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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. It'll come off as "debris" and in the Settings you have a Debris limit. I doubt Triop would do such a thing as set Debris to Zero but it's exactly the kind of prank that Wernher likes to pull. The other possibility with any airdrop is that if you fly out of physics range (you already know this) while the debris is still "airborne", it will get wiped. (Gene, this time.) And, yeah, I don't blame you not using Acme exactly, as it's butt-ugly, I admit. [Am I allowed to say that?!] And overkill for refueling just a rover. UPDATE: temptingly, I've just noticed that the Acme is likely retrievable by the right kind of transport craft. It would simply drive over the device and then sit on its VERT claw to re-attach it to the underbelly.
  2. This one is for you, @Triop: the Acme Drop Tank: It features: 535 kallons of LF 165 OX 2 chutes for the paradrop a HORZ claw for docking thirsty rovers a VERT claw for distressed aircraft of any size to 'kneel' on via retraction of the nose-wheel All-up weight is 4.5t and may be more aerodynamic flown with the HORZ claw open. I stacked an FL-T100 under the VERT claw to a) fill the gap under the claw and b) provide a stable base for the tank resting on the ground so that it doesn't roll over; however, the VERT claw may need to be clipped downward somewhat to provide adequate clearance for very small aircraft (which have the option also of trying the HORZ claw). I put an EVA seat on it to provide a very cheap probe control (i.e. a Kerbal) to open the claws, but that will probably eventually work out to be a nuisance for refueling probes. And if your stranded vehicle is totally out of fuel and unable to maneuver to the Acme drop tank, then the Chrysalis device is the next best bet. Pictured in operation:
  3. Salamander Craftyard NerfJet 2019 Super Paxjet Description 1: vert thrust/dir¨2: horz thrust/dir¨3:Dart¨4:Puff reversers¨5:bay doors/fuel cell¨6:dock/ladder¨Executive lunar conference jet. An Executive lunar conference jet, named Salamander, built entirely with KSP 1.3.1 stock parts: a lunar personnel-carrier for 12 VIPs plus 2 crew. To lift-off and fly away: Engage Vert mode [AG1] and select SFC Radial Out; apply thrust to clear the surface Turn to heading; touch ‘F’ to select SAS Hold; engage Horz mode [AG2]; raise the nose to climb attitude hitting ‘F’ to Hold the attitude Deselect Vert mode [AG1] but then hit AG2 twice to re-establish full Horz mode Go full throttle Sub-orbital is the most efficient way to get around but this craft is loaded with oxidizer for the vertical thrusters to allow low-altitude (a couple of km for ground clearance) scenic cruise. De-orbiting to land can use retrograde horz thrust (including the Dart) to get low. Then re-establish level flight and/or hover. A stock spacejet called Salamander (formerly XP Luna Luxury Liner). Built with 45 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
  4. The first diagnostic question I'd ask is whether 1) you're not able to reliably touch down lightly (KSC runway, straight and level), or whether 2) your airplanes fall to bits even when you do? (From the way you've worded the above, I'd say it's the first...?) If it's 1, I'd assure you it's possible (if your craft is sufficiently maneuverable) and "practice makes perfect". Get lined up far enough out and at the right altitude... Or is it 2...? (You may need some tips about making your craft more rugged.) How do you do with the pre-built, stock aircraft?
  5. I've been just lazily kicking the tires on KSP 1.6.0... A mission to Moho: from left to right: Goblin (mining base/lander), Beep (2x 3-relay constellations), Mule (course/arrival) and Escort (recyclable transfer booster). MX1 Mun station (Krux) with Sparrow (tug), Goblin lander/miner and a NerfJet for personnel. No major quibbles with KSP 1.6.0. A worthy successor to the venerable 1.3.1! Thank you, Squad. And thank you, modders.
  6. "Not enough wing to stay in the [very thin] atmosphere...", methinks... I've never built a centrifugal habitat and I admired the look of the Lone Star... (Nicely done!) I have a question about the Twin Star, tho... about which axis does it rotate? I looooove your imaginative naming. (It had to be said...)
  7. Valkyrie Hobgoblin Craftyard Pandora Description 1:engines 2:drop 3:chute 4:ladder A stock aircraft called Valkyrie Hobgoblin. Built with 99 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard. A supersonic transporter to airdrop a heavy-duty mining rover at any location on Kerbin. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
  8. Hobgoblin Craftyard Goblin Description 5:drill 6:mine 7:gen A stock rover called Hobgoblin. Built with 37 of the finest parts, its root part is fuelTank2-2. This is Gimlet upgraded from 2 drills to 4. Use Valkyrie Hobgoblin for airdrop delivery... Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
  9. There is an 'opportunity cost' here. I play Sandbox religiously. I have just detected that KSP 1.6 has effectively changed the default Advanced Setting, "All SAS modes on all probes", to OFF. I am not amused. (Because my investment has failed.) This is just pure Fetch-Quest to me, and completely deadening for creativity. Compare the beauty, simplicity and elegance of Go with chess: in the latter, professionals spend two decades learning the "play book" for the opening gambit. It's all nailed down. Decades of rote learning (all now obsolete to machine learning). The more onerous rules you lay on a domain, the more you constrain the degrees of freedom within the system... KSP is probably renowned for how creative its community has been. (Ask the authors how much they've been surprised by the kind of exploits KSP's users have made of it -- unexpected purposes to which it has been put. E.g. submarines... None of it, 'realistic'! But, O, so surprisingly and deliciously creative...) Fetch Quest. Cargo Cult. "Make it look like NASA and it will fly." Otherwise, no. Fooey.
