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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. OK, I thought: why not? Let's put a KISS space station into polar orbit. (I already have KISS #1, 45 deg inclination (forestry mapping); KISS #2, easterly equatorial; KISS #3, westerly(!) equatorial; so why not have KISS #4, polar?) The base model KISS space station comes with no science equipment other than the 3x Labs and an Observatory, so my engineers had to beef up the inventory slightly. In the shots below we see the cargo supply ship, Wasuremono, delivering a couple of pieces of survey equipment, as required by the micro-challenge. Full list of Kit: Asterisk space station hub Observatory module (with RA-2) Cupola/Lab module (with Mystery Goo thing) 2x Lab/Hab modules 2x Intellitanks 2x solar panel booms, comprised of 16x Gigantor solar panel arrays 8x docks ranging across all sizes total resource capacity: 1,160 MP; 13,400 LF; 13,200 OX; 8,650 EC hab for 15 kerbals M700 Survey Scanner M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner Inclination is 90.00980 and the orbit is 121.5 x 127.1 km. 7-9 launches were required, including the good ship Wasuremono. I hope that's a badge! And, Thank You, @adsii1970, for the challenge. "Space is Fun". My final task will be to compute the odds of any two KISS space stations colliding during the next ten years[1]... [1] which is how much longer I expect to be playing KSP
  2. I saw you post that to KerbalX and thought: "hello hello, what's all this, then: new entrant to the Asymmetrical Aircraft Challenge??"
  3. Thank you indeed for doing this, Caerfinon! I appreciate the assistance. I'll see what I can do to rectify Kykuit and also consider the utility of making bases visible on the map. (I guess it would be easier for downloaders to turn this feature off rather than on.)
  4. Airport: Tobruk (TBK) Download: Tobruk to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Tobruk.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 0.13N Long: 107.38W Elev: 351m Description: An equatorial air-sea rescue base servicing returning orbiters falling short of the KSC. Notes: North-south runway If you're wondering whether I ever build airports further from KSC and/or off the equator...? Yes, I do. (I have so far only published about a third of my stock of airports. So stay tuned!) Nor have I limited myself to Kerbin! I have two spaceports for the Mun (including one at my long-time favorite equatorial munar site), plus one on a very high (equatorial) flat-top mountain located on... ... well, let's just say that one is called "Mauve Mountain".
  5. Should be "GameData" and that should already exist too. There will be Squad directories in there plus other mods; plus, if you've installed KerbalKonstructs & KerbinSide, those will already be in GameData, too. The rest of what you've written sounds fine. You're putting the individual folders for each airport into your conext\Airports, so that's correct. If the above is indeed your problem, you should be able to just drag your conext folder from Game Data into GameData. Good luck and please do let me know if this works, because so far, I've been the only poster to Airport Exchange and you would be the First Downloader to my knowledge!
  6. I'll start with Hearty Congratulations to @SpacePixel for his publication of SX-11-7 Cassandra. Well done, SpacePixel!! Meanwhile, I continue fiddling with Airports. This time, something controversial[1] in the works... I wanted to tune my favorite location to own taste. Baikerbanur. This is very preliminary but it shows the direction I am preferring. It has not, by any means, 'gelled', so let's call it a work in progress.. I knew this was going to be a tough assignment. Since these shots were snapped, a lv-2 crawler-way has been installed between the VAB and launch-pad. [1] I blitzed the KerbinSide original to perform this 'minimalist' make-over, which I find more in harmony with the tranquil beauty of the location.
  7. Oh no; not again! I tell you I think Lemdas Kerman is the unluckiest Kerbal alive (on & off). There's your jinx! This is Lemdas Kerman, Mathematical Physicist and eminent B.A.S.E. jumper, just moments before he slipped and slid to his death, R.I.P. Now I've seen everything: a hippo flying. That is a beautiful sight, Caerfinon!
  8. Ice Station Zebra: Narita Airport (48/128 SW):
  9. Airport: Bombing Range[archaic] (BOM) Download: Bombing Range to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Bombing Range.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 2.54N Long: 74.81W Elev: 510m Description: Official name is Grassy 'Drome, but it used to be used as a bombing range, conveniently situated 28km N of KSC. Notes: Please do not approach this area carrying armaments! The locals have already filed numerous lawsuits against Kerbal Space Command! This "'drome" [ rhymes with 'drone'] deserves some additional comment. If not actually the cleverest airport KSC has designed (even though it's not at all clever), it's certainly a pretty interesting abuse of Kerbal Konstructs, yes?! It's quite a challenge simply to find it!! Naturally, with aerial bombing still ongoing (purely by accident), the wartime instinct for camouflage continues to this day. The first image above (taken by a low-orbiting satellite) depicts the aerial view (our surveillance experts believe they may have identified an Invader jeep down in the lower RH corner of the field). Airport dimensions are "classified". A local newspaper shot (second above) shows there is just one building at Grassy 'Drome (caption: "please stop bombing us, please!"). Two other corners are marked by a radio tower and a water tower. The fourth corner is completely incognito, so use good judgement when landing! And the very best of British to you, attempting that... ("We've changed all the street names, you know!!")
