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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Hotel26
I don't know about imgur "album" but I can tell you what works. Load shots as individual images; not as an album. Then, for each image, click the image to select it and then click the BBCode on the imgur page to get a link to paste into your forum post. *That* will work... This *might* work for an album, as long as links for each image separately are copied-and-pasted using the BBCode.
"The Ambassador from The Ionosphere Nation, His Excellency Jebediah Kerman, prepares to depart after concluding successful (and largely peaceful*) negotiations to annex Kerbin" * regrettably, a vodka or two was splashed into an opposing face on occasion to cool down discussions which, at times, did became heated (particularly when the subject of soccer was ill-advisedly raised). [Clearly, I don't have enough to do. My Sprint is winding down. But I am happy to have my own flag!]
What a ball!! [Very, very good! As in, "I had a ball!", a very good time...]
I think you're on the money. That guy, Sullenberger, gave everyone a demo in an A320 on the Hudson. Watching that, my impression was that the tricky bit is what angle to hold the nose up for the optimum impact. Too low and I think the low-slung engines will slam the cockpit down into the water and risk breaking the airframe. Too high and the gentle landing of the tail will still pitch the front down harder than desirable. He got the sweet spot.
Funny thought popped into my head on final to R27 at KSC... "Why not put this in the drink instead?" I suppose this was my Kerbal brain thinking. [And you know how hard it is for Kerbals to resist impulses...] So, you know, of course I did it. So, I am about to waddle ashore, like the first, prehistoric, prototypical salamander -- and I've thought about lakes as natural airfields before today -- but this is now suggesting a new research topic. A seaplane is an airplane that can "land" on a lake -- and take off again. That would be pretty important for a rescue mission, 1,000 km out to sea. But what if we're landing a heavy, laden with equipment? A lake (if that's where we're going to build a base) offers a potentially long and definitely flat and predictable airfield. Obviously, the aircraft has to be able to fly slow enough... And obviously, the pilot has to be pretty damn good... [checks manicure] Then the aircraft waddles out of the water, delivers its load, and generally then needs a much shorter take-off roll (on land) to depart. Q.E.D.?
Not using PS4 so take the following with a grain of salt. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT DELETE ANY FILES AND START AGAIN! I am guessing you have a corrupted file. And it would be the last thing you did... It's a little suspicious that none of the games appear but this is also what KSP does when a single craft file in a VAB or SPH is corrupted: it won't load any of them. Your flight-state is in the quicksave.sfs in each Game. In addition, KSP makes backups into a Persistent*.sfs. If I were in your position, I would take the quicksave.sfs with the latest date and rename it safely (to something like 'quicksave.sfs.0') and then copy the latest persistent*.sfs into 'quicksave.sfs' and then see if KSP will start. I realize you are working on PS4 which may have very few tools to do this work. The term then would be "s.o.l"... Good luck.
OK, OK, a number of you have already phoned in and said you don't grok the Matrix lingo. (Don't worry, you will be dreaming in it soon enough!) Here's a screenshot of Ladybug: Notes: Octo and friends are buried inside the tank AG8: Hover Mode: Octo2 Control From Here AG9: Flight Mode: Command Seat: Control From Here Brakes: Twitch: Toggle Engine (works in conjunction with the throttle setting) (the photo is stale) current version has the solar panel placed in the middle of the top of the tank Based on a design by @Brikoleur, his Flea
I, Hotel26, have just published the Kraft add-on [link]... ... it produces short-hand blueprints for your craft, e.g.: Enjoy!