  10. Really like the "Silk Road" concept! I wonder what Bon Voyage would make of the bridge, too? You've also got me thinking about ferries for vehicles to drive onto. (Bridge is more efficient, though.)
  11. It's an excellent question. For me, KSP is not a puzzle game: "solve all the puzzles and you are done". (I actually detest puzzles because they're hard work and because they're what I do at work.) KSP for me is about exploration and colonization. My objective is to set up a plausible system-wide transportation network. So that Kerbal 'K' can travel from 'A' to 'Z'. It could take years (or the rest of my life). Obviously, there is no 'reset' here. Thank you for the suggestion re 1.6! I've been kicking its tires. The only squawk I have so far is that "flags disappear". I've just had my second disappear. It's not fatal but I think this is the re-presentation of an old bug and that's irritating. (If it happens again, I'll remove WorldStabilizer...) But 1.6 does look like a good release. (I haven't tested mining yet.)
  12. What a journey!? I appreciate the extensive and well-written answers already submitted within this topic. However, I still had recurring difficulties. I think I am now able to delineate the specific problem I was experiencing. In the context of splicing two assemblies, a retrograde-facing dock may be used on one of those assemblies. Taken from the toolbox, it must be inverted to do this. I always use 'S' twice to do this, but that unfortunately is a 180-degree rotation around the transverse (pitch) axis. This is the problem when this component is used as the attachment point because it defines the frame of reference for the assembly being attached. Pitch leaves the pitch axis invariant but it moves the all-important vertical axis by 180 degrees, thus inverting "up". Joining two assemblies at respective parts that have different senses of up creates one winner and one loser. If both assemblies have control points, these parts have to be mated with identical frames of reference. I corrected this experimentally by then performing 'Q' twice to roll the vertical axis back to where it should be in the VAB. Obviously though, instead using 'A' twice (rotate 180-degree around the vertical axis) leaves the vertical axis of the frame of reference untouched. You can perform an experiment in the VAB to see this. Take a RC-L01 RGU and perform the following separately: space, 'S', 'S' space, 'A', 'A' You will observe, from the top view of the RGU, that the orientation of the integrated circuits is 180 degrees different. And in the VAB, it is in this plane that the sense of "up" lies! In my assembly, (Spunk and Superhawk), at the splice point, I notably have a Clampotron Sr, an AE-FF2 fairing and a heat shield[*], all of which were mounted in the retrograde direction and had been inverted by me prior to assembly. The bottom line is to use 'A' twice to invert a part, not 'S' (unless you really have something unusual in mind). * confusion on my part about heat shields and which face is prograde; it should not have been inverted One feature I'd really appreciate having in the SPH/VAB is to be able to select a potential control point part (e.g. Okto2) for staging with an action of 'Control From Here'. When A and B are spliced, one uses Reroot to select which vehicle will control and thereby inherit control after separation, Unfortunately, when returning to the other vehicle, it's control point has been, by default, set to the nearest part to the former attachment point that can take (or define) control. If this is a rear-facing part, like a fairing, there is low utility. I hacked around this in this Spunk Superhawk combination by inserting a redundant, prograde-facing dock
  13. All or nothing; boots and all: if they were meant to be fully enjoyed, armed, then I'd publish them all that way. The price of admission will be to install the mod. You might as well cater to your select audience rather than being bland for everyone. My 2c (with an exchange rate of 0.67c USD)...
  14. Same as Curveball Anders except that my production world has around 300 flights in it, so it gets into swap territory sooner. It's definitely the scene changes that tick up memory. I keep a system monitor open to know when to restart KSP before swap time, though. I only have 10 or so mods. I don't install mods gratuitously, but keep them very limited. Nothing is free[*]. I've truly been thinking about more memory. This motherboard is maxed at 8GB, so it's gonna have to be a new build, probably going up to DDR4, as well. I'm not quite ready to spend those bucks, though. [*] My laptop has 32GB, though. It became company surplus when it reached 5 years of age so, when I left that company recently, it was given to me. (OK, well that was "free", or "good will", anyway..)
  15. It's not as if there isn't a rich, vibrant, talented, prolific, knowledgeable community already out there making e.g. video tutorials (a certain Scots brogue comes to mind)... ...this very friendly, helpful forum for online advice... etc etc
  16. All good, thank you. This also made Bon Voyage, NavyFish (DPAI) and WorldStabilizer appear.
  17. I'm downloading a version from Spacedock that is likely stale: { "NAME": "Haystack ReContinued", "URL": "http://ksp.spacetux.net/avc/HaystackContinued", "DOWNLOAD": "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/HaystackContinued/releases", "GITHUB": { "USERNAME": "linuxgurugamer", "REPOSITORY": "HaystackContinued" }, "VERSION": { "MAJOR": 0, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 4, "BUILD": 4 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MAX": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 5, "PATCH": 99 } } because I just don't know where to get this mod. It's not in CKAN (for Linux), so I'm lost.
