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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. Using a Bonanza to practice going in and out of Lukla, very near the summit of Mt Keverest: I wanted to create a challenging field. Getting out is hard, let alone getting in -- at a density altitude at which the single Juno is putting out only half its sea-level rating. There's a very short "runway" (actually a taxiway) here for true STOL and helos to use as an aiming point. The natural dirt strip (510m), with a steep run-up at the end, has been preserved, as it is flat enough, albeit,sloping. This place has everything! Topped off with a short walk to the highest point on Kerbin.
  2. Airport: Gilligans Island (GIL) Download: Gilligan Is.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Gilligan Is.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 5.94N Long: 62.80W Elev: 604m Description: The large island 115km ENE of KSC. Who hasn't been there?! Notes: Great run for testing performance of new aircraft. I actually have a grass strip at the other end of the island and -- get this -- I run an occasional Vitesse express train service between the two extremities of the island.
  3. A work in progress: this is Kathmandu 62 14N 40 57E: I am planning a nearby high-elevation airport to be called Lukla that will present some unique aeronautical challenges along with commensurate mountaineering rewards.
  4. Anything for a plug! Now, @ZinkBot
  5. @chadgaskerman I don't think you're hosed. You have two options: download some of the ports here just to add some flavor and get some enjoyment from KK when you add newly-constructed ports to a vanilla world (save) in a lower version of KSP (e.g. 1.11.2 is fully functional for KK), you can copy the assets to your 1.12 GameData and they will appear/work in all your 1.12 saves. I think #2 would allow you (with some extra work) to get started on your own ports. Caerfinon's Starter Guide recommends saving your own statics outside of the GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances subdirectory. This is a good recommendation. I've extended that as follows: I work on one airport at a time. I believe KK will find and modify an existing port's statics wherever it finds them within GameData. It adds brand new statics into its own NewInstances subdirectory. when you are finished with an edit, simply move the contents of ./NewInstances/, if any, to your own airport's directory. I use the following structure: GameData/Hotel26/Airports/, with all airports stored separately in their own subdirectory. This allows any airport directory to be zipped up and distributed independently. It also facilitates source control by preventing admixing within any one file of statics from varying ports. I deliberately keep all this outside of KK's own hierarchy because KK is a third-party distributable and can get updated. Hope this is of some use to you now.
  6. Wait a minute! When you say "planes", is that some kind of code for... "cranes"? ['p' = 'c'; 'l' = 'r'?]
  7. Airport: Kraken Eyrie (EYR) Download: Kraken Eyrie.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Kraken Eyrie.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 0.16S Long: 79.84W Elev: 4726m Description: secret listening post, 55km W of KSC. Notes: challenging, high-altitude with short, unfinished runway. Updated: 2021-07-11: added tracking station atop the summit
  8. Airport: Kykuit (KYT) Download: Kykuit.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Kykuit.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 2.42N Long: 72.79W Elev: 294m Description: serves a small township 30km NE of KSC. Notes: has helipad for executive heli-commuters Airport: Rembrandt (REM) Download: Rembrandt.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Rembrandt.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 3.20S Long: 77.64W Elev: 16m Description: fishing village with large enclave of artists. Notes: 45km SW of KSC.
  9. Oh, take a look at Caerfinon's guide, Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs, because I think there is some sequence in order to make the other buttons appear. (Update: sorry, Caerfinon, I did a 'ninja' on this post, coz I think I was barking up the wrong tree, originally.)
  10. MechJeb does this and much, much more. If you watch it work carefully, it is also a good teacher. Welcome to the forum!
  11. Celebrating my very first aerial combat kill!
  12. Airport: St Moritz (SMZ) Download: St Moritz.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/St Moritz.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 15.88S Long: 72.18E Elev: 4910m Description: Alpine ski resort served by HVN Regional. Notes: Short, high-elevation runway will test your aircraft and your skill! Enjoy the snow and ensure you apply a good UV blocker.
  13. Airport: Heavenly Valley (HVN) Download: Heavenly.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Heavenly.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 18.82S Long: 70.16E Elev: 656m Description: Tourist resort area and connector to St Moritz alpine ski field. Notes: This is a very basic port and no reason for other constructors to not build and post better versions in same or nearby locations (but do mark your post if you know your airport location will clash with that of anyone's earlier post.) No reason also for constructors not to collaborate as this can be very fun! (Provisional entry: I would be very glad to receive feedback from testers about the ease and method of installation.)