The following add-on is now available from Google Drive via this link: Kraft. Kraft is another very hokey tool from Hotel26. It must be run in a command terminal (Windows, Linux or Mac) See the README for full details. Briefly, you run Kraft in a command terminal as so: java -jar <path>/GameData/Kraft/Kraft. It produces a short-hand blueprint of your selected craft file, e.g.: must be located as ./GameData/Kraft/Kraft. Enter abbrev for craft: lady Reading /home/kmk/env/games/KSP/ 1 0 probeCoreOcto2_4294668150 2 1 solarPanels5_4294752592 3 1 batteryBankMini_4294660876 4 3 sasModule_4294653348 5 4 fuelTank4-2_4294607858 6 5 SurfaceScanner_4294627598 7 5 smallRadialEngine_4294599778 8 5 smallRadialEngine_4294538614 9 5 SurfAntenna_4294705612 10 5 seatExternalCmd_4294534850 (You can see the beautiful simplicity and elegance of this fine craft. You'd have to build it and fly it to discover how much fun it is, though!) Kraft is useful for guiding major refactoring efforts (some times, you just have to rebuild your machine over from scratch!), but, when run with the --diffs command-line option to suppress the part node/parent IDs, it is also useful to check what revisions have been made to a version of a craft. (Two Kraft reports, one for each version, can then be diffed.) It also diagnosed a problem for me in a craft file in which the Reroot tool had embedded a cycle in the part tree causing KSP to refuse to load *any* of my craft in the same directory! A future version of Kraft may conceivably report more useful information such as Action Group assignments, fuel loads, etc. I, Hotel26, am open to suggestions for enhancements. NB: Kraft reads your craft files but modifies nothing. Nor does it "phone home" with your brilliant craft designs (that wouldn't be ethical). Ideas/suggestions/requests/bugs/gripes here to this topic or to Hotel26 via PM... LICENSE: free, free, free. Enjoy. That is all.
My Sprint 3 (a 3-day sprint) started Friday 1700 local. I built a better version of Lepidoptera [super-secret, so can say no more], checked off the item, and then took a boring one: "set up a Library world and move the stuff I don't routinely use there", which includes recently-downloaded items. Course I had to fly a couple of them first, before mothballing them... So, I took this for a ride [link]: 50 degree climb with the 2x RAPIERs SCREAMING for LOX. So OK, we took it back and, this time, REALLY filled its tanks. Straight to orbit like a homing pigeon!! The best part was coming down. I set the Pe for my usual return altitude knowing it wasn't going to be deep enough for this slippery eel and concerned about having fuel in the tank sufficient to taxi the length of a 2.5 km runway (like KSC)... What most impressed me was the complete authority in the cockpit over attitude with absolutely no bad behavior from the aircraft. Rather gingerly, I explored the envelope, but was soon making confident S-turns and burning off the excess speed, still way too high over the mountains due west of KSC. No loss of control at any point. Landed dead stick. This airplane loves flying so much, it refuses to roost -- even with the fuel gauges pegged on Empty... Taxied in and just had to head straight to the fuel bowser to [use Telemagic to] refuel and go again. UPDATE: The only way to fly from A-to-B in this machine is to go sub-orbital!! You point and lob. Then glide down. I left KSC and had Baibakenur in sight at MET 5:39 elapsed. This trip normally takes 19-20 minutes.
Very good fun and, in the case of a Pelican design, with no load it bounds back to altitude! Heard it mentioned recently as 2.5 km. I've never violated it. (And Pelican, unloaded, is delightfully maneuverable.) Then, if you can get it inside a cargo bay, you should.
Sounds like you have a Plan A and B already. So, when the window arrives, fall back to B if things are mal-aligned? Also, with a good deal [more] of patience [than I have], it'd be possible to be flexible about the exact spin in which to leave? And compare this orbit to the next in the projections? [I speak from the 'peanut gallery'... ]
Gossamer Albatross; no, Anisoptera...
Hotel26 replied to Hotel26's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Behold (@Brikoleur), the new Gossamer Lepidoptera under development... In terms of passenger comfort, Lepidoptera will be to lunar excursions what Concorde was to Trans-Atlantic travel. Coming soon. -
I did it for you then [the like]. I had wanted to reply and say, "if you get done early, how about a submarine, too!?", but I'm trying to stay out of trouble...
