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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. Kathory Kerman couldn't resist taking this snap. This is the first contact with the surface of Duna in the 4 years I have been playing this world (save). A Sentimental Moment. Survived a huge crash "gouging down" when the kerb-chute did not open (forgot to dial the Min Pressure down) but Kathory survived and is now trudging toward the hollow ahead to plant a flag on a suitably-flat site for bringing down some heavy mining equipment. (Sadly, the Ladybug personal jet-tank being ridden was completely & utterly vaporized.)
  2. Your title uses the term "wikia". If you're referring to Kerbal folklore alone, see all of the above ^... But in case you're not referring to 'folklore' in particular... then, to rule out the obvious. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com No doubt, you're aware of it. (But just in case.) Welcome to the forum, also!
  3. When one has 'played' KSP for any length of time, the Kerbin equatorial belt becomes very, very familiar. A little while ago, I set a KAC alarm to go off every 2 days, referring to my KISS space station, which is in a 45-degree incline. Generally I dismiss the alarm, especially if busy. But occasionally I do switch to the Kerbal International Space Station[1], and enjoy a strangely fresh, unfamiliar view of wherever it happens to be. It's quite fun to try to deduce the location (without reference to the KER lon/lat display) -- and therefore a good way to become a little more familiar with Mother Kerbin. It does also often suggest places to go explore... [1] 1 of 2 KISS space stations in operation: the other one is in a 180-degree incline (i.e. westerly direction) and provides a fascinating (albeit short-lived) view as it flashes by opposing traffic at a 4km/sec closing rate.
  4. I have to admit that this was a lucky target run, getting this 'base' placed so fortuitously on the very edge of the tarmac. (I'd been aiming to get it slightly further onto the green behind my camera position. On the tarmac, is much better, however. It provides accommodation on the airport for 17 kerbals plus 2500 kallons of LF in that Mk3 tank, for refueling itinerant aircraft. The base was transported (from KSC here to Netherania) by the newest member of my Break-Apart series: Toby the Tank Engine OK, shameless plug... By all rights, Toby should not fly at all. Get it to altitude, though, and: 1222 m/s @ 18.3 km
  5. Haven't made an airport in a while. I have had a site marked out at "Netherania" for some time. Finally decided to plant it and this one came together in a rush... It's called Netherania because it's approximately at the exact other side of Kerbin from the KSC. Which makes it particularly important for test flights for new aircraft under development.
  6. A pleasant morning spent with the URF [Underwater Research Facility], a concept vehicle. [click + arrows = slideshow] 33 krew + 3000LF / 200 OX; undercover parking at each end for submersibles; plus a 30 min parking zone on the conning tower. Kerbals are able to 'swim' to and from parked vehicles, without zooming for the surface as long as they remain under the "verandah" or closed bay doors.
  7. Those look like Kickbacks and -- "the magic to go to space today" -- a pair of Hammers...(?)
  8. My new submersible base, Verne, undergoing trials. Here, a duo-kerb Limpet has docked underneath the bridge... Figuring out ballast limits and performing some pseudo-physics stress testing is underway at present.
  9. To stay stock, I'd suggest 1) using a claw instead of trying to match docks. This will give you more latitude. Also, if you're ambitious, 2) "top docking". If your miner has a Papa dock ("Senior" size) on its upper side, you can aim to land the transfer ship (also with an under side Papa dock) directly on top of your miner. Especially if your transfer ship has responsive enough RCS, with some practice, you should be able to accomplish this. If you find it very hard, you can start by landing as near as possible to the target and then return into a hover and maneuver carefully to the target.
  10. I have a "soft spot" for tail-draggers and you've made a very attractive airplane -- although Goliaths are always a massive challenge to deal with! Thank you for your inspiration.
  11. I took the liberty of building a (stretched) copy ("SplashBoom"): It does 571m/s @ 10.7km although I am still combating heat/dissipation. It lifts off by itself in the 40s and it is able to land/depart water, which is a really nice feature. Current radiator configuration drops performance to 556m/s @ 11km, so I think I'm going to have to shoot for a higher cruise altitude. OK, so 558.6 m/s @ 11.6km appears to be sustainable. (If it makes it to Baikerbanur... currently, all heat gauges constant. )
  12. Wonderful. Me too, which is probably why I don't know anything about KSP joystick support. Only a palliative, but if you have to use a keyboard, I heartily recommend Atmospheric Autopilot as it makes routine keyboard flying much more enjoyable. (I always take-off and land with it disengaged, though.) It offers some remarkable opportunities in the area of cruise climb control.