  18. OK, I'll rebuild KSP 1.6 from scratch and re-install. Be advised, I am running on Linux... I'll let you know shortly.
  19. Yeah, the context of this discussion is KSP 1.6 (not 1.5) and, to the best of my understanding, Haystack is not advertised ready for 1.6, yet. (Correct? And I downloaded Haystack 1.5.1+ and KSP 1.6 wouldn't start with it, expectedly.) And that's OK, too; I'm not in a mad rush to upgrade.
  20. Good to go except for this one. I have 300 flights in progress... (I had kicked the tires on 1.5 and it was a non-starter simply due to craft slip-sliding all over the runway (as reported also by Brikoleur...))
  21. Atmosphere Autopilot * Better Burn Time Bon Voyage Craft Manager Draggable Navball Haystack Continued * Kerbal Alarm Clock * Kerbal Engineer Redux * NavBallDockingAlignment Telemagic WorldStabilizer (Marked * are essential.) I'm a very simple guy.
  22. OK! I just took it for a spin... So far so good, except I feel naked without my small number of must-have mods. I've also just turned off the AutoUpdateBehavior in Steam (not fun). Good suggestion to kick the tires on 1.6 because if it can do the job, it will save me an interim upgrade!
  23. I want to thank everyone who has responded to this topic (so far) and/or used the poll. I'm glad I posted this because the numbers show that a majority of players do not abandon their progress in order to upgrade. This is the point where we insert the obligatory "KSP is a rich pursuit admitting all kinds of modes of operation" and "people are very diverse in their objectives and taste" and therefore we can state that "there is no right or wrong way to approach KSP". It's good for people to compare notes, though, and I've found this exercise valuable. Here's a summary of some of the reasons people might start a new 'world' [save] with a new version of KSP: KSP is addictive and new features are attractive: this is understandably hard to defer natural human optimism doesn't dwell on the unknown risks and soon suppresses previously-experienced pain even when a pattern forms mods take quite a while to update after KSP and this often prevents current 'worlds' that depend on a core set of mods from immediately upgrading many players may operate directly from Steam and, if this doesn't actually pre-emptively upgrade KSP (auto-upgrade can be turned off, though), it may mean that these players don't have the tools to run different versions of KSP side-by-side. Therefore, trying the new KSP version may be an all-or-nothing venture for some. Software is complex and KSP is no exception. Relying on any software (these days) to upgrade 100% smoothly is a Quest for a Grail that may be just not a pay-off for time/effort expended. Breaking changes might, in the worst case, "maroon" hold-out players on old versions such that they may never catch up and thus become.isolated from the community. Frequent upgrade may suit players who run short, highly-specific missions. I do get this and thank you everyone for participating in this fact-finding mission. In other news, I have branched my 1.3.1 Orbit world and am now running it in parallel in KSP 1.4.5. (The last mod I needed for 1.4.5) dropped into place a few days ago.) I'll keep a log and try new things from a checklist by simply copying the 1.3 save over to KSP 1.4 and performing the operation there. 1.3 will remain my 'master' version until I am satisfied that everything I rely on (e.g. mining) works well with my current equipment; then I'll mothball the 1.3 Orbit and declare myself upgraded! As a result, I got to fly my new Esprit out to Woomerang and saw that site live for the first time! I want to try the personal parachutes next. I'm very excited. Cheers.
  24. I don''t have anything directly bearing on OP's particular issue, but I did recently design and test Ivan: for lifting loads heavier than I've done before. The test load (460t) is top center and the design specifically seeks to corral it (with real struts) between the triangular outer stack of the lifter. In addition, auto-struts are somewhat a black art. The rule of thumb I've used (with airplanes, too) is "Heaviest strut for the central core and grandfather for the peripherals." Where the Kraken is concerned: "experiment, experiment, experiment with the formula..." and, yeah... it has nothing to do with aerodynamics[*]. (or physics) [*] for example: pumping fuel in a space station causes it to explode... just approaching a space station with another craft CAUSES the space station to spontaneously explode!
  25. Pegasus 3 Craftyard Ursa Aquarius Description: 1:engines 2:reversers 3:flaps 4:chute 5:ladder A stock tanker called Pegasus 3. Built with 26 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3Cockpit.Shuttle. My original rescue Pegasus saw two further developments, increasing total fuel carrying capacity, culminating in this, the Pegasus 3. Pegasus 3 is capable of constituting a pop-up airport in which it can act as mother ship on the ground to refuel other craft at e.g. a rescue operation base camp. LF: 7,185 OX:7315 MP 1,100 Cruise: 240m/s @ 10km (520 m/s when lightly loaded). Pegasus 3 has a nose dock to allow ground transfer of replenishment fuel from one Peg to another. Recommended for use in conjunction with a Chrysalis or Vodka Daiquiri… Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1.
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