I've had my head down, staying out of trouble. Great, and thank you, sir. You're going to open a window on a Third View on the Mun, a way you've never seen it before. I've perfected the art of pushing heavy equipment (e.g. Gimlet, my drill pig and Vodka, my new fuel truck) off the back of a Pterodactyl at about 3km over the target field. [I'd show some pics of Pterodactyl circling on a wingtip, shepherding a load to the ground but for copyright issues... ] I did a real trial by delivering one of each to Lake Tahoe[*], one of my favorite places on Kerbin. I dug up a program I wrote a couple of years ago and translated it to Java. I'm gonna call it Kraft and I will publish it shortly. I have already used it to rescue a craft file broken by excessive over-use of the Reroot Tool. If you speak Matrix, then you'll be able to comprehend an example attachment of its output. Think of it as a blueprint tool. Can be used also to compare revisions of the same craft to determine what has changed. * 20S 70E, roughly speaking probeCoreOcto2_4293891022 batteryBank_4290959796 ServiceBay.125_4290960102 batteryBank_4292971504 Mark2Cockpit_4290959706 noseConeAdapter_4290959612 CanardController_4290959490 standardNoseCone_4290959576 CanardController_4290959540 telescopicLadderBay_4290959440 adapterSize2-Size1_4290960380 adapterMk3-Size2_4290962504 wingStrake_4290960510 mumech.MJ2.AR202_4290960442 dockingPortLarge_4290962540 dockingPortLarge_4290962576 fuelTank3-2_4290957910 parachuteRadial_4293738666 structuralPanel1_4290957284 wheelMed_4290957262 solarPanels5_4290956880 batteryBankLarge_4290956656 RCSTank1-2_4293931898 seatExternalCmd_4293923056 GrapplingDevice_4294749896 solarPanels5_4290956684 solarPanels5_4290956740 solarPanels5_4290956796 solarPanels5_4290956852 parachuteRadial_4293740464 parachuteRadial_4290956984 solarPanels5_4290956712 solarPanels5_4290956768 solarPanels5_4290956824 parachuteRadial_4290956932 structuralPanel1_4290957734 wheelMed_4290957712 structuralPanel1_4290957434 wheelMed_4290957412 structuralPanel1_4290957884 wheelMed_4290957862 structuralPanel1_4290957134 wheelMed_4290957112 structuralPanel1_4290957584 wheelMed_4290957562 wingConnector_4290962472 mk2FuselageLongLFO_4290962006 adapterSize2-Mk2_4290961674 structuralWing2_4290961642 airlinerCtrlSrf_4290961608 adapterLargeSmallTri_4292349924 RAPIER_4290958778 RAPIER_4290958638 RAPIER_4290958918 structuralWing_4290961574 StandardCtrlSrf_4290961540 mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4290961908 advSasModule_4290961874 shockConeIntake_4290961846 solarPanels5_4290961702 airbrake1_4290961972 sweptWing2_4290961804 structuralWing2_4290961770 airlinerCtrlSrf_4290961736 wingConnector_4290962438 structuralWing_4290962404 structuralWing_4290962370 GearMedium_4290962336 sweptWing2_4290962074 sweptWing2_4290962040 wingConnector_4290961508 mk2FuselageLongLFO_4290961008 mk2SpacePlaneAdapter_4290960910 advSasModule_4290960876 shockConeIntake_4290960848 adapterSize2-Mk2_4290960676 structuralWing2_4290960644 airlinerCtrlSrf_4290960610 structuralWing_4290960576 StandardCtrlSrf_4290960542 adapterLargeSmallTri_4292349192 RAPIER_4292347442 RAPIER_4292347986 RAPIER_4292348606 sweptWing2_4290960806 structuralWing2_4290960772 airlinerCtrlSrf_4290960738 solarPanels5_4290960704 airbrake1_4290960974 sweptWing2_4290961076 sweptWing2_4290961042 wingConnector_4290961474 GearMedium_4290961372 structuralWing_4290961440 structuralWing_4290961406 airlinerCtrlSrf_4290961110 wingStrake_4290960476 GearSmall_4290960348
Bravo! (You are more Kerbane than some of us!!) No doubt, Pelican deserves the Admin center spot. There're a few good, big fields West of KSC, too. For lesser craft, parking them out there means that at least you fly over them on approach (where the momentary rate hit will just be interpreted as turbulence/wind shear.) (As usual, though, I like your idea better. )
Really liked the "double reverse" fairing idea... neat.
