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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. ChatGPT responds: "this is likely to contain some measure of veracity and no doubt makes a worthy point. Suggest you consider Hotel26's method using half fuel at take-off for a better approximation".
  2. I showed ChatGPT your screenshot and it said (among other things), "it flies surprisingly well... its expected range is 5610.27 km". So, well done! ChatGPT also helpfully added that the circumference of Kerbin is 3769.91 km.
  3. Ceres. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Dres
  4. Little noticed, but the KSP audience bifurcated several years ago. (Left-brain and right-brain, if you want my own metaphor.) If PD were to release the KSP 1.12 source now, in a controlled way, to genuinely-inclined custodians (the right-brained), it would have absolutely NO impact upon PD's own objectives with KSP2 because this fork is PROFOUND -- and long-gone complete. Sayonara.
  5. According to WSJ: A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage, officials involved in the search said. The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after the submersible’s disappearance Sunday, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the Coast Guard commander on site, U.S. defense officials said.
  6. This, in actual fact, is how Kerbals got to be short and squat.
  7. It's worth saying that building equipment from dirt and sunrays on the Mun is legitimate but the rules -- i.e. "my rules" -- prohibit "teleporting" or otherwise "constructing" Kerbals on the Mun. They have to be sent from Home with hydrolox and spent rocket gases. (We like it that way.)
  8. Yeah, you're off-topic, fella... <snip>! What did You do in KSP today?
  9. FWIW, congratulations on bagging first post on page 2500 in the prestigious What Did You Do In KSP Today thread. <snip> <snip> ...it should have been me. <snip> ..sniffle..
  10. Annddd... the Space Hive component craft are all up on KerbalX and linked in the post above. Please be aware that "Luna" versions are available to those who (now like me) have Mun-surface VAB-rooftop launch-capability! ( I feel like I just recently, thereby, moved into the 22nd century. "Hey, it's nice here!".)
  11. I start with an Obelisk 3. It is motorized and maneuverable. add 5 Space Huts which gives me a Space Cluster then add a Dumbbell. "Hey! Who you calling 'dumb bell'?" giving us a Space Spoke. add 2 to 6 of these together... and you get a Space Hive. Now add a Hefty Max including a robo-tug known as Midget Claw. The Hefty Max is capable of taking an individual Space Hut down to any location on the Mun. And relocating or retrieving it when its mission is complete. The Midget provides a convenient way to shunt a Space Hut into the Hive. But any Obelisk can detach, fetch and reattach to accomplish the same task. It is wise to store bulk fuel in the hub Obelisk but keep the outer units light on fuel... enough to maneuver when required but not so much as to weigh down the rotational inertia of the Hive. Currently there is no storage provided for MP. All up, accommodation for 120 busy Kerbees. Oh yeah: given a shove at 10W up to about 825 m/s, a Space Hut can be sent home (tune PE to 56km), solo. (But do not forget to activate [8] the DynaWhirl rotators on the Huts before releasing them.) Stay tuned for publication of the various components of the Space Hive!
  12. "I'm playing KSP 1.7.3.". Got a chuckle from this. I took a similar trajectory. Was on 1.3.1 for the longest time (bitter about both the 1.2 and 1.3 incompatibilities during those upgrades, but); then 1.4, hanging back; 1.6, hanging back; 1.7, hanging back. Finally made it to 1.11. It's OK. Cannot be troubled to convert up to 1.12. Not even sure what is in it, other than fireworks. To put this back on topic -- if I were to play another game, it would be beloved Minecraft. But I don't. Too many things left to do in KSP. (I think I am less than half way through the game.)
  13. You shouldn't be so sure, especially about how other people feel and are motivated. People are motivated very differently. Some people thrive in a crisis/challenge situation and some people go to pieces under the whip, especially when they feel it is unfair, unreasonable and ungrateful.
  14. Probably because Kraken "peace offerings" are breaking off it periodically all by itself... Good thinking, roboslacker!
