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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. He has already commented, and said he has too many young viewers.
  2. Welcome! Agreed. I'll be okay with whatever happens to WBG, but I think it's been interesting.
  3. Neat! Very clever build, I love things like that, so simple, but they look so much not like KSP.
  4. I didn't ragepost about it, but I thought it seemed to unlikely that the capsule would just "Pop off," like when a joint fails on KSP. Maybe only some of it survived? Or it was heavily damaged, but not completely destroyed. *Eats crow*
  5. 9/10 Clean, good company, but background isn't #FAFAFA or alpha.
  6. I see your point, but I think the way to let it die is to just let it fade. Some people may stay with rep hidden, but I think most people will give up. I suppose that I could stop maintaining it, but I don't think that makes sense.
  7. Those with superiority complexes may garner a negative image in those around them, as they are not concerned with the opinions of others about themselves. This is responsible for the paradox in which those with an inferiority complex are the ones who present themselves in the best light possible; while those with a superiority complex may not attempt to make themselves look good.
  8. That is, 1,100 rep points. I turned off do not show rep mode for a second to check.
  9. Four light green bars! - - - Updated - - - In other words, my reputation rivals jeb's!
  10. 6/10 Goddard challenge isn't linked, nice quote.
  11. So, now that you've put this horrible image in my brain, could you please remove it?
  12. Three things: You can only rep 10 (?) times every 24 hours. I think it might be against the rules. And I wouldn't want to get over 5,000 points of rep for nothing, it kind of wrecks the point of rep.
  13. MOAR STRUTS!! Or, at the very least, install one of those mod which adds larger struts.
  14. Hey, could you do this Y-Wing? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129173-AMRSD-Star-wars-Y-Wing-WAY-to-many-greebles-639-parts Your renders are awesome!
  15. I went for something unusual this time, what do you think?
  16. Nice work! I love how it looks with the planes. That hood shape is just amazing!
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