Hear, hear! I know that some people relish the realism. I doubt they'd really enjoy working at NASA or JPL, though. Too much realism; too much tedium. Not enough scope!, when you are a single cog in an organization. KSP is a much smaller set of rules but with a rich enough problem/solution domain for creativity, innovation and triumph. When I leave the "realism" of my day job, this kind of unfettered 'play' is what I want to come home to!! And it's realistic enough to still be recognizable as an achievement and provide a great deal of euphoric satisfaction. 2c
So, here it is, the Third and Final(?) Challenge in the Gossamer Albatross Academy. Lift-off from Xen Pylo A and fly to the Xen Space Center, located at 0N 99E, and land and park within 500m of the flag. You will cover 137 degrees of arc around the equator of the Mun. The challenges will be manifold: mainly trajectory planning, fuel management and departure timing. Good luck with this. If you are able to complete all three challenges successfully, you may call yourself that rarest of breeds of space pilot: the Albatross captain. --- As a graduate of the Academy, successfully completing each and every challenge described herein, I would ask you to write a quick trip report or summary of your experience and post it here. (Alternatively, if somehow, unbelievably, you failed to master this occasionally treacherous but always deliciously exciting craft, feel welcome also to outline the details of your hardship here, as we can all learn.)
I *heart* Concorde... Would love to see some closer-up pictures of Konkorde, from different angles and, preferably, at slower speeds, and maybe one from quarter front on the landing flare... Actually, on take-off climb-out just before gear retract would be easier for you (without losing the plane!) and look just as nice. Thanks for the pics so far...
I'll start by saying that I took, not one, but two joyrides in @Brikoleur's Pelican 2 last night. On the second ride, I just had to do a barrel roll during the circularization burn. Great stuff, that Pelican. Afterward, a few drinks in a bar a few blocks from KSC and I overheard a conversation in the next booth intimating that, as of 2019, Kerbal Space Command will be tightening the eligibility rules for promotion to Star Fleet Kommander: only pilots who have checked out in the new Gossamer Albatross will be considered. Well, what do you know??! But the main project of this current 24-hour cycle has been a top-secret mission. I can maybe divulge a single screenshot discreetly and let you figure out what you need to know is coming REAL SOON... "Jumping The Moon"
It worked for me anyway. The major trick is to upgrade all your mods first to 1.3.1-compatible versions or do without them. Frankly, I waited until my puny number of mods were all available before I bothered to try the upgrade.
Ensure that all crew have vacated the ship and have some place to go for shelter. This Point Is Very Important: ensure that all crew have vacated the ship. (OK, I already said that.) Then go to the Tracking Station. Terminate the vessel. R-click the Terminate option and select the check box With Extreme Prejudice (i.e. mega-explosions, and also applies a strong bacterial fumigant/personal deodorant) and set the self-destruct timer to 10 seconds. Ah yes, check the Sound Klaxon box as well in case anyone is still in the dunny and didn't get the SMS. That's what I do, anyway. [Seriously, that's how those '60s "cowboys" got us into all this trouble with "space junk"...]
Interstage fairing jettison?
Hotel26 replied to Hotel26's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Outstanding! I'm playing with this in a testbed, but it was never gonna work without your simple insight on this... magnificent. CONFIRMED For posterity: -
I'm not famous for my skills in the VAB/SPH... But possibly the answer to the question I now pose is: "not possible". My major stages are: lifter airplane (Wheelsey jet engine) truck (AGU Klaw) I thought I would try to use interstage fairings to hide all the draggy bits for once. The problem is how to decouple cleanly. A couple of photos show the problem: I've tried the fairings at either ends and I've also tried combinations with the coupler directions. In general, I want to connect AaBbC where a and b need fairings but are the tails of A and B respectively and need to be completely exposed after separation from the previous stage. Suggestions?