  15. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE [prev] We at Kerbal Space Engineering (VAB Division) have always had a thing for "modularity". So when we recently (yesterday) built our first lunar launcher, Warthog (née Gazelle), we knew it was a rule-changer!! (And we knew some would say it was a rule-breaker, a.k.a. "cheat"...) The rules change when you launch from a lunar surface VAB with lo-grav and no-atmo... In a flash, we realized we could make Gazelle as ugly as we liked. (Except Interplanetary Anti-Fraud Law does insist we could not retain the Gazelle nomenclature, alas.) And if there is one thing we like nearly as much as modularity it is "ugly". (Yeah, baby. Do that thang for me!) So, here we go: Here, I am taking yesterday's first cut at a lunar launcher (Right) -- and grafting onto its left, the modular version. No engine and only a token tank. It has landing fins (canted for atmo re-entry and recovery at Kerbin) along with recovery chutes, full translational and rotational RCS, token solar panels, hefty HEX controller and a standard "Papa" dock. The next step will be to cut these Siamese twins apart... "and thus it came to pass, Warthog 2 was born into the world". Then, to use it, you plunk your payload on top, attach any engine you like for the job and insert any main tank (in the gap) you feel is suitable. Hint: on the Mun, you won't need a lot. You can go to LMO (piece of cake), discharge your payload and then return to spot-land on your Mun VAB. Or perform a transfer boost to your interplanetary destination, and then recapture and land at Mun base for re-use. For me, anyway, this looks like being a game-changer. Paradigm Shift. Yowser.
  16. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE [next] Space Command determined this morning that "we" have gone to the Mun quite a bit now and resolved therefore to build a VAB at Tranquility base. Congratulations to the Tranquility VAB Engineering staff for their fast work this morning!! (KSP v1.11.2) Leading to the first launch, a Spunk light-weight lifter. Space Command have now determined, based on launch telemetry, that a new line of lifters may be in order. (Cries of "Whee!", "What fun!!" and "Tally ho!", were heard.) [Honestly, I think they are all just overgrown kids, some times...]
  17. I took the tack of building one large repository (Egg), partitioned for some capacity of all the standard resources. After a calculation converting total volume to total units, I performed some rudimentary craft-file editing to provide a subdivision for all the standard resources. (Just add the appropriate Resource sections.) If I had mods supporting additional kinds of resources, I'd continue the same technique to upgrade the storage to contain subdivisions for those additional resources. It's an all-in-one solution and might or might not be compatible with your trajectory. (If you want to go this route but need help, I can customize something for you to your spec.) Good luck with your project.
  18. This doesn't happen often in my experience; in fact it's the first time. This is Halbrett Kerman and he is so happy to be alive. Just minutes earlier he was piloting a Spider skycrane landing a Tripod Tower at a Mun site known as 'Heavens Gate' (due to its high elevation). Safely, he thought. But, alas, a critical, last-minute mistake correcting inclination, lower to the surface than he had thought, undid him. In the kinetic horror that ensued as steel in motion met ancient, stationary, iron ore, Halbrett made a very quick decision as his craft became many -- and bravely baled out. Still doomed, but now detached from the accompanying fireballs, we suppose. Halbrett is so happy in this selfie because his jetpack had just delivered him to circular orbit just above 7km altitude. That's what I didn't know jetpacks had the endurance to manage! Luckily his jetpack also contains infinite oxygen and an assortment of snacks (liquid & paste), so he'll now put his sun-visor back down and hang on until Mission Control figures out how to rescue him. Heck, perhaps it will occur to the quick-thinking Halbrett that he might try using the remaining 0.67 units of MP to maneuver to a rendez-vous... We'll see about that.
  19. I think if and when T2/PD is ready to give up on KSP2 (and it is *way too early* to be talking about that, but only then would the KSP1 source code ever be released), Squad (if it still exists) should "buy it back" For Peanuts[TM] and enlist the mod community to fix the bugs and then curate some sensible KSP1-style development. For the record, I never thought the KSP2 fork (under the management of conventional gamer wisdom) was a good idea. We're now seeing actually how good the KSP1 vision & effort was. The mod community still know.
  20. I have 20 MN thrust and an electricity bill that would bankrupt a medium-size city.
  21. This ^ is ... a very big deal!! Molto congratulations. I want to make a special mention of this for extra! kudos! Ugly always makes me smile, particularly when it is perpetrated by someone other than myself (the usual suspect). You are making people around you happy. That's all I am going to say about that.
  22. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE If this looks like OverKill, you've got the picture. Three Kerbonauts in a hurry to get to Dres hitch a ride on a "Big Thumper"... ...a High Energy Transfer in progress... The Escort VI is my largest (of 3) Transfer Injection Boosters and I could have easily used the smallest for this job (but that wouldn't have made the front page either).
  23. The six phases of a big project: Unbounded enthusiasm, Total disillusionment, Panic, hysteria and overtime, Frantic search for the guilty, Punishment of the innocent, and Reward for the uninvolved. I'd say we are in about stage 4 right now, yes?
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