. Can't test it right now though...

    I did test it, and it works! Brilliant idea, I'll post it to the newer thread.

  9. Hi!

    I believe I've found a bug of some sorts in the Redux version.

    When you have the Simple Construction mod installed (but not Extraplanetary Launchpads, since SC is not dependent on it), the B9 part switch freaks out during game load about the "MetalOre" and "SrapMetal" resources not being defined. I saw they have the NEEDS tag, but still.

    Since Simple Construction needs a few files from EL (but not the entire mod install), so I guess B9 picks up the directory and thinks that EL is installed, but then can't find the resource definitions.

    Not sure if I'm the first to find this, but the B9 error message promts to quit the game so it's quite big. Commenting out the specific lines in SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg and SSPXR-Containers-Switches.cfg solved the problem, but making a duplicate resource definition for these freaks broke Simple Construction so it's not a good solution.

    BTW I'm in love with the inflating parts and the leveling legs! (just to say something nice too)

    Cheers :cool:

  10. Show us your Kerbal Engineer HUD preset!

    The Kerbal Engineer Redux mod made by @cybutek is a fantastic add-on for KSP, and it has a wast library of data for us, and mods to use and calculate with.

    So wast even, that one might ask the question: What's the best Heads Up Display setup for my kind of mission?

    Well, this is the place. If you have a preset that you like, share it with us!

    The presets are saved in .XML format, and you can find them here: C:\ ... \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalEngineer\Presets

    To start off, here's mine:


    For ascending from a body and orbital maneuvers, I use this one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ArrayOfSettingItem xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <Value xsi:type="Preset">
          <Name>SPACE HUD</Name>


    And for landing, I have this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ArrayOfSettingItem xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <Value xsi:type="Preset">
          <Name>LAND HUD</Name>



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