  13. Great information! This will be a joystick controller binding issue and there is a setup page on it -- but I am very unfamiliar with this area. Someone more expert than I will now chime in very shortly and assist you... Bon chance!
  14. any evidence (i.e. on different craft) that the joystick ever functions in a stick-forward direction? also, if you switch to keyboard, will this craft operate normally?
  15. Not a lot to go on. You've made a mistake in the SPH, though; that much is almost certainly true. All right, all right! Let's be constructive. (To get a more detailed answer, you'll need to supply some more detail about the problem. ) what kind of tail fin is it? where is it placed? is it vertically-orientated, horizontally or other? (screenshots are worth 1,000 posts.) does it move at all (e.g. take-off)? what are the tweak settings? (screenshot = nice) Authority Limit, Deployment Limit and all the checkbox settings for Pitch, Yaw, Roll...? is it Deployed or not at the time? are you actually using a physical joystick for control input? (rather than e.g. keyboard)
  16. Yeah, but in 1.11.2, when you bind a key to the single (ordinary) Harvest option shown, it fails at run-time because it's bound to the ordinary harvest and not the asteroid harvest. (In the ModuleResourceHarvester, this action is "ToggleResourceConverterAction".) I'm presently looking for a spelling for a CFE modification to fix this post hoc. If I find it, I'll report it here.
  17. OK, thinking about this... I think I may have seen the drills were running, the ore tanks were full and the asteroid mass was still dropping. But I probably still had the refiner running with available capacity for LF/OX. Which means some ore was still being consumed but instantly replaced. And this whole pipeline would have halted once the LF/OX tanks were full. And the whisky...
  18. The keywords being, 'more scientifically'. I am happy (and sorely embarrassed) to report that this is NOT a problem as of 1.11.2. We'll have to put this down to "too much whisky" being enjoyed in the cockpit. I tried this a) watching it fill up the tanks and stop consuming asteroid mass and b) letting it run, note the asteroid mass and then return to the Space Center, warp 6 hours forward and then return and notice that consumption had halted (while not being watched) with only a slight extra depletion (as expected). As a happy KSP user, I wish now to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Squad for fixing this bug so fast! It seems like only the other day that I reported it! Nice going, Squad. (Which just goes to prove that Squad thought this was a bug, too.)
  19. 1.11.2 This is easy for me to go recheck. (As someone suggested maybe it's just the real-time display and if you come back later, the asteroid isn't really getting depleted; not in 1.11.2). I do remember coming back to asteroids days/months/years later, a long while ago in much earlier versions and finding my whole asteroid was just about gone -- that's why I have this deep impression about it. Stay tuned. I'll try this more scientifically and report back here.
  20. If you leave drills running on an asteroid to supply ore to a long-running refinery operation to fill fuel tanks... ...and the drills are outpacing the refiner... ...you may find your asteroid has shrunk a lot in a disgracefully wasteful fashion. I think it's operating as intended but is a "bug" in gameplay. Fixing it wouldn't break anything either. As is, one must keep coming back to tend the operation by switching on the drills long enough to fill the tanks and then shut them down again. Conceptually, expensive/sophisticated mining equipment should automatically suspend/resume operation when there is no available tank capacity to store the product, like e.g. fuel cells do. Please vote! (Squad: please fix it!)
  21. this ^ (That raises an interesting inquiry regarding the two: in both, you are planning and building things in order to accomplish grand objectives. Fighting can be largely avoided, if one has a pacific nature.)
  22. (Hey, also, welcome to the forum. "Live long and post!")
  23. Found a possible use for asteroids finally... Real estate development:
  24. I grounded my Minmus Dandelion fleet when a new pod arrived with an SSM (Surface Scanner Module) upgrade. So I needed to land a Nerfjet to pick up the 9 crew...
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