  14. How To Maintain Your Airports Independently as Self-Contained Assets (Posting your airport as a self-contained download permits down-loaders to choose only what they wish to introduce.) Caerfinon's Starter Guide recommends saving your own statics outside of the GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances subdirectory. This is a good recommendation. I've extended that as follows: work on one airport at a time. KK should find and modify an existing port's statics wherever it finds them within GameData. KK adds brand new statics into its own NewInstances subdirectory. when finished with an edit, simply move the contents of ./NewInstances/, if any, into your own subdirectory for that airport. An example structure: GameData/Hotel26[1]/Airports/<airport-name>/, with all airports stored separately in their own subdirectory. This allows any airport directory to be zipped up and distributed independently. It also facilitates source control by preventing admixing within any one file of statics from varying ports. Keep all this outside of KK's own hierarchy because KK is a third-party distributable and can get updated. If you've already collected a library of your own ports, separating them from each other might be quite a big job as you will likely have to pull apart a number of files, based on the 'Group =' key within assets. I would suggest breaking this task up such that you simply just tackle one airport as a time, as you wish to post each. [1] use your own name/choice that doesn't clash with any known mod Airport Index (updated periodically): BOM 2.54N / 74.81W Bombing Range CAP 0.54N / 42.03W Capetown END 8.51S / 83.20W Lands End GIL 5.94N / 62.80W Gilligans Island HVN 18.82S / 70.16E Heavenly Valley LUK 61.63N / 46.24E Lukla KAT 62.18N / 40.91E Kathmandu KYT 2.42N / 72.79W Kykuit NRT 47.57S / 127.85W Narita OLD 0.76S / 168.17E Old Smokey REM 3.20S / 77.64W Rembrandt SMZ 15.88S / 72.18E St Moritz TBK 0.13N / 107.38W Tobruk Suggested "celestial body" prefix, if you desire to prefix a fourth letter: S Kerbol K Kerbin M Mun N Minmus H Moho E Eve D Duna R Dres J Jool L Laythe V Vall T Tylo P Pol B Bop O Eeloo
  15. Kerbal Konstructs Airport Exchange This topic is opened to allow Airport Constructors (you?) to exchange Kerbal Konstructs airport creations and/or ideas. You require at least one or two mods to participate effectively: Kerbal Konstructs which is licensed under The MIT License. optionally/most desirably Kerbinside Revisited which is licensed under Creative Commons: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In addition, this guide, Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs, is invaluable. The term "airports" includes "spaceports" and their locations are NOT limited to Kerbin. Like & use Kerbal Konstructs but dislike "fiddling" with it?? This topic is still for You! Instant download of exciting new airports from this smorgasbord...! (Just think: somebody else has already done all the work for you!) No airport to post but questions, comments, tips, suggestions (not gripes): Welcome to this topic! (No doubt eager constructors would welcome suggestions for new locations at which to provide airport services!) Suggested Guidelines for Posting: Everyone is welcome to post here, particularly beginners (like me!) seeking encouragement/constructive advice. airports should be a self-contained set of config files in one (airport) directory containing no elements from other KK "groups". (No 'packages'; see next post.) good form to mark your post if its lat/lon is going to clash with a pre-existing airport. photos are helpful to potential down-loaders! these are only guidelines: use your good judgement. Suggestions welcome! Everyone else is welcome to post airports to this topic or start topics of their own (here in Spacecraft Exchange) dedicated solely to their own creations. Upon request, I will be happy to create an index here in this OP, linking to such topics. Credits, of course, to the creators/maintainers of the mods mentioned above, Kerbal Konstructs and Kerbinside Remastered; and to @Caerfinonand @James Kermanfor their invaluable assistance. Have fun!
  16. A stock version is very appealing! (About to test.) Boojum started as a JV-6 'Vito' experiment but I think we should take advantage of it, as defense contracts usually do, getting out-of-control. I think the unarmed 'Vito' Boojum as a trainer, in "pulse hover" operations, and the stock Boojum with Sidewinders might make a nice pair. (At this point, somebody has to express appreciation to @Snarkfor all the fun with Vito: hat tip, bud.)
  17. Sidewinder test (Coney Island responds to recent Doodlebug aggression with a warning shot): Then tests a Boojum loaded with twin Sidewinders... (I've found a way now to deal with how annoying I find 'trees' in these later versions of KSP.)
  18. This is Boojum: (I know: what a strange name) It has rather surprised me because its range looks like 1,500+ km on only 150 kals of JET-A and it's fast/maneuverable. Its ventral surface harbors 10x JV-6 'Vito' thrusters for vertical landings... It is, in fact, technically, a carrier hover-jet looking for a mission (Hello, @chadgaskerman). I'm thinking about adding some armament for target practice... (I know it's wrong...) Pterosoar under development... "no known peaceful uses".
  19. Might be a good thing to have it all (all agencies) out in the open for review by the world's people? Freedom For Information.
  20. I have encountered the same and wish to use this No experience specialization override to turn off the need for the "Repair Skill". I don't see anything appropriate in the Advanced Game Difficulty settings except for Kerbal Level Up Immediately, which is greyed out (Sandbox). So, two questions: How to override Skills (good for all) In Sandbox, what controls Kerbals Level Up Immediately being available or is it only relevant to Science/Contract? can you preload a kerbal's inventory in the VAB? If the need for Repair Skill (and Kits, preferably) can't be overridden, what must a Kerbal do to get it? (I have, for the time being, worked around this (and one of the Kerbal not being able to climb more than two steps up the ladder) by directly editing the .sfs file.)
  21. Elly Kerman, latest in a long, long line of Illustrious Chief Test Pilot appointments at Truman Craftyard, demonstrates the 20-21 model of the new, updated Rodeo Sports... Rodeo is supremely navigable under chute or without. Spot landings: a breeze... Chute is a drogue until you dip under 100m AGL. Just barrel on in, guys. Elly's leading the charge!
  22. My esteemed colleague, @swjr-swis, spent some time reverse-engineering my latest creation, Bee, with which I had encountered some obstructed hatch problems. Test-flying his results. And I must say... what a delight! So, for your entertainment: This, is how I want to go to work every day!!
  23. A standard Kerbal day in the SPH. Tell the guys to build this: which was shaping up very nicely... particularly the VERT-LAND feature. And come back next morning to see this: Guys. What's your problem!??" "Hatch obstructed, boss". Sheesh. It's called Bee. I liked my first Nissen Break-Apart plane so much (for depositing a Mk-3 cabin at remote sites) that I had to do a sequel: Nissen XL. It transports an Mk-3 cabin, with storage for 5,000 kals of fuel, plus full communications with a relay antenna to operate a Probe Control Point. Oh, yeah. And a run-about for the base. Not a bad Kerbal day, anyway.
  24. (from Geonovast's signature) My own method: drag an image into your Imgur 'Images' page. Click the image after it has uploaded. On the right-hand sidebar, click Copy on the Direct Link. Paste the link now on your clipboard directly into your Forum post-under-construction. Same link works for KerbalX. Looking forward to seeing your ships!
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