  10. Reading this (enchanted), I had been hoping for a happier ending: "So, two loving hearts had married and bliss ensued". Oh well.
  11. A fuel truck, JET-A. Reversing its claw under a plane to dock is fun. But I wish I had never done it: Robotic Roulette still scares me to death! And a new "Lego" airport, Salisbury. I've been switching parts around for a day or so, now... This one is about as big as I ever want to build.
  12. (Thanks for the KSP Visual Calculator "plug". That's a really well-crafted site!) I play in Sandbox (with Tracking Level III). 228Gm seems like an enormous requirement! Is that legit...? Is a single RA-100 going to be enough? I'm looking specifically at the Kerbin polar station and the Minmus station. I see Commnet lists RA-100 under Tier III as "158.11Gm" -- meanwhile KSP Visual Calculator with an RA-100 just comes into range with Kerbin at 15.8 Gm. (I know these things are combinatorial but... why off-by-10x?) I think for these micro-challenges, given each challenge specifies the orbit, the minimum comms equipment list would be the simplest specification? (It did cross my mind first that you are talking transmission rates... but that's huge, too.) @adsii1970 over... xcchhhkk
  13. Sunday Morning comix... Ridfren goes on a mapping expedition in the nearby Western Mountain Range. [click + arrows = slide show] Sometimes, on a westerly departure, you want a nice flat climb to build to supersonic speed:
  14. Took my new Pegasus 8 for a long-range spin to see what it could do: 466 m/s @ 8km and, though it has the range for the other side of the planet, I found I had to throttle down to 425 m/s to manage heat. (Who knows, though; it *might* have been OK?? ) Pegasus 8 is another in my series of Break-A-Part planes -- at the destination, it disassembles (dynamite) to leave a 10,000 kallon JET-A tank, plus a Pushback service vehicle to aid ground refueling. (Should I mention also that Peg 8 is another in my series of Pegasus transporters?)
  15. A robotic arm with a Claw Jr (similar to Krew 5) gets the most reliable grip on any size aircraft but leaves you with the push back problem to get clear. Pushback "solves" that problem. But, frankly, I think I've solved this problem (less than completely satisfactorily) so many times over, I prefer a mod for this.
  16. Initial indications are: Kazam works, straight out of the box... @Geonovast, right on the money. UPDATE: one thing I didn't like about Kazam (and haven't tried to work-around), is that I can't hear the game audio at all while it is recording. So I went back to simplescreenrecorder and applied the Easy fix listed in this, which is to execute these two command lines, one before recording and one after: before: pactl load-module module-loopback after: pactl unload-module module-loopback It does mean you hear your own voice echoed as you record...
  17. Or did. (Now I feel jilted.) I believe OBS has self-updated without notice and without permission. So now it claims my "video drivers" are out of date. Cheeky, if true. I restored my system to an earlier time and OBS worked for a few minutes while I tested it. I set up the video shoot again -- back on strike: video drivers out of date. Tried simplescreenrecorder: no game mike even though it's configured by default. (I read the article on how to solve this (pulseaudio?) problem and immediately called a prevention hotline...) I am truthfully starting to believe that "computing" has moved beyond the capability of the human mind and/or future generations will have no incentive to learn this shinola. Maybe that's a good thing?
  18. Stinger was a joint collaboration between swjr-swis and myself that began with my Hornet. As usual, swjr-swis executed the final instalment and the Stinger you're flying is completely his hand-writing. I'm really glad you like it. It is a real handful to fly!
  19. "Love the way you think." I have a base called Capetown just there and for just that reason. And have also experimented with Wheesleys: Spearhead 2 If you post your craft, I would be keen to give it a whirl!
  20. Airport: Lands End (END) Download: Lands End.zip to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Lands End.zip and unzip. Body: Kerbin Lat: 8.51S Long: 83.20W Elev: 55m Description: A pleasant jaunt 125km SW down the coast from KSC Notes: Features ocean views at each of the runway! Great Sunday lunch.
  21. And the winning entry would be... Nice job, @swjr-swis, going Mk-1 on this one!
  22. What a classic jet!!? I'd be thrilled if anyone can identify this one (author/title)! It's beautiful -- that's for sure. M1.74 @ 7km
  23. Can we get this (LImpet): into this (Victor IV) with a double-length Mk2 cargo bay?: Yes, we can!!:
  24. Two ships become one. Resources (including kerbals) may be exchanged. (I have my "difficulty level" set at: Fun & Imagination.)
  25. Fascinating direction. There's a simple mod in here somewhere bursting to get out (as a last or simple resort). Pity i don't recall any of the three of us being keen on gratuitous mods, but it might make a lovely experiment. A mod like that could also add the "missing tweakables", principally the things that can only be toggled but not set to a particular state.
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